Thursday, April 11, 2019



Anonymous said...

First of all, that's a great picture, and I can't believe how much they've aged in a mere 9 years. Aside from that, it's very funny!

Franco said...

Please stay away from my restaurant with your racism. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Franco...where is your restaurant so that I can be sure not to go there. someone said you had chitty food.

Anonymous said...

Franco yes please tell us so that we can inform the health dept.

Laurence said...

Lynn believes in "legal" immigration not chaotic invasion of our country that Democrats espouse. That is not racist, it's respectful of our laws and us citizens.

Anonymous said...

Of course Lawrence; we have a situation that has to be dealt with, but the country is so polarized, that nobody can agree on a solution. This is what they mean when they use the expression; "throwing the baby out with the bathwater".