Monday, January 13, 2014

Farmer Girl Restaurant and the ADA

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Helen eating the world's best soup with
 owner Pete Roubekas standing by

"South Florida has become the runaway national leader in federal disabled-access lawsuits that some say are accomplishing little more than providing quick cash to attorneys." 

Read more... from the SunSentinel and our own Farmer Girl Restaurant that was subject to one of these questionable suits.


Anonymous said...

Thee slime bag attorneys are also going after the small motels on Federal. The ruse for these businesses has to do with no handicap lift for the
swimming pool. It is pay up or be sued. This is so wrong.

Anonymous said...

Could we find out the names of these dirt bag attorneys? Maybe call on our state representative's? Jeff Clemens- where are you , Jeff- areal problem has come up.

Anonymous said...

The ADA is designed so that public can bring law suits and get attorneys' fees to actually encourage public filings. If you want to complain, you need to contact your U.S. Reps and Senators as the ADA is a Federal law. State rep. can't do anything about it and the lawyers are not doing anything wrong.

Yes, it seems like extortion but depending on the age of the building and what renovations are made the owners have to bring it up to code.

Anonymous said...

Pete is a great person and has done everything to bring the so called violations upto date. This attorney and whoever is in co hoots with him are in the violation of the federal racateering Rico laws .would also think it would be in violation of the elder law. They don't care about handi capped people they just care about extortion. Pete helps everyone