Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Judiciary Committee moves to vote on Reparations bill

The Bill Congress Just Moved Forward Is Absolutely Insane!

On Friday, the House Judiciary Committee scheduled a vote for today on a bill that would give slavery reparation to African Americans. Yeah, that sounds like another unifying liberal move, right?

We all know that this idea has been floated around for a hot minute but for it to move forward is big news and it can only get worse for Americans if this were to happen. If the legislation is voted out of the committee, it will head to the House floor for the first full congressional vote on the measure since 1989.

"Today we still live with racial disparities in access to education, health care, housing, insurance, employment, and other social goods that are directly attributable to the damaging legacy of slavery and government-sponsored racial discrimination,” boasted Rep. Jerrold Nadler.

Read more at Washington Times

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