Monday, January 3, 2022

Democrats: A Bunch of White Collar Criminals

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Two More Democrats Facing Prison for Public Corruption

I know I mention it from time to time, but it still blows my mind how Democrats can't see that their party is nothing more than a bunch of white-collar criminals.

How many times have we seen politicians get themselves into trouble, get indicted, and sent to jail? And how many of them were Democrats? I would say nearly every one of them.

Some of the ones that come to mind right off of the bat are Rod Blagojevich , Anthony Weiner, Corrine Brown, and soon-to-be Andrew Cuomo after all is said and done.

Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


here's a list of all politicians, Republicans and Democrats, who have been convicted and gone to jail.

I mean, you just gotta google it if you really want to know.