Thursday, July 1, 2010

Millage to be set tonight

Tonight at 6pm, the City Commission will set the millage for 2010 – 2011 and boy, are we lucky.

The Unions have denied that we have a financial crisis and have been telling their members that all is fine. Due to these extreme circumstances and with property values dropping like a rock, this millage may be the final, who knows?

According to the Agenda, the millage will be set at a tentative rate right under the roll-back rate to
6.4215 mills
3.5785 for County Fire/Rescue
10 mills, the maximum allowed under Florida State Law.
.3951 for obligation bond

Tonight they will vote on a millage of 6.8166 which is operating millage and debt service. The first public hearing will be on September 15th at City Hall beginning at 6pm.

Here we are, a City with its own Utility, and we have to set the millage at max.

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