Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Everyone voted to tax themselves to death!

Way to go Lake Worth! Way to go Palm Beach County!

A 30 year tax in Lake Worth and a 10 year sales tax of 17% in the County. People must love taxes.

City of Lake Worth - Question (Vote For 1)
17 of 17 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
FOR BONDS 69.05% 6,663
AGAINST BONDS 30.95% 2,986
TOTAL:  9,649

833 of 868 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
56.47% 335,469

43.53% 258,600


Anonymous said...

stupid is as stupid does

Anonymous said...

No Lynn THE people want roads fixed--the people Work to hard to see lake Worth looks like à 3rd world--now also lake Worth is à santuary city and Funding Will be lost --now watch Thesel illegals leave lake Worth by themselfs

Lynn Anderson said...

What funding will be lost? We get NO funding.
This is a Sanctuary County thanks to Ric Bradshaw. Maybe now down the road, we will stop the illegal situation here and in this country. It was not the illegals who screwed up our roads--it was a lack of attention by past administrations for decades.

Taxing yourself for 30 years! Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

What Way Lynn then---How do You fix things With no money--so Lynn How world You go about this sincel You dont want Bonds or taxes?......

Lynn Anderson said...

Hey, you all got nearly 70% of the vote. There was no opposition this time to the $70 million 30 year money grab. You got what you wanted. It doesn't affect me. It might affect me if property values double in 10 or 15 years but by then you will have to turn around and repair the streets all over again. What will you do then? Another bond on top of the outstanding one?

This city will never look good. Think of the $23 million NSP2 grant. Did it improve our city? This money bond grab won't either as it is destined to improve under 30% of our streets. It will allow contractors to get rich and give jobs to people who don't even live in Lake Worth. I just hope there is good accounting of all the money.

Anonymous said...

Our third world environment isn't helped by sober house recruiters and zombies everywhere. We all must clean up as best we can our own property.

Anonymous said...

if it is true lake worth is going to get 2mil a year from 1cent tax is that going to fix ALL the streets with the bond

Anonymous said...

Lynn, what was another solution?
Nobody has come up with another solution ...ever.
What the heck else was there to do?
Not happy about being taxed to fix the roads, but there was no alternative brought forth, ever.

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show you that people who vote are stupid! Why would someone vote to give themselves more taxes? Most obviously rent or do not own property and that is why.
Good luck Lake Worth, let's see if we see any improvements with the bond and tax increase? I doubt we will see much in improvements, just more slum and blight as so many now will white flight the hell out of this city even more. All the people that voted for more taxes are just plain and simple, stupid!

Unknown said...

Lynn here's how many in LW see the results of our election yesterday . Almost 10,000 voters in Lake Worth came out and voted on the road issue. 69% of them said, “let’s get this done”! Tuesdays election was a mandate sent to our city leaders that they approve of the job the majority of our elected and administrative leadership are doing. That super majority of voters also said they approve of the direction the city is moving in. The election results Tuesday should also be an in your face message to those that want to run for public office that we want our leadership to continue working to improve our quality of life and not try to convince us we should ever have to “get used to living in a ghetto”!

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes...there were several reasons why the city won this election. If the Vote No reasons were disseminated to 10,000 voters twice in this city, perhaps the election would not have been so one-sided?
Perhaps if those who received the mailers knew that they would be paying for 30 years, the results might have been different. Perhaps if they knew that only 29% of the roads are going to be repaired the results might have been different? Perhaps if the election was not in November where absentee Snowbirds are voting on something for which they have no clue, the results might have been different? Perhaps if property owners understood that they would be paying on this for 30 years and the values of their property is expected to rise each year, the results might have been different? And the mailer did not mention that the bond will really cost them $70 MILLION, not the $40.

It was sort of surprising that the PBPost had no opinion on it.
I agree...our roads need a lot of help. And I am not surprised that it was voted in. It does not, however, mean that the people approve of the job that the electeds and CM are doing. Money grabs are not cool and there had better be some transparency to this. It didn't happen with the promotion of it by the city so I'm not expecting much in this regard after they get the $$$.

Anonymous said...

Lynn. You still wont answer How to fix roads With no Bond or taxes---tis à simple question You wont or cant answer?......?....?..

Lynn Anderson said...

We could take the $2 mil a year that we will get from the sales tax and then the $1+ mil a year from our budget and fix the roads without burdening the property owners for 30 years. We have talked about this for over two years. We don't need to borrow all this money and have this huge debt interest penalty. Look for grants. Whatever it takes to mitigate all the taxes now on the property owners here, indebting them for decades. You are taking to a conservative.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of ironic that rice talks about our city and living in a ghetto yet he was one of the slum owners who contributed to the ghetto for so many years, go figure. He has to be the worst hypocrite, what a scumbag!

"Blogger Greg Rice said...

Lynn here's how many in LW see the results of our election yesterday . Almost 10,000 voters in Lake Worth came out and voted on the road issue. 69% of them said, “let’s get this done”! Tuesdays election was a mandate sent to our city leaders that they approve of the job the majority of our elected and administrative leadership are doing. That super majority of voters also said they approve of the direction the city is moving in. The election results Tuesday should also be an in your face message to those that want to run for public office that we want our leadership to continue working to improve our quality of life and not try to convince us we should ever have to “get used to living in a ghetto”!

November 9, 2016 at 5:28 PM"

Anonymous said...

30 years of debt for roads that MIGHT last 15 years. 75 Million to fix 29 % of our roads.Having to convince businesses to move into/not to leave Lake Worth,the highest taxed city in Palm Beach County. Good luck with that.Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.