Monday, October 23, 2017

"Shooting at Trump" test answer

Our educational system has been going down-hill. It is full of left-wing instructors, liberals who have an agenda that has nothing to do with teaching children. It is all about indoctrination by the official standards set forth by the Democratic party definitions.

"Major Democratic cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia is where the largest numbers of children cannot read, write, and compute at anything approaching acceptable levels.

The most disastrous of Americas inner-city schools are controlled by Democrats and Liberals, their Unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and its left-wing agenda.

Staffers and bureaucrats who do not adhere to leftist liberal views are weeded out and banished under at times, the most treacherous of methodology. Teacher-training colleges resemble indoctrination systems and those who escape the halls of this vile form of academia are decidedly leftist. Conservatives, or those who betray a conservative opinion are flunked out long before graduation." []


Anonymous said...

We keep dumbing our schools and education down year after year. We acted like we are raising our standards, but we are not, our students learn less and less and we expect nothing from them. WE can't teaching cursive, social skills, religion, it is crazy today. Then all this testing, big business like Pearson is making bukoo bucks on testing and our students are not rising up. This country has gone to hell! Back in to 70's and prior to that, students had such high standards in schools and learned so much more than today. We wonder why we are ranked last in the world. Teachers can't give homework, they can't be creative or do anything outside the box anymore, it is all so prescribed. Our society puts sports and clubs ahead of academics. It is crazy here. Then we wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Is any wonder why immigrant children are winning the Natiinal Spelling Bee, full ride scholarships to Major league school, enrolled gifted programs, learning musical instruments, college prep coarse while American students parent worry why don't learn cursive? Education begins in home not child molesting teachers! American turned lazy McDonald fat food eater nobody drink coka cola like fat kids around the world like America kids!american don't see world only them selfish persons.russia china India are new world leaders , America is in much trouble only MR Trump can save USA !! Immigration taking over everything look west Dixie avenue , drunk fighting , 8 children to one mother food stamps stealing from hard working white. Family.need strong leader like Mr, Putin to give advise and build wall to keep leaching drugers raping from middle clas america.!

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:08--I worry about you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

6:16 pm so even blind squirrel can find nut in woods.our you scientist maybe? No you are not you are fake no class culture immoral foolish! Call me when my luxuryus car is clean be your 3 grade education child.i sign credit card in cursive!,

Unknown said...

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools
Progressive Conditioning