Sunday, June 4, 2017

Megyn Kelly to interview Vladimir Putin tonight

Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly, June 4 at 7pm

Megyn Kelly interviews Vladimir Putin and asks him pointed questions regarding President Trump and any Russian connection. Let's see if this will put the myth of a Trump/Russian connection to bed.


Anonymous said...

Pretty annoyned at Megyn Kelly but I will watch her show to see what Putin has to say.

Anonymous said...

You expect Putin to tell the truth? I'm not saying he had anything to do with the presidential election but come on.

Lynn Anderson said...

You have to be a flaming liberal.
Does anyone ever tell the truth?

Anonymous said...

She's out of her depth

Anonymous said...

Not only is she out of her depth, but between the English translator, and the Russian translator, I can't see where anything they have to say will resonate with the viewers. Unless the translators have been to acting school, it's just a very cut and dried presentation. No drama! Her velvet dress is sort of sad, when you consider the Russian beauties Putin has to choose from.

Lynn Anderson said...

She's gorgeous and smart...come on!

Anonymous said...

She's not gorgeous, and she's not smart. If she were smart, she'd still be on FOX at 9:00 PM.

Anonymous said...

Not like the Russian beauties. This is a ploy for ratings and should be ignored, 5:31pm is right there
won't be anything new.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that Putin shows the Democrats once and for all that our intelligence services are anti-American for saying that they interfered with the election. If anything, they saved the United States from another 8 years of liberals and that is worth its weight in gold. Hopefully, Megyn treats him nicely. Speaking for Republicans, he's a Godsend for the United States.

Anonymous said...

"Nothing to see here move along"

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a dramatic, engaging and riveting interview, NOT! How about asking Putler about Ukraine, Georgia, Syria and the murders of journalists and political rivals? Putler is a mafia godfather of Russia not a honorable bone in his body.

Lynn Anderson said...

I thought it was riveting! Megyn didn't look too scared...a little embarrassed perhaps.
Why not ask your idol, Hillary, about her honorable actions in Benghazi and her Clinton Foundation. Ask Obama about the $150 billion to Iran, the biggest terrorist state in the world and him literally giving Iran the green light to build two nuclear plants there.
Different corruption; different politics. And all we know about Russia is what we read in the liberal news media.

Anonymous said...

How does it affect you 9:37, what or who Putin is? You must be one of the idiots that had to hide under their desks during the cold war. You were all taught to be cowards in grade school. Your whole life is influenced by lies and propaganda. Honorable! Get over yourself!

Lynn Anderson said... certainly are bitter...can't find that Russian connection. How sad for you lying losers. :) :) :)
I decided to post one of your disgusting rants...just shows--NO class and no brains.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, When did you become an apologist for Megyn Kelly? In case you hadn't noticed, she joined the other team.

Anonymous said...

looks like the liberal news is us all fighting each other.lets get out of their ses pool and grow up.remember the saying 'divide and concour

Lynn Anderson said...

Who's apologizing for Megyn Kelly? She got trounced by Putin. And I don't wish her any luck for what she did to Trump at that debate. Didn't get here anywhere, did it?

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what people were thinking who thought this interview would go off in Kelly's favor. She's a neophyte. He's a pro. He's a Russian, not a namby pamby American who would let her have her own way. She made a fool out of herself, and in doing so, she also made a fool out of NBC. Barbara Walters might have been able to handle this interview; not only through her expertise, but through her international connections. Megyn Kelly is a nobody!