Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Iranian Spies in the State Department?

Iranian Spies Infiltrating Our
State Department?

Allegations of Iranian espionage have cast a shadow over the Biden administration, raising troubling questions about national security and the integrity of key figures within the government.

At the center of this storm is Robert Malley, a Washington insider with a controversial track record in Middle East policy.

Until his security clearance was revoked and he was placed on a paid, then an unpaid leave of absence pending an investigation which had been referred to the FBI, suggesting suspicion of criminal misconduct, he was the U.S. Special Envoy to Iran, tasked with bringing the United States and Iran into compliance with the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by President Donald Trump.

Malley's history includes being the chief architect of the ill-fated 2015 Iran nuclear deal during the Obama era. His return to the Biden administration as a special envoy to Iran to revive negotiations with Tehran has only fueled concerns. Critics view him as someone willing to engage with terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran, a perception that has left many deeply skeptical of his influence.

Recent revelations have added fuel to the fire, suggesting that Iranian spies may have infiltrated the Biden administration through Malley's office.

It has been uncovered that Malley hired individuals linked to an Iranian influence operation called the "Iran Experts Initiative", directed by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, operated through second-generation Iranians with connections to Western think tanks, academia, and media outlets, mirroring China's "Thousand Talents" program.

Read more about spies in State Department

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