I don't blame you Joe, enough is enough!
Am I the only one who thinks this is a little nuts? First of all, most neighborhood associations have trouble even getting people to attend their meetings under general circumstances. Then comes campaign time and they all have to get into the act. What is the point?…outdo the other neighborhood associations I guess. Do they really think they are bringing something new and stimulating to the table? Associations will say that this is for their residents' convenience. Perhaps.
Here we have eight forums scheduled and N.O.W. will have one on Oct 13 at Compass in conflict with the Christian Colalition's...two groups, one anti-abortion and the other with a different view. Who cares? We are electing people to maybe lead us out of this HELL OF A HOLE we have dug. It has nothing to do with abortion and reproductive rights.
My other gripe is that we see candidates starting to do crime walks and show up at neighborhood association meetings trying to blend in like they are always there or show up at commission meetings getting their faces known...a move maybe worth one or two votes. Occasionally one or two might speak on something but it is rare. They are so afraid of saying something for which they might have to be accountable.
Here we have eight forums scheduled and N.O.W. will have one on Oct 13 at Compass in conflict with the Christian Colalition's...two groups, one anti-abortion and the other with a different view. Who cares? We are electing people to maybe lead us out of this HELL OF A HOLE we have dug. It has nothing to do with abortion and reproductive rights.
My other gripe is that we see candidates starting to do crime walks and show up at neighborhood association meetings trying to blend in like they are always there or show up at commission meetings getting their faces known...a move maybe worth one or two votes. Occasionally one or two might speak on something but it is rare. They are so afraid of saying something for which they might have to be accountable.
Our city is 6 square miles. If someone can’t get to the two main forums, then heaven help them.
The Lake Worth Democratic Club Forum and the NA Council at the Lake Worth Playhouse are sufficient. Candidates go through grill after grill with the Realtors and other special interests and it is all so predictable. Why is our City in the shape it is in?
Two Forums is plenty for any of us to endure even for the candidates, unless, of course, they just want to polish up on their political "bull."
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