Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Shifty Schiff wants Intel to sabotage Intel briefings to Donald Trump

Shifty Adam Schiff, on national TV, advises Intelligence Committee to undermine Trump

U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said that former President Donald J. Trump will once again be undermined by the Intelligence Committee, an admission of the politicized nature of agencies that have gone rogue.

With Trump closing in on the official status of the Republican Party nominee after he curb-stomped establishment darling Nikki Haley on Super Tuesday, the Deep State will be digging in by sabotaging the intelligence briefings provided to him, according to the scheming former head of the House Intelligence Committee.

"We’ve never had a situation where one of the candidates for president has been so criminally negligent when it comes to handling – if not worse – when it comes to handling classified information,” the shifty congressman replied, with neither him or Meet the Press mentioning President Joe Biden’s own problematic handling of sensitive materials.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff and Republican Steve Garvey will advance to the general election in the hotly contested California Senate race. Let's hope Steve Garvey can give him a big run for his money. Don't want to be stuck with Shifty for 6 years. But, it's a blue state.

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