Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Presidential Voting Stats and Comments

It was all about saving America.

With the overwhelming number of registered Democrats in the country, Donald Trump pulled it off in the Electoral College. He only won 41.20% of the vote in Palm Beach County, his second home. His win will be a boom for our County.

I personally want to thank all of those who supported me during this effort to bring out the facts on Trump and Clinton and telling me not to believe the polls. I got slapped down on a daily basis from some calling me every name in the book from being a racist to even a Democrat calling me a C*nt. Some even told me that all of us Republicans would be dying off soon...that we were old white people...I was old with not much time left. All of those comments were deleted. But we found that last night Trump put to rest the trumped up Democratic party's racial divide as people of all ages, incomes, and races voted for him to save America and get back to what our country stands for.

In 1853, the Republican Party was founded in Ripon, Wisconsin.  It was launched as a fundamentally left-wing political party with the primary aim of bringing down slavery in the country and saving America. Over the years, however, the party has slowly but surely shifted to right-wing conservative beliefs, especially in the way it handles the economy and the role of the government. Source:

The people spoke


Anonymous said...

the Democrats are mighty quiet today.

Anonymous said...

Last night, America demanded change, they demanded a change to the status quo and today we woke up to a new America ready to put our nation back on track and restore us to greatness.

Anonymous said...

At least now the false racial bullcrap can stop.Obama really has split this country apart. Now it's time for the healing to begin. I hope that Hillary voters will come to see just how much the media and the power elites in this country were lying to them. Trump is going to be good for EVERYONE. Come on in from the ledge,Hillary people.

Anonymous said...

Some will never get it @5:03pm they want the right to commit crimes without repercussions, a criminal in DC would have abetted that while she drained us dry.