Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Scott Pruitt next Director of the EPA

Donald Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, ally of Fossil Fuel Industry, to Lead E.P.A.

Republicans have spent nearly eight years campaigning against President Barack Obama’s “war on coal” and promising to fight the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations. Now that Republicans have gained control of both chambers of Congress, they are in a position to declare war with the EPA.

They will be fighting Ozone Reduction; Put limitations on the Clean Water Act; Allow congress to block major regulations, Stall coal regulations and block carbon pollution regulations.

Democrats will rise from the grave to fight this nomination.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

We ignore the protection of the environment at our peril. The whole meaning of the word conservative is to conserve. I hope this isn't coming as a revelation to anyone. Those who want to exploit the earth are not conservative, they are rabid capitalists. We will have to be vigilant going forward. It's a whole new ballgame.

Anonymous said...

I think it's curious that they fight coal so fiercely, but not horizontal drilling. We are all pretty well informed about the environmental downside of coal, but fracking is a relatively new process with still to be determined hazards. Could it be that the investment potential in fracking is more lucrative than that of coal. If we know that fracking causes earthquakes, how can it be sanctioned. Did we really need it anyway? Why after all these years do we have to be energy independent. It's just a catch phrase for increasing the profits of the oil companies, and making a waste land out of North Dakota.

Anonymous said...

The only Democrats left are those rising from the grave.

Lynn Anderson said...

But there are millions of socialists and communists and silly college kids.