Monday, November 25, 2024

Sunset 11-25-24

Coca-Cola with their crazy AI ad--Did ya'll see it?

Connor Boyak says, Coca-Cola isn’t getting everyone in the holiday spirit with their ads. Instead of applause for embracing innovation, Coca-Cola is facing backlash from people demanding they hire traditional animators instead.

For anyone with a vision of a bright and prosperous future, it’s evident that the answer to new or emerging technology is never to ban it or force companies to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Most schools are already banning AI tools, and many in the entertainment industry want companies to forgo AI in favor of traditional methods, regardless of the possibilities AI unlocks.

The right response to AI isn’t to run from it—it’s to learn how to use it. You agree, Dan Volker?

Good Night, Patriots!

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