Wednesday, September 21, 2016

City Manager Bornstein slams Post Reporter for not writing article in a manner he would approve

"I am so infinitely aggravated, specifically with an article that's on the electronic posting for the Post [Palm Beach Post] about an employee and the way it's written.  It is egregious. It is incompetent and I'm angry about it.

The Article...

Just for the record, the way the article is written, it kind of skips over a bunch of facts regarding an action that this employee was involved in previously.  It covers publicly that there was an activity involving a business license approval where there was previous code actions that were still opened on the property and the person got in trouble for that but what wasn't covered, also a relationship with the person who received the license and the code officer which was probably the biggest reason the person got in trouble. And that person went out of his district to do that.  So, they're not getting the entire story.

The most recent activity was involving a 911 call. The Code Manager did not tell this person to call him first before he calls 911. It's inappropriate. No one would ever do that and there is a witness, I believe, that was with the Code Manager when he met with this employee.

This employee runs to the press. The press is eager to print bad news about the city. I believe there's over 80 comments on this. I have not opened it because I do not want to read all the, I'm sure, snarky comments about the city but I just find it egregious that that would be thrown out there and taken for news.

We are held to higher standards and they should hold themselves to higher standards."


Anonymous said...

Bornstein, you lost all credibility. How dare you go after the press? Are you serious? You never screw around with the press.

Gwen said...

He's so "infinitely" aggravated that he forgot his bow tie.

This pompous fool continues at the helm of Lake Worth aggravating employees and citizens on a daily basis because he is in collusion with the unholy trio out of the sunshine.

He wants $40 million to spread around in "corruption county" where kickbacks and bribes are the order of the day.

Anonymous said...

We have a FREE PRESS in this country, Mike Bornstein. Free, as in they don't answer to you, and they don't exist to please you! Pissed that the article made you look bad? You should be pissed that you have a code manager who would scold an employee for saving a woman's life. Time to fire Mark Woods. Or the commission should fire you.

Anonymous said...

its simple was or wasn't officer petrino told he was going to be written up for not following proper reporting procedures? Yes or No?

William said...

I'm with Gwen.

If this guy wanted to fix potholes, he would have had many more repaired in the last 2 years when tax revenue increased substantially.
He wanted $63 million in 2014 and is looking for $40 million in November. That's more than he and the unholy trio can be trusted with.

Vote AGAINST the $40 million bond on November 8th.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, anonymous @12:29, according to the city manager's statement here, what do you believe? Him or the Post? I guess employees need to enter offices with a tape recorder going? The union rep had to interfere to calm this situation to a level of sanity?

Anonymous said...

Well then Lynn it appears yes he was told he was going to be written up and then after the union got involved it was lowered. so I think that's pretty clear. poor nick im sure he is getting harassed horribly by bornstien for this and if he read what bornstien said im sure hes terrified of being fired now! Its OBVIOUS they want him gone!

Anonymous said...

No one listens in this city, bottom line. You write to the city comm and manager, none write back, listen, or do anything. They never get back to you! There is no accountability from any of them. Now we just had another shooting at the Burger King on Dixie, crime is out of control, how many shootings and stabbing/murders have we had this year in this city? No one will listen or get back to you, the manager, elected, and many of the employees,some are good, but many are bad and treat citizens like crap. All I know is that I am trying to sell my house in the next year or less and I am moving out of Lake Worth, I will not keep trying to live in this crazy place, tired of how my government treats me here and tired of the crime and dysfunction.

Anonymous said...

I think the only people that are going to be left in this city are the poor, renters, criminals and crooks! Why would anyone sane want to live in this crazy place?

Anonymous said...

its sad they he made a statement that added fuel to the fire!!! Instead of saying we are looking into our procedures and I am upset this situation was handled improperly from all parties, we are relieved the girl survived. But no, he immediately tried to drag mr. petrino through the mud in a defensive move and didn't even mention the poor girl ONCE!! Great leadership right here! I looked on mr. petrino's facebook and the only comments he has made is positive and is only about the girl. Just shows such a lack of character in the cm versus mr. petrino! PRIORITIES PRIORITIES!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More bs. So since they fired the pr woman the cm took the kong and failed miserably. He looked like a complete heartless dickwad who was just trying to shift the blame. Maybe he shouldnt have fired the pr woman, haha. His bowtie must be spinning right about now.

john w said...

Why he thinks it would be a politically correct move to bash the code officer instead of focusing on the victim just shows his true colors. All he accomplished was making things worse for the lake worth city

Anonymous said...

Hes so infinitely stupid. Good job buddy. Good ol' lw always focusing on the wrong subject. He clearly could have used his 3 minutes to move forward instead he did a backflip into a bucket filled with poo.

Anonymous said...

Go piss off kevin some more and see how he fires back to give u another black eye Bronstein

Anonymous said...

Mikey-Mike,isn't the first lesson they teach you in City Manager school not to FUC$ with the press?
$hit flows down hill,and we all just got a very good view of Bow-tie Man standing on the top of lake Worth Mountain crapping on all of us.Yes, yet another self-inflicted bite in our collective asses from the guy with the orange ribbon tied around his neck.
More harassment heaped upon the Unfriendlies,the easily confused electorate,(his description of the citizens of Lake Worth,not mine)by a guy that just can't keep his foot out of his mouth.
If we had an honest majority on the dais,this jerk would be history.

Anonymous said...

Corruption breeds corruption

Anonymous said...

Well he should definitely not consider a job in the public relations speaker field and thats a fact!

GoteamGo! said...

Its only a matter of time before they can Nick. I'm sure the CM and his cronies are plotting a plan right now! I'm an employee and we ALL despise those unscrupulous POS in city hall! Its all about them while they give us absolutely nothing but scraps. Good on Nick he's the only who has a set of balls!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is all this publicity even good for that code officer? Yes he did what any good samaritan should do but with everyone calling him a hero and the city implying he's a derelict employee this just might anger the city more... Just saying...

Anonymous said...

My grandfather had a saying:"The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his tail."
Mr. Bornstein you are right at the top of that flagpole and your tail is showing, royally hanging out for all to see with your "tale of woe and indignation, EGREGIOUS!!!"

Just imagine--however could this have ever happened in your personally owned city of Lake Worth, where your signature style of managing is to remove all from the sunshine and place it behind closed doors?? Now that good old "creative" side of you is showing itself again, just like the ITN creatively out of the sunshine.

Unfortunately for you it seems that even little Lake Worth is located in the United States where there is an Amendment that guarantees freedom of the press. GASP!! HOW VERY EGREGIOUS!! It's called the Constitution and you can't hide that behind closed doors. Just not allowed in this country.

If you have a problem with the reporting the proper action would have been to address this in a less bombastic (civil) way in a letter to the Editor. I doubt your present wording would make the cut for publication, however.

I have to commend the reporter. We need more truthful reporting and less advertising the trio's "moving forward" agenda while these sort of actions are cultivated in the dark. Kudos to Kevin on this one!!

And why any previous action/non action concerning this employee should taint this act of saving a life is beyond reason.

"Truth is the most elusive captive in the world." And the more you try and hid it, the more it wills out.

Just like trying to hide sunshine. Even sunshine laws.

I'm afraid you have succeeded in showing off for all to see your glowing posterior, now shining bright in the sunshine for all to see.

Anonymous said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The city officials are scumbags,
Im sure you think so too.

Danny said...

Just like other people said, Cm Bronstein had the chance when he chose to speak at the end of the commission meeting to not make this about the code officer or the city but to express sympathy for Jessica and her family but messed it up because he is butt hurt because of a stupid article. Your not a kid anymore, its time to start acting like a man and not shift blame but take responsibility and move forward amipically.

How the hell is this man voted in by the commission to be the best person to lead the city when all his doing is to make excuses?

I say why doesnt he hold a meeting with the code officer and both of them make a positive statement together? Thats what a man would do.

Anonymous said...

The CM is so focused on harping on the 911 comment when the FACT is that the UNION even backed up that the actual threat of write up was REAL!!!! Judging soley by the CMs hateful anger he isnt looking to make amends or turn this into a positve but instead using dirty tactics to smear code officer petrino in a attempt to discredit him. Get a clue buddy! And seriously you shouldnt be so worried about the review for your raise in January because the crooked trio pack will give it to you regardless...

LW Employee tired of bs said...

Ive worked in the city with Nick for years.

- Just to clarify the city manager's statement: Yes, he did go out of his area to do a inspection for a friend and approved it. But what Bornstien chose not to mention is that in the termination hearing it was PROVEN that he did not approve the inspection because it was for a friend and he did not try to cover anything up. As soon as Nick found from the Building Department that they're had been work without permits he immediately reported it and called the business owner (his friend) and told him directly that he revoked the license and documented everything. He even took photos of the unpermitted construction in the original inspection. So tell me why would he incriminate himself if he thought he was doing something wrong? Everyone makes mistakes but this whole thing was a setup because of his fight for our pensions. And because of all this, Al Vega was railroaded out of the city. Nick is not the one who should be on trial! Bornstien and the whole crooked system is whats wrong!

Lynn Anderson said...

In my "snarky" opinion, the only thing that was "egregious" came from the lips of the city manager.

First of all he went after a reporter in an extremely unprofessional manner because he was "angry." He said the article wasn't even news, that the reporter was "incompetent." journalists don't give opinion.

Then he spanked a city employee in a public forum and didn't tell all of the facts, something he was accusing Kevin D. Thompson, the reporter, of doing saying that the city holds itself to a higher standard. The C.M gave some facts and some opinion but none of this should have been aired publicly.


Anonymous said...

It is sad that this good deed by a city employee turned so sour! The City should on be focusing on the life that was saved instead of doing EXACTLY what was written by taking "tic for tac" actions against the employee, publically. He also said, "I normally don't do this but" before he spoke. So he actually went out of his way to slam an employee! He just proved Mr. Petrino's point.

Blogger said...

Kevin D. Thompson article was correct point on point, City of Lake Worth have an outdated policy, This should not be about CM and is big ego Lake Worth has it hands full. Instead of the CM trying to bash Nick because he intervene and save a young girl life, he need to fix the problems that he was hired for.
The City of Lake Worth do not have risk management or give any form of training to its employees.Risk management is not important to the C.M so we learn as we go and if you make any mistake you get written up.Nick had lifeguard training so he new what action was needed.Great job Nick P.

Van said...

He is trying to shift attention away from his proposed $40 million robbery of us Lake Worth citizen-taxpayers. He wants to sneak this 30 year bond past unaware voters on November so he can participate in the division of the $40 million pie here in Corruption County. That's why he has constantly ignored road repair in the 5 years he has been here.
VOTE AGAINST the $40 million citizen shakedown on November 8th.

Anonymous said...

Petrino should not have went to the press but again he has been under a microscope because no one ever stands up for their rights anymore in this country. All I hear about around town is how another employee is fired this week. Bornstein was wrong on how he handled it at the commission meeting. I own property over in Petrinos area and he is not a bad guy. He's always worked with me.

I asked him about the situation earlier and he doesn't like the negativity that his city is getting from it. Knowing him I'm sure he would meet with his bosses and work with them to fix this situation. But after I saw the video online Bornstein has so much red in his eyes. He's more focused on "revenge" and im sure finding a way to fire him rather than fixing it. This is not the qualities of a leader and doesn't make us property managers who follow the rules want to buy in Lake Worth anymore. Fix yourself Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

after what bornstien said about him in the commission meeting is slande that code officer should sue the brakes off this city!

Anonymous said...

CM Bunk, amirite?

Anonymous said...

If they do ANYTHING to nicholas petrino it will definitely display retaliatory actions... Best thing for them to do is just let it fade away or release something like ah good statement. Shit at least express sympathy for Jessica's family. Good ol lw, only interested in slinging mud!

Anonymous said...

Actually 2 points I want to make in looking back over 2 days.

1. CM argument that the article was incorrect because it did not mention previous conduct of this employee. WTF? What absolute bunk! Now tell me, if someone pulled you out of the ocean would your reaction, or any REASONABLE reaction, be to question what they had previously done in their work history? This is assenine. And it is also innuendo. Guilt by OH Lordy "What I did not actually say" Oh my, just imagine how bad it must be... There is no accusation here! Just innuendo. Because there is NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THIS "EGREGIOUS" ACCUSATION, not stated out loud, no accusation actually. But just in the mists of what I do not state. Definitely not in the sunshine, definitely not. Where is Judge Wachter... Definitely not in your corner, CM.

Bottom line: no bad at all. Only "your bad" for the CM. In trying to prove by inuendo something that never existed. NO black marks on Nick's record. Only attempts by THE POWERS THAT BE, to attempt unsuccessfully to blackball him.

2. Why? Because he spoke SO very well, very articulately, and very honestly, very thoughtfully, and very courageously in addressing what was actually happening between the city and its employees. Without animosity, and toward a better solution for all. With respect and admiration for the city! He is a leader. A humble one.
And one of character. That far surpasses that of his supposed "superiours" following an unspoken agenda.

It's much harder to operate out of the sunshine when talented, honest people simply wanting to do a good job, address issues openly and with honesty. They speak truth to power.

And truth wins---if people listen and care.

He far surpasses his surroundings and superiors in command, through his character, honesty, and integrity in job performance.

Nick is truly a class act. And actually not a threat to anyone.
Except those afraid to meet someone dedicated to their work and a person of true integrity and character, and HONESTY. Simple unpretentious honesty.

Much more than you, Mr. Bornstein, will ever hope to attain by your futile attempts to discredit him for your own purposes.

Why don't you learn and cooperate in working for better goals for all in the sunshine.

And when have any of the power elite ever worried about the press? You have your own, in the Pelican Papers. You know this. They will print whatever you want with barely a wink or a nod to a dead horse. The Pelican will be flying in to your rescue. Just wait, it will happen.
You will be protected in your iglo out of the sunshine.

Oh, but that nasty renegade, truth, may yet rear it's ugly head. It's called life. It happens. In the best of well regulated (and unregulated) families. It's not Nick. It's truth---that you're afraid of. Nick is your servant, not your enemy.
If your enemy is truth,...ask why.

And as disjointed as it is, Lake Worth is still a family. You may disagree with us, heck we all do. But whatever side you're on you've gotta admit: we all care. ALOT.

Anonymous said...
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Ldubman76 said...

Mr. Bronstein should be more focused on giving his code officer a medal and shaking his hand publically for everyone to see! Squash it and move on....

But no lets try to smear the employees image and bash him at a COMMISSION MEETING on VIDEO! That was such a wiser move on the city leaders side. Was that really the best way to save face?

Same old Lake Worth always looking for someone to blame instead of owning up. Pathetic!!!! Utterly PATHETIC!!!

Hey lynn have you spoken with that code officer? Did they mess with him at all? I hope not.

Lynn Anderson said...

As far as I know, the city has not "messed" with him further.