Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Democrat Voter Fraud Admission

Captured on video by a Project Veritas undercover reporter posing as a Democrat donor aiming to perpetrate a vote-fraud plot, Foval’s (until recently the national field director for left-wing group Americans United for Change.) startling admissions come on the heels of an undercover video showing New York City’s Democrat election commissioner, Alan Schulkin, admitting that “there is a lot of voter fraud.”  But while Schulkin actually lamented that political operatives “bus people in,” Foval is one of the election thieves orchestrating the bussing — proudly (video below).


Anonymous said...

Oh, please. The video is 2.5 years old and the video has been proven to be BS.

Lynn...dropping bombs and moving on.

Lynn Anderson said...

Everything is BS as far as Democrats are concerned. Proven by whom? Another pathetic Dem? LOL

Anonymous said...

Talking about the Democrats using voter fraud to steal elections is NEVER old news!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it wasn't a fraud. Scott Foval was caught right on camera.

Anonymous said...

The Blaze proved this be be a bogus tape, Lynn. Please let your readers know. Quit hiding information from them.

Lynn Anderson said...

I have now let them know what you believe.

Anonymous said...

7:38 no credibility.