~ Scott Maxwell
Vice Mayor Lake Worth
The county’s Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is hosting a five-hour, invite-only trolley tour that will make 11 stops to showcase city projects — and a few outside city limits — that were funded through the Resident Education to Action Program (REAP). Scott Maxwell is one of the invitees.
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You just can't hide the slum, blight, crime and potholes no matter how hard you try.
City never looked better. Take a bike ride and see.
Right, I see all the blight and the potholes. Prostitutes are still hanging out. Great going lake Worth.
Today was a good day for Lake Worth. There was so much good on display, they most likely didn't even notice pot holes. It is possible that every city has some.
Our pot holes are bigger and better.
but we’re going to ...
what has he been doing for 6 years?
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