Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Showtime soon to begin


Anonymous said...

She is one nasty piece of work!

Anonymous said...

As expected, all Harris could do is lie and all the "moderators" could do is back her up. We knew what was coming. Trump looked Presidential. Harris looked like an ugly Voodoo Doll with all of her facial contortions. Trump clearly won. As expected.

Lynn Anderson said...

I watched up to 10pm...couldn't stand the lies...One thing for sure, she is a skilled liar. But Democrats will believe the lies.

Forward thinker. said...

I didnt watch the debate, but of course our local news was showing her in a positive light. I wasn't exactly sure what the topic was, but how did Smella know he voted against it (?) 60 times? How did she have the fact of 60 times? Maybe she knew the question in advance????

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:23 am...what question was that? Nothing would surprise me about ABC

Anonymous said...

Not surprisingly, the losers can't accept losing. Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...

It was 3 against 1 ABC should be ashamed of themselves, such slaves for Satan! Pure evil at work by all three!