Monday, June 5, 2017

Pythons in our Everglades National Park

An invasive species in the Everglades since the late 1980's but not recognized as a reproducing population until year 2000.

4,000 pounds of dead snakes were captured and killed in the recent python hunt. Can you even imagine that they can devour an alligator! Probably some exotic snake collectors released them into our Everglades.

"Never doubt the importance of this program: Pythons are devouring virtually everything that moves in the Everglades, including native Florida alligators. This is no exaggeration. Marsh rabbits, raccoons, opossums, bobcats, deer, great blue herons, wood storks all have disappeared -- really and truly disappeared, leaving behind an eerie and desolate ecosystem."

Read about the python hunt...


Anonymous said...

Sure don't want to encounter something like that. Although they don't attack humans, they could. it will be impossible to get rid of them all.

Anonymous said...

They certainly will never get rid of them if they are limiting the hunt to a certain time of year. Why not see the thing through. Get rid of them! Don't wait until the next hunt. They must have a high value for their skins. Doesn't anybody need work?

Anonymous said...

Check out the picture: man in suit and tie hunts pythons!