GOP Electors in Six States Cast Ballots for Trump!
Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania have all sent their GOP electors to Washington, D.C. to cast their ballot for Donald Trump for President and Mike Pence for Vice President.States with close contests between Republican President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden could produce competing slates of electors, one certified by the governor and the other by the legislature.
Please note that yesterday, the ballots were cast by individual electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia mirror their state’s popular vote and Biden won 306 votes to Trump’s 232 votes.
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all this voter fraud allowed Biden to win. It's a cruel joke on the American citizens.
Does this mean that Trump wins? I thought it was over. So Biden isn't the president-elect? WE HAVE 4 MORE YEARS OF TRUMP! WooHoooooooo!
As the polls closed on Nov.3rd, President Trump had won by a landslide
.Late and illegal ballots put Biden and his extensive faudsters ahead.
President Trump's first term brought America back from the economic malaise of Obama and Biden.
President Trump has been our greatest President and we look forward to his second term.
Thank you Laurence.
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