Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Russians now spying with Whales
Whale Freed From Harness Was 'Likely' Trained by Russian Navy
Read about it...Russians love to spy. Now they're using whales instead of relying on their Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency, a.k.a. the Troll Factory.
The Troll Factory used fake social media accounts before and after the 2016 U.S. election to collect sensitive personal information on Americans, according to a Wall Street Journal investigation.
Trey Gowdy on Rosenstein and Swalwell
"President Eric Swalwell, that should scare the ever-living hell out of you."
Quote of the Day - Ronald Mortensen

The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony ‘green cards,’ fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have.
In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury. Thus, the average illegal alien routinely commits multiple felonies –forgery, Social Security fraud, identity theft, and perjury. This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien.”
~ Ronald Mortensen
He has been nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration and Lois Frankel is determined to take him down.
Democrats can't stand facts or the truth and love to coddle criminals.
Lois Frankel,
Quote of the Day
EcoCentre finally has an owner
Buyers Edge has expanded its operations into the EcoCentre Building in Lake Worth Beach.
“The EcoCentre is a one-of-a kind space that places as much attention on fostering a clean physical environment as it does fostering a great business environment,” said Buyers Edge Platform CEO John Davie. “I can’t think of a better place for us to launch our efforts to bring savings and efficiency to the Florida food purchasing market. In fact, I liked the building so much, I bought it.”
On March 1, Davie purchased the EcoCentre from Lake Worth Beach Eco Properties LLC. Source 1 Purchasing, a Buyers Edge Platform subsidiary that focuses on the hospitality industry, moved its 45 employees to the EcoCentre this month from its previous location in Boynton Beach. Additional Buyers Edge employees will be moving in over the next few months. [Global Newswire]
Quote of the Day - Castrate men so that Abortions are Rare
The Charmer

~ Democrat Rep Dianne Pappas
State Rep Illinois
Trying to solve the abortion problem. Illinois has introduced a bill, HB2495, that "would also treat unborn life at any stage of development as essentially non-human: It stipulates that 'a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State.'” [Conservative Tribune]
And we elect these people!
Monday, April 29, 2019
Palm Beach Post reports on the Protest
Palm Beach Post: Pro-Trump group protests paper’s coverage of Mueller report
There were about 20 people at the protest last week in front of the Palm Beach Post building.Read about it... I'm surprise they reported on it at all.
Fake News Media,
Media Bias,
The Palm Beach Post
Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County
The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County welcomes Sofia Manolesco as its May speaker
Sofia Manolesco was born in Romania during the Ceausescu dictatorship. She comes from a long lineage of freedom fighters who prevented both, the Ottoman Empire and the Bolsheviks from spreading into Western Europe. Her family fled communist persecution when she was eleven, and she subsequently grew up in France and in Canada. Sofia is fluent in Romanian, French and English, she completed two college degrees, one in Professional Theater and one in Psychology.
In pursuit of the American Dream, Sofia moved to Florida in 1992. She participated in numerous theater productions and has been operating her own Fitness and Personal Training business since 1999.
As Marxist ideology gained ground in America, systematically erasing Western Civilization values, Sofia was deeply moved by Donald Trump's courage and sacrifice when he stepped up to defend our freedoms and our borders. She became a tireless supporter and volunteer, vowing to defend the concepts of freedom and self-governance guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
She is proud and happy to be part of the grass roots movement which led to the conception of Americans For Trump in Broward.
May 2nd
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Atlantis Country Club
190 Atlantis Boulevard
Atlantis, FL 33462
Sofia Manolesco was born in Romania during the Ceausescu dictatorship. She comes from a long lineage of freedom fighters who prevented both, the Ottoman Empire and the Bolsheviks from spreading into Western Europe. Her family fled communist persecution when she was eleven, and she subsequently grew up in France and in Canada. Sofia is fluent in Romanian, French and English, she completed two college degrees, one in Professional Theater and one in Psychology.
In pursuit of the American Dream, Sofia moved to Florida in 1992. She participated in numerous theater productions and has been operating her own Fitness and Personal Training business since 1999.
As Marxist ideology gained ground in America, systematically erasing Western Civilization values, Sofia was deeply moved by Donald Trump's courage and sacrifice when he stepped up to defend our freedoms and our borders. She became a tireless supporter and volunteer, vowing to defend the concepts of freedom and self-governance guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
She is proud and happy to be part of the grass roots movement which led to the conception of Americans For Trump in Broward.
Lake Worth General Obligation Bond
How are the road repairs coming along in Lake Worth? Can anyone on the Bond Committee tell us? Anyone from City Hall want to be precise? How much have we spent so far? Are we on track? We haven't had a report in quite some time.
Yesterday, I noticed that Boutwell Road was closed again. How many years has it been now?
One thing that we do know, we voted on something for which we didn't know the true cost. Even the City Manager couldn't tell us. And it wasn't on the ballot language.
In Texas they are going to pass The Taxpayer's Right to Know Act that requires local entities to provide voters who go to the polls in bond elections with precise information on exactly how much the bond you are voting on will actually cost the local jurisdiction.
Dan Patrick, Lt. Governor of Texas said, "since taxpayers are the ones who will be paying for the bond, you have a right to know. Local entities are also required to let you know how much debt they are already carrying. Voters should always have this kind of transparency because they are footing the bill."
But for some reason, Lake Worth voters didn't demand this, didn't care. I asked and received the answer, "I don't know." All they knew was that the bond was for $40 million and the potholes would be fixed. If you were buying a car and financing it, you would never be so casual. Voters overwhelmingly passed the bond measure by 69%.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Cerabino shows his Alt-Left bias
Cerabino: FBI brings Russian interference home to Florida Gov. DeSantis
Frank Cerabino is the Palm Beach Post's resident Trump hater. Anyone affiliated with Trump in any way (all Republicans) will see and feel his wrath. Now it's our great governor who he's attacking.Read about the flaming biased Trump Hater...
The Palm Beach Post loves this sort of BS and hateful sarcasm.
Donald Trump,
Frank Cerabino,
Ron DeSantis,
The Palm Beach Post
The New York Times - Their dog whistling undermines Democracy
The cartoon depicts a visually impaired Donald Trump wearing dark sunglasses and a yarmulke and being led by a dog with the face of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [NY times News Service] On the dog’s collar is a Star of David--you know, the star that all Jews had to have sewn onto their articles of clothing during the Nazi regime.
It was reminiscent of 1930s Nazi propaganda, The Jerusalem Post’s Seth Frantzman wrote on Saturday.
The New York Times subsequently took down the cartoon but they have never apologized for printing it in the first place and for suggesting that our President is being led around by a dog, Benjamin Netanayhu.
We all know why President Trump continues to call out this fake news media, in this case, the hateful dog whistling New York Times.
In 2018, the NYTimes received a Pulitizer prize for "deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration." (Received jointly with the Washington Post.[Wikipedia]
It's time that they return that prestigious award.
Fake News,
Fake News Media,
Hate Speech,
News Media,
On Voter Fraud and Sanctuary - Illegals
"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Joseph Stalin
Think about that one, folks...coming from someone who knew. More and more people in our country now believe that Hillary didn't even really win the popular vote. 😂
After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that 95,000 people identified as non-citizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections. They don't have to prove they're a citizen in order to vote. So, if it happened there, it is happening everywhere as illegals reside all over the country.
I would think that California has to have a huge problem as illegals are given drivers' licenses. "In 2013, California removed the proof of legal presence requirement to obtain a state issued driver licenses. California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) into law. Currently still known under its bill number, AB 60 removes the legal proof requirement in California to apply for a state issued driver's licenses. [Wikipedia]
Twelve states now allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses. Democrats believe the problem of voter fraud is not wide-spread so no big deal they say.
Well, it is a big deal, as voter fraud can flip an extremely close election and Democrats know how to target areas to be effective. Just remember Broward and Palm Beach counties and what happened in our Mid-Term election. Florida almost became a socialist state and would have become a sanctuary for illegals.
Now, Governor DeSantis is about to sign an Anti-Sanctuary City bill. Good news. And President Trump is ready to sign an executive order to eliminate citizenship automatically given to children born here of criminals (they are all criminals if they crossed our border illegally) who are in our country illegally. Illegals have been gaming our system and it's time that it ends in order to help fight this battle and protect the American way of life.
Think about that one, folks...coming from someone who knew. More and more people in our country now believe that Hillary didn't even really win the popular vote. 😂
After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that 95,000 people identified as non-citizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections. They don't have to prove they're a citizen in order to vote. So, if it happened there, it is happening everywhere as illegals reside all over the country.
I would think that California has to have a huge problem as illegals are given drivers' licenses. "In 2013, California removed the proof of legal presence requirement to obtain a state issued driver licenses. California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) into law. Currently still known under its bill number, AB 60 removes the legal proof requirement in California to apply for a state issued driver's licenses. [Wikipedia]
Twelve states now allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses. Democrats believe the problem of voter fraud is not wide-spread so no big deal they say.
Well, it is a big deal, as voter fraud can flip an extremely close election and Democrats know how to target areas to be effective. Just remember Broward and Palm Beach counties and what happened in our Mid-Term election. Florida almost became a socialist state and would have become a sanctuary for illegals.
Now, Governor DeSantis is about to sign an Anti-Sanctuary City bill. Good news. And President Trump is ready to sign an executive order to eliminate citizenship automatically given to children born here of criminals (they are all criminals if they crossed our border illegally) who are in our country illegally. Illegals have been gaming our system and it's time that it ends in order to help fight this battle and protect the American way of life.
Ron DeSantis,
Sanctuary Cities,
Sanctuary State,
Voter Fraud
FISA Chief Judge says spying occurred by FBI contractors
The FISA court has been looking into abuses of the FISA system and has
communicated with the Justice Department about its findings.
Their chief judge has already determined that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation (yes, SPYING –- and, yes, ILLEGAL) going on by four FBI contractors to break the law to steal personal electronic information about American citizens and to use it against the Republican Party.
Read about it...
Their chief judge has already determined that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation (yes, SPYING –- and, yes, ILLEGAL) going on by four FBI contractors to break the law to steal personal electronic information about American citizens and to use it against the Republican Party.
Read about it...
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Buttigieg on Illegals
Democrat Mayor Pete Buttigieg is looking for a job as his term comes to an end as mayor of South Bend, a city about the size of West Palm Beach. What does Pete want to do? Run for president and politicize the fact that he is gay. It's like Keith James wanting to run for president except James is not gay but both equally unqualified to be president. Unreal
Earlier this week, Buttigieg told CNN viewers:
"Undocumented immigrants are taxpayers. And the truth is, in many respects, because they are not eligible for a lot of benefits, they are subsidizing the rest of us. Which is just one more reason we've got to get this sorted out."
Not correct, Mayor Buttigieg. Illegal aliens receive $135 billion in taxpayer benefits, but only pay $19 billion in taxes, as columnist Kristen Tate reported in the Congress-focused newspaper, The Hill. That's a net cost to taxpayers of $116 billion per year. That's more than the cost of Pres. Trump's tax cuts! Put another way, for every dollar they pay in taxes, illegal aliens get seven dollars back in taxpayer benefits. And they'll get much more if they become legalized through another amnesty.
The $116 billion in net costs to taxpayers only covers illegal immigration. This doesn't include the cost of previously amnestied immigrants and the relatives qualified through them, visa lottery winners, workers with visas for low-skilled fields like agriculture and seasonal work, or the children born of such immigrants.
America spends about a trillion dollars each year on means-tested social welfare programs. That includes food stamps, reduced school lunches, subsidized housing, cash payments, etc. That doesn't even include health care or social security.... There are 45 million working-age Americans who aren't working. How many of them would be working if we hadn't brought in the 44 million immigrants (legal and illegal) now living in the U.S.? How much of that trillion dollars could we save if wages weren't so low in so many job fields that working adults still qualified for federal assistance?
And what about Social Security? Some people continue to claim that massive immigration can prevent Social Security from going bankrupt... but low-income workers will receive more from Social Security than they pay into it.
$150 billion is sent straight overseas in the form of remittances. That's money that does not circulate in our own country. And the $150 billion is as much as the entire trade deficit with every nation on Earth except China. For all that money, we're not getting cars, or washing machines, or beef. It's simply money lost.
And these are the costs while the economy is doing better than anyone expected it would! What will the costs be when the next recession hits? Another housing crisis? Tens of millions more people on government assistance? [NumbersUSA]
Oh No! Not Again!
Man found shot to death in Lake Worth Beach
Wow--we are still getting a lot of crime happening and attributed to Lake Worth (Beach) in spite of the name change. Crime just happens here and shootings and murder seem to be on the rise.This murder happened on South E Street off of Lake.
Read about it...
Donald Trump and Charlottesville - The Truth
The "very fine people" smear perpetuated by Biden and other Democrat liars
Sleepy and now creepy phony Joe Biden is running on the Charlottesville lie. He has nothing else to run on but to capitalize on a fabrication that went viral thanks to Democrats. And if you tell a lie often enough, there are always those who believe it especially all those uninformed Trump haters who love to run with the sound bytes of BS and negativity.Joe Biden brought up the Charlottesville comment supposedly made by President Trump in his campaign video by declaring that Trump said that the neo-Nazis and other white supremacists involved in the Charlottesville riot were “very fine people.” Trump did not say that nor did he imply that.
**To clear up the record and inform low information liberal voters and even Joe Biden who knows better but does not give a hot damn--
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
It's all down-hill for Biden.
Donald Trump,
Joe Biden,
Friday, April 26, 2019
Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud
Border town mayor and his wife arrested by Texas Rangers for organized illegal voting scheme
Voter fraud is all over the damn place no matter how much Democrats deny. Liberals are the biggest part of the problem.We will always remember Broward and Palm Beach Counties during the Mid-term elections. Republicans nearly lost hold in Florida thanks to voter corruption and rampant fraud.
Read about it... and what this one Democrat mayor did in Texas.
Gun Control in New Jersey by Taxation
New Jersey Governor Poised To Shred the Constitution
What the hell has happened to New Jersey?
Governor Phil Murphy, a Democrat and who served as finance chairman for the Democratic National Committee in the mid-late 2000s under Howard Dean, knows about taxing. He wants to raise the firearm fees by 2000% in order to buy a firearm and raise other fees as well. Hey, if their lucky, they might become the highest taxed state in the country surpassing New York and Hawaii.Read about it...
If they can't confiscate guns, they will just tax ordinary citizens to control them. Democrats are paranoid about guns and the 2nd Amendment.
An ownership license fee is exactly the sort of fee that a state “may not impose” if it is “not a nominal defray the expense of policing the activities in question.”
Clever Vengeance
A Public Relations Disaster
United Airlines got 10,772,839 negative views on YouTube because they would not pay for the damage
Although this incident took place 11 years ago, it is still fun to watch this video.
Read about it...
United Airlines got 10,772,839 negative views on YouTube because they would not pay for the damage
Although this incident took place 11 years ago, it is still fun to watch this video.
Read about it...
McCain's voice is heard from the Grave
REVEALED: McCain Family to Support Joe Biden In 2020, Hoping He Kicks Trump From Office
"The late Sen. John McCain's family plans to support former Vice President Joe Biden's White House bid, backing the Democrat not only in his party's crowded primary race but also in a general election match-up with President Trump, the Washington Examiner has learned".John McCain refused to defeat Obamacare and was proud of it even though he knew it was unsustainable. It's something Trump wanted and therefore he voted against it. An entire RINO family has taken their vengeance to a whole new level of hate and will support a weak Democrat, "crazy Joe Biden."
Read about it...
Being a Conservative
When I was younger, I was a Democrat or at least registered as one. I believed in what other people told me--younger people do that. The main thing that stands out in my mind is that I was told over and over again (and not by my family as they were Republicans) but by my peers--Republicans didn't care about the little guy...they only cared about the wealthy. I believed this lie.
Democrats have hung on to this deceit all these many decades in order to divide this nation and the lie certainly has worked. Liberals believe in turning over traditions and doctrine, being PC correct. And that's what even happened on a small, but extremely important scale, right here in Lake Worth when the name of our city after 106 years was voted out and changed. Liberals only care about their feelings in a particular moment, not thinking about the consequences or the insensibility of their actions.
Thomas Sowell said, "Out of every hundred new ideas ninety-nine or more will probably be inferior to the traditional responses which they propose to replace. No one man, however brilliant or well-informed, can come in one lifetime to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge and dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for those are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history."
American Conservatism
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Ballots should be in English only
Bilingual ballots “impose an unacceptable cost by degrading the very concept of the citizen
to that of someone lost in a country whose public discourse is incomprehensible to him.”
~ John Silber
President Emeritus of Boston University, 1996 testimony to Congress.
1) There is No Justification for Multilingual Ballots and Election Materials
2) Multilingual Ballot Requirements are Arbitrary and Wasteful
3) Multilingual Ballots are an Unfunded Mandate on Local Governments
4) Multilingual Ballots increase the likelihood of Errors and Vote Fraud
5) Multilingual Ballots are a Growing Burden
Go to the ProEnglish website and see their in-depth explanations for the above and why we should not have bilingual ballots.
Florida already decided this issue in 1988:
The English as Florida's Official Language Amendment, on the ballot as Measure 11, was on the 1988 ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment.
Amendment 11 established English as the official state language. It was approved.
Measure 11 was the fifth citizen-initiated proposed amendment to appear on a Florida statewide ballot. It won by 83.87% of the total vote of 3,457,039.
Let's stop making it easier for illegals and help reduce the cost to citizens of Florida.
~ John Silber
President Emeritus of Boston University, 1996 testimony to Congress.
1) There is No Justification for Multilingual Ballots and Election Materials
2) Multilingual Ballot Requirements are Arbitrary and Wasteful
3) Multilingual Ballots are an Unfunded Mandate on Local Governments
4) Multilingual Ballots increase the likelihood of Errors and Vote Fraud
5) Multilingual Ballots are a Growing Burden
Go to the ProEnglish website and see their in-depth explanations for the above and why we should not have bilingual ballots.
Florida already decided this issue in 1988:
Florida English as Official Language Amendment (1988)
Measure 11 was the fifth citizen-initiated proposed amendment to appear on a Florida statewide ballot. It won by 83.87% of the total vote of 3,457,039.
Let's stop making it easier for illegals and help reduce the cost to citizens of Florida.
Florida State of,
Official Language,
Obama a big part of the problem?
FBI admits: Hillary emails found in OBAMA White House
When the whole world was looking for missing Hillary emails, apparently all that needed to be done was to check the executive office of none other than President Barack Hussein Obama. A government watchdog is now opining: "No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated. Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme." [WND]Read about the real problem... Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Crooked Hillary,
Hillary Clinton,
Club 45 - Next Meeting
Dr. Gina Loudon, a strong supporter of Donald Trump, is the host of “America Trends with Dr. Gina,” on YouToo America. Her psychological, political, and social commentary is in high demand on networks around the world, including Fox News, Fox Business, CSPAN, ABC, BBC, HLN, and many more. She is a bestselling author who has written two books, and has another due out soon. She has worked as a popular weekly opinion columnist for outlets like, and She is co-anchor of the women’s blog, and
Mike Caruso is a Republican Member of the Florida Legislature representing the state's 89th House District. Mike has been behind President Donald Trump since the very beginning. Mike was the winner in a hard fought election which assured that District 89 would continue to be represented in Tallahassee by a conservative Republican. Two weeks ago Mike saw his first bill passed on the House Floor. HB 741: Anti-Semitism passed unanimously with overwhelming bipartisan support. This bill adds religion into prohibited discrimination in our public school system, including our colleges and universities.
Protest at the Palm Beach Post
The Palm Beach Post is lead by a bunch of liberal editors. A big percentage of their paper are articles re-printed from the New York Times and the Washington Post as well as the Associated Press--all left-wing negative slants towards our president.
The protest was to defend our president and protest their fake news such as suggesting that Trump rallies in Florida are staged by Russian entities. Newspapers should be giving the facts only, not fiction.
It is way past time that people take action against this, as well as other, dangerous liberal propaganda rags. This group was in front of the Post building yesterday at 8:30 to give them a poke. I am sure that they have received the message by all those who have dropped their subscription. Of course, they will only believe that it is their subscription price, not their dangerous ideology that caused people not to renew.
Palm Beach Post rendition of the protest
Actually, there were about 20 people there...still reporting inaccurately.
The protest was to defend our president and protest their fake news such as suggesting that Trump rallies in Florida are staged by Russian entities. Newspapers should be giving the facts only, not fiction.
It is way past time that people take action against this, as well as other, dangerous liberal propaganda rags. This group was in front of the Post building yesterday at 8:30 to give them a poke. I am sure that they have received the message by all those who have dropped their subscription. Of course, they will only believe that it is their subscription price, not their dangerous ideology that caused people not to renew.
Dick Farrel on left
Palm Beach Post rendition of the protest
Actually, there were about 20 people there...still reporting inaccurately.
Stop AOC Pac
Conservative group spent $32K in one day against Ocasio-Cortez
It's not a lot but it's a start to bring awareness to defeat this nut job. The organization is focused on ensuring that she does not get re-elected and plans to raise $1 million by this summer.Read about stopping AOC
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
God Bless America
ESPN Host Stands Against Narrative on ‘God Bless America’ Controversy, Angers Stephen A. Smith
Read about it...Aborted baby parts case in California
Journalists Were Charged With 15 Felonies For Exposing Planned Parenthood In Undercover Videos.
In 2015, Daleiden and Merritt, working for the Center for Medical Progress, exposed taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood’s dubious dealings with StemExpress, a company giving the abortion giant money in exchange for parts of aborted babies, via a series of undercover videos.Read about it... and the Stay that was based on the political bias and selective prosecution.
The Census Question on Citizenship
This Supreme Court Case Threatens the Left’s View of Group Identity, Victimhood
In reference to the Census, "available citizenship data will allow jurisdictions to apportion and redistrict seats according to voter, or citizen population, not total population, as they are constitutionally entitled to do. That would, for example, prevent liberal districts from swelling their numbers by adding populations of non-voting non-citizens or even illegal immigrants."Read about it... by Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation
Although every liberal group has made arguments against adding a citizenship question on the census, Justice Neil Gorsuch said last Fall that "“Most censuses in our history have asked about citizenship.”
Our Pool - The 11 year Fiasco
In May 2017, the City of Lake Worth had Kimley-Horn (a company in business since 1967 and world renowned) give a presentation on what it would cost to repair the pool and the locker room facility. This surprised the City and stunned the Commission and did not fit into their agenda. Kimley-Horn said the building was structurally sound (that really surprised the City) and the following was all it would take to get our pool repaired, operational and making money. Of course, there were some who just didn't want to accept an engineering report from a prestigious company.
Other Remarks by engineers:
Pool structural deficiencies: None
Pool finishes: fairly good
Building condition (locker rooms and restrooms): Fair to good
Building deficiencies: Roof cover and minor mechanical and plumbing issues
Pump House deficiencies: Replace roof system. interior piping near end of its useful life--needs to be removed and replaced.
Then one should ask the question, why didn't the City just repair our pool...why did they close our pool? Answer: Bornstein didn't want a pool there...called it a White Elephant right after he was hired. Seven years later he is closer to getting his wish.
In 2008, we accepted an FDRAP matching grant from the State of Florida for $200,000 (so we had $400,000 that was used towards our pool). This was for basic pool repairs with the caveat of "keeping it open for the public" or if we did not repair it and have it opened, paying the $$$ back. Read about it
In March 2017,our pool was "temporarily" closed. Read about it
Letter from Florida Department of Environmental Protection dated 4-22-19 which is BS at this point.
After total deterioration of our pool due to its closing, now this commission wants to spend $6 to $10 million on an aquatic facility--who knows. $509k vs $10 million??!! The city manager will figure it out and set it straight as well as all of us for that matter.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Criminal's daughter begs President Trump
Real Housewives’ star Teresa Giudice’s daughter asks for Trump’s help to stop father’s deportation
‘Joe’ Giudice is released from prison, but is now in ICE custody
After serving a 41-month sentence for mail, wire and bankruptcy fraud, former ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ star Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Giudice has been transferred to U.S. immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) custody. His daughter, also star on the show, went on Instagram and is begging the President to allow him to stay here.Read more...
Why the hell not, right Democrats?
City Commission to contract for another Study on how to attract development
Let's zone it and then we'll figure out what to do with it!
Through the years of this trio commission (Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso), the City of Lake Worth (Beach) has significantly changed its Comprehensive Plan with the goal of making things very attractive to developers and paving over everything in its way even to the point of demolishing historic houses. In 2013, they adopted new Land Development Regulations and in 2018 a City Opportunity Zone.Opportunity zones were created in the 2017 federal tax overhaul as a way to entice companies to invest in underdeveloped areas. A company can reduce the capital gains taxes it owes on previous investments if it invests in low-income communities that have been designated as opportunity zones.
On Thursday night, there will be a Work Session to discuss the Economic Investment Climate and the Opportunity Zone that this commission designated in 2018. They want another study done at the cost of $40k on urban design/planning of the City's Opportunity Zone.
Be sure to attend and see what more this commission has in store for our city as they love Studies, they love spending money and they definitely love developers.
City of Lake Worth,
Comprehensive Plan,
Lake Worth's Low Lives
Lake Worth is changing before our very eyes. A lot happens in this little city but one thing we can always be assured of is CRIME that never stops. In fact, it escalates and changing the name of our city will NOT stop that. But there is no use in telling that to our elected officials who don't ever want anyone to mention crime. That would scare off the investors/developers who want to build more affordable housing to attract more low lives.
Read about the low lives... who live/thrive in our city.
How a Lake Worth Beach woman’s $70 utility bill check was stolen and changed to $1,200
Criminals managed to get into the dropbox at the annex. Where are our frigging cameras? How much did they cost us?Read about the low lives... who live/thrive in our city.
Florida Anti-Sanctuary City bills
Florida's Legislators Need to hear from you regarding Anti-Santuary bills!
The Anti-sanctuary bills, SB 168 and HB 527, have passed out of all committees favorably. The full House will vote on HB527 on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 sometime after 12:30 PM. You can view the House floor proceedings at House Schedule. The exact time is unknown and the session could continue quite late. The House bill will pass easily but the vote on SB 168 in the full Senate will be close. The date for the full Senate vote has not yet been announced.
The Anti-sanctuary bills would prohibit illegal-alien sanctuary practices and ensure that criminal aliens are not released into local communities. Republican Senator Anitere Flores has already announced her opposition.
Legislators in the Senate are facing an onslaught of pressure from open-borders groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and United We Dream. These groups are trying to make SB 168 toxic by claiming it is discriminatory. However, the anti-sanctuary bill merely prohibits localities from adopting policies that shield criminal aliens.[FLIMEN]
Please click on your Senators' name on this page.
House Bills_FL,
Sanctuary Cities,
Senate Bills_FL
Monday, April 22, 2019
Oh No! Another one?
Incident #: 19062407
4/21/2019 @ 9:21 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff
ShiftySchiff is still under a Collusion Delusion
It’s FINALLY OVER: No Collusion, No Conspiracy — NOTHING
Unless, of course, you listen to Democrats.Adam Shifty Schiff has built his entire career over the last several years on "taking down" President Trump. He still insists there is collusion. No kidding.
“And the fact that a candidate for president and now president of the United States would not only not stand up and resist Russian interference in our election but would welcome it goes well beyond anything Nixon did,“ said Shifty.
[Wikipedia] Russia's covert activities were first publicly disclosed by members of the United States Congress on September 22, 2016, confirmed by the United States Intelligence Community on October 7, 2016, and further detailed by the Director of National Intelligence office three months later.
Why didn't Obama, who knew about the Russian interference, say one word about it? Well, Shifty, all national polls had Hillary winning the election in a landslide What a shock to learn that it was members of your party who actually "colluded."
Adam Schiff,
Collusion Delusion,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Mexican Military enter the U.S. at border
U.S. Army Troops in Confusion About Border Location, Incident Documents Reveal
The government or the News Media seems to want to downplay and keep this incident quiet about Mexican soldiers with assault weapons ordering our soldiers out of their vehicle who were on the U.S. side of the border.Read about it...
Ukrainian Presidential Election
Comedian Who Plays President On TV Just WON Ukrainian Presidential Election
"A comedian who plays the president on a TV show will now become the next president of Ukraine in real life.Read about it... and the fact that once inaugurated, he plans to investigate whether his "country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton."
I guess if Congress won't investigate the real Russian connection in the 2016 campaign, Ukraine will.
Hillary Clinton,
Paul Manafort,
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Climate Change
Former Australia PM adviser says climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world order'
Tony Abbott was the 28th Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015 and Leader of the Liberal Party from 2009 to 2015. Tony Abbott's business adviser says global warming a fallacy supported by United Nations to 'create a new authoritarian world order under its control.This is an article from 4 years ago. Talking about the United Nations, he said. “It is opposed to capitalism and freedom and has made environmental catastrophism a household topic to achieve its objective.”
Born in Ilford, England, and educated in Australia, Mr Newman, a staunch conservative and former chairman of the Australian Stock Exchange, has long been an outspoken critic of climate change science.
Read about it...
De Blasio wants to sue Trump
De Blasio Plans To Sue Trump To Keep Migrants Out Of New York ‘Sanctuary’ City
This is an hysterical headline when you think about it. For years, New York has welcomed illegal immigrants and NY is very quiet as to how many live in the city...probably lost count. It has been reported that they have over 1.2 million undocumented.Besides all the other services given to illegals there, New York City will spend up to $100 million per year to expand health care coverage to people without health insurance, including immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally.
So now, De Blasio wants to sue Trump It's a Democrat thing.
Bill de Blasio,
New York,
Sanctuary City
Saturday, April 20, 2019
President exercises his Veto Power
Issuing the second veto of his presidency, President Donald Trump rejected a call from Congress to end U.S. involvement in Yemen's civil
Yemen is located in Southwest Asia, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, between Oman and Saudi Arabia.
Read what's going on in Yemen
Yemen is located in Southwest Asia, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, between Oman and Saudi Arabia.
Read what's going on in Yemen
Donald Trump,
Executive Order,
Saudi Arabia,
Oh no, not another one!
- Type:Shooting
- Date:04/17/2019 10:10 AM
- Address:8** LAKE AVE, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (right by the street where they want to change its name!!!!)
- Source:View
- Case Number:19060683.0
Man in Lake Worth (Beach) wins a million bucks!
Lake Worth Beach man wins $1 million lottery prize
Read about it...
City of Lake Worth,
Florida State of,
Martha MacCallum tells off Democrat
Martha MacCallum shuts down obstinate Dem in heated exchange: ‘You’re very rude, sir!’
Nothing funky went on with Trump and Russia
NBC Host Asks Where Mueller Said There Was ‘No Collusion’, Lawyer Pulls Out Second Page
"Well, page two of the document says, ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election of interference activities.’ So it’s right from the document itself.”After reading the words on the 2nd page, later Jay Sekulow was asked by Trump NBC hitman Brian Williams again. Lawyer for the President said, "The investigation did not establish the Contacts described in volume one — that’s the Russian contacts — amounted to an agreement to commit any violation of federal criminal law, including foreign influence and campaign finance laws.” Page 181.
I started reading the 448 page report yesterday but got so many distractions. If you want to read it, there is a link to it on the right side of this blog. I wish that the report had mentioned the collusion with Hillary and her campaign with Russia.
Mark Levin pointed out that the bulk of “Volume II” was just a series of transcripts that amounted to “he said, she said” hearsay testimony, none of which had been challenged, and it was being treated by many in the media as Gospel. He said it was a bunch of "crap"...a political document. This is the volume that the Democrats are salivating over.
So now, we will have two more years of craziness and Congress getting nothing done but still trying to pin something on our president before the 2020 election. And in spite of no collusion, no obstruction, Mueller knew exactly what he was doing by inserting unverified statements and even including Volume II.
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller,
Friday, April 19, 2019
Red Flag Law
- U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who introduced his "Red Flag" Bill (S. 7) on DAY ONE of the new Congress! U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has backed the schemes as well;
- Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who pitched "Red Flag" gun confiscation legislation as part of a larger gun control agenda in the wake of last year's Parkland, Florida murders;
- U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who according to news reports, was tasked by Democrat gun grabbers to pitch gun bills to Trump, including a "Red Flag" measure.
Project Veritas exposé on Chase Bank
Debanking: Chase Bank “moral character” a Reason They Don't Do Business w/ "those types of people"
Quote of the Day - William Weld

~ William Weld
former governor of Massachusetts
So many egos. He can have this in his obituary that he ran for president of the United States and challenged Donald J. Trump, the best president in the history of this country, for the Republican nomination.
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
William Weld
Our Lake Worth Pool
Tuesday night's discussion on our pool was quite a fiasco. It seemed as if only Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson could figure it out. I can't even write about it as is was the most confusing discussion item that I can remember in years. I think only half the dais had read the back-up and therefore some got confused as to what they were even voting on that had to finally be explained by Juan Ruiz, Assistant City Manager.
Some residents in the chamber were Tom Copeland supporters who spoke all with negative comments towards our pool at the casino. Even Tom, who was not there, turned in a comment card, read by the Mayor. It was right out of his failed campaign.
Commissioner Herman Robinson reminded everyone that the campaign was over and said, "...clearly the community wants a community pool. We deserve an amenity that we should have...staff is in a difficult position because it's not a dynamite income generator...staff has taken the position that the pool is difficult." Herman was being kind. Staff does exactly what Bornstein approves.
Finally, after much confusion and much discussion (as well as the assistant city manager having to tell them what they were there to vote on...can't emphasize that enough), a motion was made to commit to an $82k study by the design firm, CPZ Architects. It passed on a 4/0 vote...Commissioner Maxwell was absent.
If you recall, Chris Zimmerman, Owner and President of CPZ Architects, a Broward County firm with a local staff of 10 employees, 3 of which are registered Architects, was awarded the design contract from the City of Lake Worth about one year ago.
The pool will stay at the beach. Who knows how much money will be spent or what it will look like--the public now has to run down to city hall to read the back-up as it's no longer on line. The dollar figures of $6, 8 and 10 million were mentioned.
Thanks to many who spoke in favor of our pool--a few were sensational like Betty Resch who did not hold back in her comments as to why our fabulous pool has failed.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
AG Barr on the Mueller Report
Barr Gives Reporter a Dictionary Lesson After She Claims He’s Helping Trump
AG Barr's complete statement on Mueller Report
Attorney General,
Robert Mueller
Veritas Wins Defamation Lawsuit
Last month, I got to see Joseph O'Keefe of Project Veritas speak at Club 45. I rate his speech and exciting information as tops for the season. The good guys keep on winning.
James O'Keefe,
Project Veritas,
Person murdered in Lake Worth
LAKE WORTH (BEACH) Fla. — The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said a
man was fatally shot late Wednesday night in Lake Worth Beach.
Check it out...
Renaming streets won't stop the crime in Lake Worth any more than changing the name of our city. The name change was based on a false premise brought forward by this Commission with political influence to persuade the electorate and those with zero sense of history--even former Historical Preservation Board heads.
Check it out...
Renaming streets won't stop the crime in Lake Worth any more than changing the name of our city. The name change was based on a false premise brought forward by this Commission with political influence to persuade the electorate and those with zero sense of history--even former Historical Preservation Board heads.
City of Lake Worth,
News Media ratings will take a Nose-Dive on April 27
The news media need to learn not to kick the President especially when he is growing our economy. Read the accomplishments
How to sink news media ratings--
President Donald Trump will hold a “Make America Great Again” rally in Wisconsin on April 27 — at the same time that the 2019 White House Correspondents Associations dinner takes place. This is the third year in a row that he has declined the invitation. Trump stands for principles.
Why don't the Democrats and the media get smart?
How to sink news media ratings--
President Donald Trump will hold a “Make America Great Again” rally in Wisconsin on April 27 — at the same time that the 2019 White House Correspondents Associations dinner takes place. This is the third year in a row that he has declined the invitation. Trump stands for principles.
Why don't the Democrats and the media get smart?
North O Street in Lake Worth
On Tuesday night, there was discussion about changing the name of North O Street to North Ocean Breeze St. The city got a request from one resident to change the name, thus this discussion. One resident has this much clout?!
Omari Hardy is correct--He is not for changing the names of our streets and says it will probably be the last time he will vote to change the name of a street...the lay-out of the streets are "pretty logical" as they are mapped out.
The commission voted for it to go forward to get input from the residents on North O to change the name.
If you recall, it was Commissioner Robinson, several years ago, who instigated the name change on South O Street to South Ocean Breeze St. He lives on that street. Cute name but it seems that changing our history is an easy thing to do for some folks.
They changed the name of our city after 106 years and now the name change of our streets begin.
Herman Robinson,
Omari Hardy,
Streets and Alleys
Monica Crowley to join Trump Administration
Fox Personality Reportedly Joining Trump Admin
Former Fox News contributor Monica Crowley is joining Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's staff as his top spokeswoman.
Read about Crowley
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Bernie full of Baloney
Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out
Click here and watch the phony baloney.The Tragiccomedy continues
Trump threatened by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (lover of illegal border crossers) with Lawsuit if they are bused To NYC
“Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only.~ President Donald J. Trump
“It’s illegal. It is just plain illegal. We will meet him in court. We will beat him in court.”
~ New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
PBSO Presentation
Last night, Cpt. Baer gave his 1st quarter presentation.
The Presentation
Drug use was on the rise in the month of March with 4 fatalities and 35 overdoses.
The Presentation
Drug use was on the rise in the month of March with 4 fatalities and 35 overdoses.
Lake Worth Middle School - The Warrior Way
"Respect, Success, Achievement" was presented by Lake Worth Middle School principal, Mike Williams at last night's commission meeting. LWMiddle is located at 1300 Barnett Drive west of I-95 off of 10th Avenue North. Mr. Williams said they have 1200 students, grades 6 through 8.
This C school's motto is "diversity is powerful" where six languages are spoken plus 5 Mayan dialects. The State of Florida ensures that homeless children and youths are afforded the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youths through the McKinney-Vento Act. LWMiddle has several homeless students.
Read this... that explains what homelessness means when it comes to students.
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