Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Lake Worth's Hurricane Information Web Site
The City of Lake Worth (Beach) has launched a new web site devoted to the Hurricane--
Click here for "Hurricane Resource."
Fake News still Clinging to Russian Conspiracy Theory
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Was One Of Many Reporters Who Blew The Russia Story
The liberal "news" media as well as the Democrat party in their quest to bring down our President, lied for two plus years and ran with a fake conspiracy.The current scandal against the mainstream media is Lawrence O’Donnell’s outright lie that Russian Oligarchs cosigned loans for Donald Trump Deutsche Bank. And Eric Trump says that he and his family will be suing both O’Donnell and MSNBC for slander.
Read about it...
Fake News Media,
Another "spy" in the WhiteHouse
or seeking her 15 minutes of fame...
Trump Admin Finds a Leaker to the Media — And She Was Very Close to the President.
Read about her...Ilhad Omar makes it obvious where her feelings lie
And it's not the sovereignty of the United States of America!
Rep. Omar Demands The UN Take Control Of US Borders
"If Minnesota Democrat and Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar has her way, the United States' borders will be little more than ignored lines on paper.She's already called for the end to the Department of Homeland Security, the agency meant to keep terrorists from crossing our border, and she has followed through by opposing funding for the agency.
But that's too passive for the critic of American sovereignty.
Now she's calling for the big guns to come in and take over our borders!" [WND]
Read about this un-American congresswoman
Friday, August 30, 2019
Views on China are Negative
U.S. views of China turn sharply negative amid trade tensions
Unfavorable opinions of China have reached a 14-year high in the United States, a new Pew Research Center report finds. Today, 60% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of China, up from 47% in 2018 and at the highest level since the Center began asking about China’s public image on its surveys. Americans are also more likely to see current bilateral economic relations as bad (53%) than good (41%). [Pew]Burn Bernie, Burn!
Ted Cruz Destroys Bernie, Dem Presidential Candidate, For Propping Up China
"Ted Cruz is on fire recently just dominating Dems on Twitter with facts. This time he went after Bernie Sanders who complimented china for eradicating its poverty problem. Cruz came down on the misplaced comment and burned Bernie in the process."Read about the Bern...
Hurricane Wilma - A Memory
October 22–25, 2005
Sue and Me after the Hurricane. We were without electricity for 12.5 days. Cold showers got to be the norm of the day.
This was a CAT 3 storm with winds of 120 mph and Gusts: 150 mph
Sue and Me after the Hurricane. We were without electricity for 12.5 days. Cold showers got to be the norm of the day.
This was a CAT 3 storm with winds of 120 mph and Gusts: 150 mph
He pointed a Gun at someone - Road Rage
George Ronald Vaught Jr., whose most recent address was in Lake Worth Beach,
is facing a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
PBSO Booking blotter has him living "at large" so he may be homeless...looks like a gang-banger.
He remained Thursday in the Palm Beach County Jail, where he is being held on $11,500 bail.
PBSO Booking blotter has him living "at large" so he may be homeless...looks like a gang-banger.
He remained Thursday in the Palm Beach County Jail, where he is being held on $11,500 bail.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Letter from a Lake Worthian who doesn't love our country
Following is a Letter to the Editor from a Lake Worthian who is another liberal who has fallen foot, line and sinker to the Democrat bullet points. It's a shame that so many liberals don't like our country and so many have abandoned God and many of them live right here in our city. Everyone has equal justice in America.
By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, every American promises to be true to the United States of America. What's so difficult about that? The freedom available will not be taken for granted and each American will remember the countless men, women and children who have given their lives through the centuries, so that they can live peacefully today.
As far as his statement on The Statute of Liberty, it is not actually inscribed on the Statue of Liberty but rather on a plaque. The only Statue of Liberty inscription can be found on the tablet in her left hand, which says JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776), the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence.
Our country has always encouraged legal immigration and people who want to come here and love America, assimilate, learn English, say the Pledge and abide by our laws. That's not asking too much to live in the greatest country on Earth.

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
August 29, 2019 2019
Pledge of Allegiance needs a rewrite
I am having a hard time reciting our Pledge of Allegiance because the words no longer relate to the America of 2019.
It would be a more relevant and honest pledge if we changed “One nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all...”
To: “One nation, totally divided by race, color and religion, insulting God, without liberty and justice for all...”
This would be consistent with the suggested changes to the wording on the Statue of Liberty, also intended to reflect our present country.
Harold Gittler, Lake Worth
By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, every American promises to be true to the United States of America. What's so difficult about that? The freedom available will not be taken for granted and each American will remember the countless men, women and children who have given their lives through the centuries, so that they can live peacefully today.
As far as his statement on The Statute of Liberty, it is not actually inscribed on the Statue of Liberty but rather on a plaque. The only Statue of Liberty inscription can be found on the tablet in her left hand, which says JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776), the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence.
Our country has always encouraged legal immigration and people who want to come here and love America, assimilate, learn English, say the Pledge and abide by our laws. That's not asking too much to live in the greatest country on Earth.

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
August 29, 2019 2019
Pledge of Allegiance needs a rewrite
I am having a hard time reciting our Pledge of Allegiance because the words no longer relate to the America of 2019.
It would be a more relevant and honest pledge if we changed “One nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all...”
To: “One nation, totally divided by race, color and religion, insulting God, without liberty and justice for all...”
This would be consistent with the suggested changes to the wording on the Statue of Liberty, also intended to reflect our present country.
Harold Gittler, Lake Worth
The Calm before the Storm at Lake Worth beach
The surf was smooth as glass this morning. Lifeguards have received no official notice as to when the beach will be closed due to Dorian.
UPDATE: now predicted to be a CAT 4 as of 11am today.
They say that Dorian will be a CAT 3 when it hits Florida
Category Sustained Winds
They say that Dorian will be a CAT 3 when it hits Florida
Category Sustained Winds
2 96-110 mph 83-95 kt 154-177 km/h
3 (major) 111-129 mph 96-112 kt 178-208 km/h
4 (major) 130-156 mph 113-136 kt 209-251 km/h
5 (major) 157 mph or higher 137 kt or higher 252 km/h or higher
NOAA has landfall nearer central FL on the coast and when it hits Florida, not close to Lake Worth.
NOAA has landfall nearer central FL on the coast and when it hits Florida, not close to Lake Worth.
Russians torturing a Syrian
Russians don't mess around--No Geneva Convention here as members of terrorist groups forfeit any entitlement to protection under the Geneva Conventions. But, Russia ignores the Geneva Convention anyway...think the invasion of Crimea--Read about it...
"In a leaked video from Syria, Russian soldiers can be seen torturing a Syrian man by beating him with a sledge hammer. At several points in the video they refer to the man as a member of ISIS, and they continually beat him. They have him surrounded on all sides, and at several points they outstretch his hands and feet and pummel them with a sledge hammer."
Graphic Footage Of Russians Torturing ISIS Militant With Sledge Hammer [WATCH]
Warning: This video contains extremely disturbing content that may be unsuitable to some viewers. Scenes of graphic violence are present in every single second of this video. Viewer discretion is advised.
Click here"In a leaked video from Syria, Russian soldiers can be seen torturing a Syrian man by beating him with a sledge hammer. At several points in the video they refer to the man as a member of ISIS, and they continually beat him. They have him surrounded on all sides, and at several points they outstretch his hands and feet and pummel them with a sledge hammer."
Rasmussen--Survey on criticizing news organizations
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters think reporters at major news organizations like CNN, Fox News and the New York Times are public figures who deserve the same level of scrutiny as the people they cover. Just 19% disagree, although just as many (20%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Just over half (51%) say it is appropriate for elected officials to criticize specific reporters and news organizations. Thirty-nine percent (39%), however, view such criticism as a threat to freedom of the press. This compares to 48% and 45% respectively in February 2017 after Trump began criticizing specific news organizations that were targeting him. Ten percent (10%) remain undecided."
It's just too bad that most of the media is left-wing liberal and many times twist the truth to suit their political agenda.
Fake News Media,
Fox News,
New York Times,
News Media,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tlaib blames murder of Israeli teenager on Israeli
Palestinian Terrorists Murder Israeli Teenager…Rashida Tlaib Blames the Jews
In June 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israel Defense Forces captured the Gaza Strip. In 2005, the crisis there originated with the terrorist Islamist political party, Hamas, an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.On 12 September 2005 the Israeli cabinet formally declared an end to Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip. Tlaib blames Israeli occupation of Gaza on the murder of this teenager. I'm surprised that she didn't blame this on President Trump. All violence is his fault, right? even in other pasts of the world.
Read about it...
As Stephen Ahle, writer for Steadfast & Loyal says, "Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar should be sent back to the West Bank and Somalia since they actually like those places better than America."
Lake Worth's Electric Utility Meeting
Ed Liberty, Electric Utility Director gave a presentation on how they are getting ready for the storm. Employees will be working on Saturday should there be any issues. Gearing up and watching it closely. The city is waiting before they shutter up. Reliability has gone up so far in 2019 and they are restoring outages quickly. State wide they are also doing better.
A. Comcast Pole Attachment & Settlement Agreement
After an audit and a recount of the number of attachments to our poles, it was discovered that Comcast was attached to 7,313 utility poles but only being charged for 4,267. The city never counted the number of attachments since 1998. Comcast will pay $109,367 for the Settlement. Also the cost of each attachment for 2019 is $12.50 per pole and $16.50 per pole for years 2020 through 2024.
B. Resolution 46-2019
Extends the deadline for existing Net Metering customers to comply with Resolution 21-2019 to submit the required documentation and signed interconnection agreements by August 30, 2019 as Moratorium will end on that date. Only 21 out of 91 net metering accounts has complied thus the date for compliance is extended to December 31, 2019.
C. Resolution 45-2019
Amended the rates, credits and billing for Net Metering Accounts. All the accounts in our city must pay for the service to deliver energy to the customer no matter if that owner has disconnected or is using solar. We have already committed to 10 megawatts of solar city-wide.
For all the nitty gritties, please refer to video.
Staff brought up FMEA So, I wanted to include where we stand state-wide on rate comparisons to FPL.
As the commission is always telling us that our rates are very close to FPL's, here are the facts from the latest report from FMEA of July 2019:
Lake Worth: 107.99
FPL: $104.66 including franchise fee
Lake Worth: 191.23
FPL: $157.68
City of Lake Worth,
Electric; Utility
President Trump Wins at G-7
Trump Scores Three Big Wins at G-7
According to Fox News--they’ve pulled off three big scores in Biarritz.Topping the list is Iran. Iran is a major worry for the G-7 this summer, overshadowing even Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.
The G-7’s second success was riding out the Russia debate. Trump again brought up the possibility of readmitting Russia, who was kicked after annexing Crimea in 2014.
There was Macron on Monday, calling out China’s intellectual property theft, trade dumping and currency manipulation. The solid front on China was the third big win in Biarritz. With China’s assault on rules and freedom and Russia’s aggression, the G-7 is needed more than ever.
Mad Maxine Waters gets a little Karma
"For someone who touts a wall-free society where illegal aliens can roam
free, Waters sure seems concerned about gates and walls to protect her
in the LA mansion. Perhaps she’s worried the wayward homeless or
DREAMers might pool hop or grille a Salisbury steak while she’s busy on
CNN railing about President Donald Trump or how she really cares about
financially-strapped Americans struggling to make ends meet." [III Percenter Nation]
This was filmed last year and the video was previously on this blog but I am replaying it as it needs to be shown. This small group of Hispanic and Black supporters of Omar Navarro ask Mad Max, "where have you been for 35 years?"
Also, highly qualified Joe Collins, someone I like a lot, is running against Maxine Waters in the 43rd District.
This was filmed last year and the video was previously on this blog but I am replaying it as it needs to be shown. This small group of Hispanic and Black supporters of Omar Navarro ask Mad Max, "where have you been for 35 years?"
Also, highly qualified Joe Collins, someone I like a lot, is running against Maxine Waters in the 43rd District.
Joe Collins,
Maxine Waters,
Omar Navarro,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Layoffs in Lake Worth (Beach) Utility
Layoffs loom as Lake Worth Beach struggles with electric utility issues
The above is the headline from the Palm Beach Post. As Commissioner Omari Hardy said, “It’s going to be a painful time for the city. The fact that we are even considering layoffs when the economy is ostensibly quite strong shows that, as a city, we are not where we need to be.”All we talk about is spending money such as a new aquatic center. Fix the pool that we have! Stop insisting that we have to be in parity with FPL. We have to run our electric utility to break-even and have cash for capital projects, etc. Commissioners don't want to take money from the utility and give to the General Fund but they continue to put our electric utility in a financial bind.
Read the Palm Beach Post article
We Know who is the Crazy one and it ain't Trump
This is the most outrageous crap I have heard to date---guaranteed it will just get worse as the campaign continues. CNN the Dump Trump network. Brain Stelter is as nutty as his guest.
This Nutjob CNN Guest Just Claimed Trump Responsible For More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, And Mao
China signaled on Monday it was now seeking a “calm” end to its ongoing trade war with the U.S
Democrats have always wanted to do something about China
But now that the President is actually doing something about it, all they can do is bitch.Economic “experts” have claimed tariffs would ruin our economy. They actually sided with China. Some predict a recession is about to occur, harming Trump’s booming economy. They didn’t count on what China just announced.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Joe Arpaio to run again
Joe Arpaio Announces Run for Seventh Term as Maricopa County Sheriff

~ Joe Arpaio
87 year old!! Joe Arpaio says he is running again for Sheriff of Maricopa county. Arpaio took an outspoken stance against illegal immigration, styling himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff."
The Costly Situation in Lake Worth (Beach)
The Lake Worth city manager has reminded us that Lake Worth has had decades of neglect that has placed us in the situation we find ourselves in today--falling farther and farther behind the 8 ball. Lake Worth has never maintained anything. When talking about our electric utility and a second tie-line to the statewide electrical grid, Michael Bornstein said it was undoing 30 to 40 years of neglect. Shocking. Beside our beach property, this is our most important and valuable asset.
They have installed new little palm trees in front of city hall but haven't swept the steps in months which gives a blighted appearance to our government building. If you neglect the little things, you will definitely overlook the big ones. And now Omari Hardy has suggested more than once, that we have a referendum to give the owner of Benny's a 99 year lease on our Pier property. This is what you do when you can't/won't maintain find a public/private partnership or another clever way to give up an asset.
Due to all the major and ungodly costly issues in the City of Lake Worth (Beach) such as roads (even a $40 million bond won't fix them all but around 1/3rd), pool, parking, rebuilding the public works building and another Tie-Line for our Electric Utility (how many millions would this cost?), I have to think that former city commissioner Bo Allen had a viable idea years ago--raze the entire city to the ground and start over.
They have installed new little palm trees in front of city hall but haven't swept the steps in months which gives a blighted appearance to our government building. If you neglect the little things, you will definitely overlook the big ones. And now Omari Hardy has suggested more than once, that we have a referendum to give the owner of Benny's a 99 year lease on our Pier property. This is what you do when you can't/won't maintain find a public/private partnership or another clever way to give up an asset.
Due to all the major and ungodly costly issues in the City of Lake Worth (Beach) such as roads (even a $40 million bond won't fix them all but around 1/3rd), pool, parking, rebuilding the public works building and another Tie-Line for our Electric Utility (how many millions would this cost?), I have to think that former city commissioner Bo Allen had a viable idea years ago--raze the entire city to the ground and start over.
Oh No, Not Again--Shooting in Lake Worth (Beach)
- Type:Shooting
- Date:08/17/2019 05:00 AM
- Case Number:19105067.0
Rasida blames Israel for Palestine Terrorists
Palestinian Terrorists Blow Up Israeli Teen, & Rashida Tlaib Has the Nerve to Blame ISRAEL
She believes that it’s Israel’s fault for somehow provoking them by not letting their country be overrun with an Islamism that wants to destroy it.Read about it...
Rashida Tlaib,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Angel Has Fallen
I saw this yesterday...excellent action film with oodles of intrigue. I was especially amused at the name of the president played by Morgan
Freeman. It also points out that you can't trust everyone in your administration or realm of friends...sort of like what president Trump has had to deal with.
The leads were all terrific: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman and Nick Nolte.
The leads were all terrific: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman and Nick Nolte.
Final Taxpayer Tab on Mueller Report
Here’s The UNGODLY Amount Of Taxpayer Money Mueller WASTED Just To Harass The President!
BREAKING: The final taxpayer tab for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s (dud) investigation:
according to latest Statement of Expenditures report released by his office— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 23, 2019, Investigative journalist.
Read about the Office of the Special Counsel
Spy Baron James Clapper, The Top Spook
This interview is originally from July 2018. It’s been republished in order to remind you, how long this B.S. has been going on and just how deep it may have gone.
Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence and resigned after Obama's term. He was mad that his security clearance was pulled by President Trump. If you recall, President Trump revoked Brennan's security clearance saying, "lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation’s most closely held secrets and facilities, the very aim of our adversaries, which is to sow division and chaos."
Mr. Brennan reported to Congress he had NO provable information all the while he later claimed he got the info about Trump and Russia from the American media platforms, the same platforms exploited to create the fake FISA warrants.
His book, Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, was published in 2018. You can buy it at Amazon for $15.87 or as low as $2.79 for used at Barnes and Noble. Clapper is now a commentator on the fake news station, MSNBC.
James Clapper Tells CNN It Was Obama Who Ordered Trump-Russia Hoax
Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence and resigned after Obama's term. He was mad that his security clearance was pulled by President Trump. If you recall, President Trump revoked Brennan's security clearance saying, "lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation’s most closely held secrets and facilities, the very aim of our adversaries, which is to sow division and chaos."
Mr. Brennan reported to Congress he had NO provable information all the while he later claimed he got the info about Trump and Russia from the American media platforms, the same platforms exploited to create the fake FISA warrants.
His book, Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, was published in 2018. You can buy it at Amazon for $15.87 or as low as $2.79 for used at Barnes and Noble. Clapper is now a commentator on the fake news station, MSNBC.
Fake News,
James Clapper,
John Brennan says it went to the Top
Documents Implicate Former CIA Director John Brennan for Targeting Trump Campaign Advisor George Papadopoulos
"Well, the latest bit of information that has come to light is that even the initial inquiry into Papadopoulos was actually a set up. He didn’t work with a foreign agent. He worked with an undercover asset for the CIA, and this set up was directly ordered by John Brennen, Obama’s CIA director. This one goes all the way to the top."Read about Brennan... the guy now an MSNBC commentator, who was a major player in the set-up of the phony Russian-Trump collusion.
Donald Trump,
John Brennan,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
David Koch
No sooner did he pass away from cancer, the Democrats and liberals started their terrible hateful comments towards David Koch. A libertarian, he got on their "hit list" originally for backing the Tea Party and liberals hated him ever since.
Read something nice about David Koch and forget about the left wing media and liberals with their crude and crappy comments
Billionaire David Koch Dies; How Leftists Respond Is Absolutely Appalling
During his lifetime, billionaire industrialist and philanthropist David Koch who also was a part-time Palm Beacher, pledged or contributed more than $1.295 billion to medical research, education, arts, and public policy. "With the vast wealth he left behind, his philanthropic legacy will likely continue and grow bigger. As of March 2019, he was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $50.5 billion, [Wikipedia]Read something nice about David Koch and forget about the left wing media and liberals with their crude and crappy comments
Gamer teen is arrested after threatening to shoot up his school
There's probably not a mother alive, or very few, that don't/won't defend their kids and would never believe that their children are capable of a mass shooting. I'm sure the Columbine boys' parents didn't think they were capable either or the parents of the Parkland young man.
Former Spook hired by CNN
CNN Hires Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the Anti-Trump Fed Accused of Leaking Information to the Media
It keeps getting more and more bizarre. The Trump administration continues to drain the swamp one step at a time and then the news media hires the rejects.Now CNN hires a known leaker and liar. They are going deeper and deeper into that black hole.
McCabe wants to sell his book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump,” a memoir critical of the administration in general and Sessions in particular. I'm sure CNN is salivating as they can continue to get juicy bits from McCabe to keep their hate alive and stay relevant, at least in their mind.
According to The Dailer Caller, "McCabe is the tenth ex-FBI, CIA or intelligence community official CNN has hired during the Trump administration, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis. MSNBC has followed closely behind, having hired five former officials, including former CIA Director John Brennan.
Confronting Hypocritical Leftist Politicians
Former Iraq Vet Asks Pro-Reparations 2020 Dems for Money, Gets Turned Down Every Single Time
Friday, August 23, 2019
Russia Meddling
Congressman: AG Barr Preparing to Execute Justice On Obama Era Criminal Activity
Democrats looking like a joke!
Attorney General,
Reports of screaming from Epstein’s cell
Former Epstein Cellmate Begs for Transfer, Claims Guards Threaten Him, Demand Silence
A former cellmate of the late Jeffrey Epstein now wants to transfer to a completely different prison after claiming veiled threats from guards and demands for silence are beginning to mount.“The clear message Mr. Tartaglione has received is that if he conveys information about the facility or about the recent suicide, there will be a price to pay,” Bruce Barket, Tartaglione’s attorney, wrote to a judge.
Kid kicks principal; threatens to kill everyone
Shocking Video of High Schooler Kicking Principal in Groin, Threatens To “Kill Everyone”
"Holder was jailed without bond on felony charges of terroristic threats and battery against school personnel, jail records show. He’s also charged with simple battery against a police officer, underage possession of alcohol and alcohol possession on public school grounds."
Death Threat,
Domestic Terrorism,
Domestic Violence,
Obamas launch first Netflix film
Obama Shows Off His Ignorance Of America’s Founding Documents
And the question for me is, why does this former president travel around the world bad-mouthing our country and President Trump? He should calm down from politics with some dignity and just concentrate on getting rich. You can do that in America.Read about it...
But on to another thought--He and Michelle, both who were not proud of America, launched Higher Ground Productions last spring in partnership with Netflix, "promising a company that would 'harness the power of storytelling' and touch on 'issues of race and class, democracy and civil rights, and much more.'" They just debuted their first documentary so let's hope that he gets his facts right while he is making millions.
As CNN said, "Trump's America is the unspoken focus of Obamas' first Netflix feature." No doubt there will be more of this type of theme with the election right around the corner next year. They will do their Democrat best to blast Trump and knock him for a loop.
At least I don't have to pay for it.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Latest Rasmussen Report - Most feel the media is out to "get" President Trump
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 32% of Likely U.S. Voters trust the political news they are getting. Most (54%) do not. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.
(To see survey question wording, click here.)
Palm Tran to service Lake Worth beach
Lake Worth Beach gets bus route to the beach back
Tuesday night, the Mayor mentioned that Palm Tran is opening a route to our beach and will drop off passengers at Kreusler Park. Commissioner Amoroso said that it will serve lots of people in the western communities and residents in the Lake Worth Towers (who don't drive) will be able to visit our beach.John James for U.S. Senate
At age 17, James enrolled in the United States Military Academy, where he earned his Bachelors of Science and became an Army Rangers-qualified aviator. He served for eight years in the United States Army, participating in multiple tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he served as an Apache pilot.
James also received a Masters of Supply Chain Management and Information Systems degree from Pennsylvania State University and a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan. [Wikipedia]
No Denouncement of Antifa by Democrat candidates
Candidates REFUSED To Denounce The Violent Hate Group- Antifa
"I’m just going to say it. Most Democrats will not denounce the increasingly violent terrorist group Antifa no matter how volatile they become. We all know why, too. The organization exclusively attacks Conservative voters so Democrats believe these so-called Anti-fascists ARE their demographic. Despite the fact that studies show that most of its members are non-voting unemployed slackers who mostly live at home with mommy."Wednesday, August 21, 2019
AOC disses Electoral College, again!
AOC Calls Electoral College a ‘Scam’ That Gives Too Much Power to White Voters
Says it Should Be Abolished
I guess she would like just the inner cities to be counted like New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. There are 19 American cities with populations over 100,000 that have majority (over 50%) Black or African-American populations.Read about it... Democrats are trying to change our Constitution every way possible. They want to win at all costs. They want a dictatorship ruled by a few major cities. California is one of the biggest culprits.
The Cato Institute says, "The Electoral College, in practice, gives a little more electoral power to racial minorities, such as blacks and Hispanics, and thus is important in helping to achieve racial justice. Because these minorities tend to live in the large cities of the bigger states, their votes are important in tilting all the electoral votes of their state, thus encouraging candidates of both parties to appeal for their votes."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Electoral College
Last night's Lake Worth Commission Meeting on Rules of Procedure
Resolution 44-2019 was on last night's agenda to Change the Rules of Procedure of placing items on the Agenda and how long discussion takes place. This was all done for Omari Hardy and his attempted coup of June 25 to get a vote passed when two of our commissioners were out of town. He thought he would have a majority on the dais to agree with him on ADU's with him and Herman Robinson "for" and Scott Maxwell against. Fortunately it didn't work out that way.
The best part of this video is the last 5 minutes. Scott Maxwell moved to close the discussion and that passed on a 3/2 vote. At that point it should have gone to a workshop as it was over their 30 minute rule.
The Commission then went back to the original motion to approve the Resolution. I asked the city clerk about the original motion and she said, "I believe the motion to approve Resolution 44-2019 was made by Commissioner Maxwell, seconded by Vice Mayor Amoroso and failed by a vote of 2/3 with Amoroso, Robinson and Hardy against. Still confusing.
The best part of this video is the last 5 minutes. Scott Maxwell moved to close the discussion and that passed on a 3/2 vote. At that point it should have gone to a workshop as it was over their 30 minute rule.
The Commission then went back to the original motion to approve the Resolution. I asked the city clerk about the original motion and she said, "I believe the motion to approve Resolution 44-2019 was made by Commissioner Maxwell, seconded by Vice Mayor Amoroso and failed by a vote of 2/3 with Amoroso, Robinson and Hardy against. Still confusing.
City Councilor Wants To Disarm Officers, Claims Duty Weapons Escalate Violence
Only 30% of the Vermont voters who went to the polls in 2016 voted for President Trump. It is one of the most liberal states in the country. Bernie Sanders is a senator from that state...can't get much more liberal than he.Now a commissioner from Burlington thinks its a great idea to disarm the police.
Read about the insane idea... I have to wonder if there is any rational Democrat left in the country.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Reveals How Little They Care About The Poor
"Planned Parenthood is supposedly a clinic that is 'dedicated to offering all people high-quality, affordable medical care.' But they recently proved that they are much more concerned about aborting babies than healthcare."But Democrats think abortion IS healthcare.
Read about it... and Planned Parenthood's withdrawal from Title X and how they essentially screwed themselves.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Killer Delivery man had used Cocoaine and Vape
Delivery man charged with fatally beating, burning 75-year-old Boca woman
Read about it...The Palm Beach Post said that the delivery man admitted to beating her with a wooden mallet and dousing her with a chemical which then caught fire, burning most of her body, city police said. The store, Best Buy, where she bought her appliances, will no longer use this delivery service.
Last Night's Commission Workshop
Watch, if you dare! What an unbelievable meeting that took 4:03 to conclude. Scott Maxwell is still against the pool. Nothing has changed with him in 17 years. The pool question will come back to another workshop with the design professionals and a task order. The city should have repaired what we had at the time the estimate was given by Kimley Horm to repair the pool that also included the locker rooms, around $504k. Now we're up to a new facility that will cost at least $10 million. As Juan Ruiz reminded us, "We have champagne tastes on a beer budget."
City of Lake Worth,
Juan Ruiz,
Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County on the Bond Money
There was much discussion on our pool last night. I left the meeting and am watching the meeting now on YouTube. Finally it got to public comments. Leonard Bryant asked the question if our obligation to the County was forever regarding the $5 million we received from the Recreation Bond as one of the designs showed taking away 16 spaces.
The stipulation from the County is that we have to maintain 613 public spaces. Bryant motioned to the dais and I assume it was the City Manager because it is not shown in the video who said, "yes," it is forever. Incidentally, it was commissioner Cara Jennings who negotiated the retainage of our resident decal parking spaces back then.
Here are the facts:
On November 5, 2002, a bond referendum was passed by the voters of Palm Beach County in the amount of $50 million. On October 17, 2006, the Parks and Recreation Department Palm Beach County approved an Interlocal Agreement with Lake Worth for $5 mil from the Recreational and Cultural Bond. That agreement fell through because the County insisted that Lake Worth match it with $3,620,800. A new agreement was drawn and the new agreement included no matching money. This new agreement was signed in 2010.
The Interlocal Agreement runs until February 1, 2040. After that, we can do what we want with our parking. And it's Bond money, not a grant. Taxpayers in Palm Beach County paid on this bond for ten years.
President Trump on Fox News

~ President Donald Trump
Talking about Fox News and the obvious change there. Fox is looking for the liberal audience and even has President Trump losing in the polls to just about everyone! People are tuning them out.
Donald Trump,
Fox News,
Quote of the Day,
Monday, August 19, 2019
The elected Anti-Americans who hate Israel
Lamestream Media Silent About Pro-Terrorist Group That was Sponsoring Omar/Tlaib Israel Trip
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar had planned a trip to Israel, but the big news was who was paying for the trip. It was Miftah. Miftah is a Palestinian extremist group that spreads false stories about Israel and Jews.The National Review says, "two American congresswomen shunned a bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel to go on an independent trip to Israel sponsored by vicious anti-Semites. Another important element of the story is that, as of today, the mainstream media have whitewashed Omar and Tlaib’s vile associations." So have the Democrats.
Publications put out by the group Miftah use highly politicized language, accusing Israel of “massacres,” “apartheid,” “summary executions” of Palestinian youth and “Judaizing” Jerusalem, according to NGO Monitor.
Ilhan Omar,
Rashida Tlaib
Scaramucci and the rest of the Swamp
Anthony Scaramucci says Trump will ‘likely drop out by March of 2020’
"Scarmucci detailed his dramatic turnabout on Trump for Vanity Fair, calling the president a “jacka**” with good economic policies that were poorly implemented, as well accusing Trump of being a “narcissist” who is “actually worse than a racist” because he has no empathy for other people. Trump is “losing it, mentally. He has declining mental faculties; he’s becoming more petulant; he’s becoming more impetuous,” Scaramucci said.CNN says, Scaramucci is entitled to his own opinion. But not his own facts. And the facts simply do not line up with the idea that Trump's rhetoric is getting worse or more divisive -- particularly of late. The facts suggest that Trump has always been exactly the person he is today. There's no meaningful change -- for the better or the worse -- in his behavior. Trump is, quite simply, just being Trump.
Scaramucci was blocked from his Twitter account for fat shaming the president.
The Washington Examiner said, "When your status in the swamp is just on the verge of 'flameout,' you have two options to give it one final boost: call Trump a racist or else question his mental state."
Never have I seen such dirty politics. The Haters and Democrats have nothing left but to malign the President as a "racist" or being "mentally deranged." It's a disgrace.
Anthony Scaramucci,
Donald Trump,
Draining the Swamp,
Seth Rich Linked to Wikileaks
"Since DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered in Washington, no solid answers have been found. No motive, nothing… until perhaps now.
Rich was shot and killed in Northwest D.C. and police labeled it as a botched robbery. However, the online conspiracy theorist would let it go and have continued to tie his death to his work at the DNC.
Now we’ve gotten word that there’s new information which may, in fact, prove the conspiracy theorists right!" [RedRightVideos]
Sean Hannity,
Seth Rich,
City Manager Michael Bornstein Review
It’s been two years since Lake Worth Beach’s City Manager has undergone a review — why?
Michael Bornstein's salary/performance review was on the agenda 1.5 years ago or so. Can't remember the date as the city's web site gives zero information now, and that's another subject for another day. I remembered that it was pulled for some unknown reason to all of us. Bornstein said in an interview that it was because of the pending elections with the suggestion it would interfere some how.Michael Bornstein was hired in 2012 at $135,000 a year and his employment with the City began on April 16, 2012. He had some stiff competition with Jamie Titcomb who got the support from two commissioners at that time. Jamie is now the city manager of Loxahatchee Groves. Bornstein originally received a three year contract.
In 2013, he got a yearly review. Scott Maxwell gave him a 3.5 overall in assisting the Commission in its policy role. In April 2015, Scott Maxwell made the motion to give Mike Bornstein a five year contract and $145,000 a year. In February, 2017, there was an evaluation of the City Manager that was taken off the Agenda but he got a raise in June, bumping his salary to $169,000, a $24,000 yearly raise. One of the reasons mentioned for the salary hike at that time was the $40 million bond project for our road repairs that was "his" achievement. (Didn't the residents vote on that one?)
The original contract of 2012 said that the Commission would agree to review his base salary and increase that salary as the City commission deemed appropriate. Now there is mention of a review so it must be an "appropriate" time once again. Palm Beach Post article...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Epstein "Suicide" Crock of Lies
Expert Forensic Pathologist Says Ruling Epstein’s Death A Suicide Is A Giant Crock Of LIES!
Rally in Portland was to End Domestic Terrorism but Antifa crashed the Party
Trump Is Watching Portland Protests ‘Very Closely,’ Threatens To Label Antifa an ‘Organization of Terror’
Well hopefully you saw the video earlier this morning or watched the news so you know that yesterday, the far-right rally was organized by the "Proud Boys," a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center designated as a hate group. Of course, we all know that the SPLC is a hate group itself and Antifa, incredibly, is not on its list as one.Antifa, a group that includes anarchists, socialists and communists along with some liberals and social Democrats got wind of it and came to the rally with hoods on and weapons such as metal and wooden poles, bear spray and shields. They were incensed that Proud Boys were having a permitted patriotic rally to "End Domestic Terrorism." As one Proud Boy said, “We came in, we just did a march peacefully, we came in, planted our flag and came out, and they’re chasing us right now," he said. "We had a good time, said a prayer, said the national anthem and rolled out. That’s always been the plan."
The police commissioner and mayor of liberal city Portland, does not want this conservative group in "his city." President Donald Trump on Saturday said his administration might designate Antifa as an “organization of terror” if the far-left group creates violence this weekend in Portland, Oregon.
As expected, Antifa did create violence! Portland has become ground zero for this fascist group, Antifa that seems to be supported by the politicians there. Yesterday, thirteen were arrested but lets see if any of them are charged with domestic terrorism.
Domestic Terrorism,
Proud Boys
Lake Worth's Olympic Pool
Beach closings add pressure to Lake Worth Beach pool decision
Monday night at 6pm, City Commissioners will be discussing the penny sales tax and where to spend it. It's burning a hole in their pockets. One target is our pool as the city closed it in 2016 instead of repairing it. They emptied it and allowed it to deteriorate in the harsh Florida sun drying it out. They now tell us it is unsaveable. Well, of course. It hasn't had water in it for years!We have had these discussions never ends.
Last year, CPZ presented commissioners with six conceptual design ideas that ranged from $14 million to $59 million and a six-lane pool to no pool to a private development hotel. The city is down to two schemes now for the pool. Scheme A will cost $9,090,632 with Scheme B costing $10,600.596.
Read The Palm Beach Post article
Quotes of the Week on Omar and Tlaib

Israel on Thursday barred Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the Jewish state, citing their support for a Palestinian-led boycott movement — a decision that unleashed a torrent of condemnation by Democratic congressional lawmakers.
~ New York Post
“The decision has been made, the decision is not to allow them to enter.”
~ Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely
"No country in the world respects America and the American Congress more than the State of Israel. As a free and vibrant democracy, Israel is open to critics and criticism."
~ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"Israel was very respectful & nice to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, allowing her permission to visit her grandmother. As soon as she was granted permission, she grandstanded & loudly proclaimed she would not visit Israel. Could this possibly have been a setup? Israel acted appropriately!"
~President Trump
"Israel has every right to ban people, no matter who they are, from its country who advocate BDS and want companies to stop doing business in Israel, consumers to stop buying Israeli products and academics and cultural figures to stop collaborating with Israeli colleagues...advocating for boycotts that harm Israel. Omar has political sympathies with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Qatari regime which sponsors international terrorism.
Last year, "Rashida Tlaib was featured at the Islamic Society of North America's annual conference alongside numerous radical figures, including individuals who have defended terrorist groups, openly called for violence against Israel, and pushed for extreme punishments for homosexuals."
~ Lynn's Little bit of Trivia
Antifa - Domestic Terrorists
Antifa Radicals Get Violent At Portland Protest, Attack & Pepper Spray Journalist
Antifa is a fascist domestic terrorist organization and they hate Conservatives. I also think they hate white people. President Trump is considering naming them a domestic terrorist group.Click here... to see the video of these low lives that local police are doing nothing about.
Domestic Terrorism,
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Who is Lamine N’Diaye?
Who Is Lamine N’Diaye? Everything We Know About the Warden Who Oversaw Epstein’s Fatal Incarceration
"Attorney General William Barr announced on Tuesday that the two guards who were tasked with watching jailed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have been placed on administrative leave and the warden of the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City was reassigned to the Northeast Region Office in Philadelphia."Read about it...
Jeffrey Epstein,
New York,
Prison System,
The Tlaib set-Up
Freshmen Dem Proves How Much She Hates Israel
"Freshmen Dems Tlaib and Omar tried to set up a trip where they were going to spread their anti-Israel sentiment in Israel. Israel caught wind of their intentions and blocked them. Tlaib was not done trying to get into Israel as she pulled out a sob story claiming that her grandmother was the real reason she was going. But that quickly fell apart."They were dealing with someone (Benjamin Netanyahu) 100% smarter than they. And Democrats in Congress are bemoaning the fact that Israel banned them from coming into their country..."oh, how can you treat members of congress like this? Like they are some sort of God. "So disrespectful, they said." LOL
Read about it...
The real winner in all of this? Tlaib's grandmother.
Epstein death might have been a Homicide
Medical Professor Casts Doubt On Epstein’s Cause Of Death
“The hyoid bone in the neck being fractured and other fractures in the neck, make it more likely, and again, this is a percentage call, more likely that it was a homicide than a suicide,” Siegel said.Does anyone really believe Epstein committed suicide?
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