Monday, April 12, 2021

Mayor Pete Admits he Exaggerated

Why mislead folks?’ Chis Wallace gets Buttigieg to admit he embellished Biden ‘infrastructure’ bill

"Fact-checking a Biden administration official in real time perhaps for once, Chris Wallace got Pete Buttigieg to admit that he substantially overestimated the number of jobs potentially created by the infrastructure bill known as the American Jobs Plan, should it pass Congress, as opposed to what the economy would organically generate/

Under questioning from the Fox News Channel host on Fox News Sunday, the politician and ex-Biden rival formerly known as Mayor Pete who is now the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, conceded that he was off by a lot.

Indeed, Buttigieg admitted, while dodging and weaving, that his claims lacked precision in that the actual number of jobs created is projected to be 2.7 million rather than 19 million over a ten-year period."[bizpacreview]


Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to think I ever thought this guy was an up and coming. He might have been good on the debate stage, but in real life, he's a Zero,

Anonymous said...

Dumpstercrats always lie.