Sunday, April 9, 2023

Fake Trump Supporter is exposed!

Fake Trump Supporter BUSTED!

Ok, so there is a lot to explain here. First of all, when President Trump “turned himself in” after being indicted for a slew of ridiculous charges, there was a protest outside. Now, follow along because this is going to get interesting…

First, watch this video on Twitter, because it is important to see first.

Click here

Ok, you now have seen the video--
You’ll notice a few things in the video. First, there are some liberals protesting and they have this giant flag that says, “Trump Lies All The Time”. Then you see some woman wearing a MAGA hat come up and walk on the flag and then start pulling on it. Then we see her start pulling on the flag.

But then, we see a couple of women start trying to stop her. Well, one of those women is a PROFESSIONAL RIOTER and RIOT TRAINER! This is what she does.

Read more about the fake BS

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