Friday, November 6, 2020

Trump, Win or Lose, GOP is heavily in the Game

Despite ‘racist’ charges, Trump did better with minorities than any GOP candidate in 60 years

"For four years now, Democrats and their media allies have tarred President Trump as a reprehensible white supremacist leading a dying party. The Trumpian, populist GOP, they claimed, was doomed to become a regional rump party, whose electoral prospects were tied to a shrinking share of bitter, downscale whites."

They say that Trump supporters will all die off soon and they hope that we do. How do I know that? They tell me, anonymously on this blog. Most of the time I don't post the comment. I have no time for socialists, communists, globalists and liberals wanting me to die.

Read why the GOP has a bright future


Anonymous said...

No blue wave as Democrats hoped for but they voted in socialism. Can't believe there are 70 million stupid people.

Lynn Anderson said...

Looks like 73 million plus people voted for Dementia Joe. Of course, they counted fraudulent ballots, right? What a complete mess this election was and Trump said this would happen with mail-in voting.
Democrats don't care about that, only the win.

Anonymous said...

Democrats allow the dead to vote

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work, Lynn

Anonymous said...

No other president has done so well with boaters before!!!!

Anonymous said...

We all just need to challenge anything and everything Pedo Joe and Cruella Harris say and do. Question everything. IF the dementia patient gets sworn in, I hope impeachment begins for his collusion with N Korea.