Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Candidate Ryan Hartman's speech at Vernon Heights

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Although I was told three times over two days that the general public was not allowed to attend this meeting, I understand that some of the public was in attendance to hear and meet the incumbents and their challengers for the upcoming City of Lake Worth March 15th election. Following is District 1 candidate Ryan Hartman's speech:

"Thanks to the Vernon Heights neighborhood association for having me. I spent a few hours today, walking around the neighborhood and listening to folks' concerns. Like every time I go door knocking, today was pretty eye opening. As you all know, I'm running for city commission in District 1 and when I win, I will address as many of these concerns as possible.

For the past two months, I've run a positive campaign; choosing to focus on the issues our neighborhoods are facing as opposed to spewing negativity about my opponent. Unfortunately, the three incumbents have not played the same game.  They are degrading our democratic process by acting like bullies and fabricating stories about me.  The worst of which is Scott Maxwell telling people I am a terrorist.  Why would he do that?  These questions kept me up at night. Then I remembered that Maxwell has run unopposed for the past two terms and is scared of having an opponent...worried about voters having an option to pick a different District 1 Commissioner. 

And he should be worried because from going door to door, it appears that public trust is low for the current majority.  They have ignored the opinions and demands of the residents. They have refused to put amendments into effect, and they have given the public misinformation about the beach project finances in an attempt to bring private development to the beach. They have rubbed their corruption in our faces with their back door meetings, their dinners at Dave's, and most recently by hosting an event together at a local bar where they gave people free alcohol to register to vote. At one point during that event, it was announced that the drinks were courtesy of the city commissioners. They have sat up here and denied that they have these back door meetings, but just this afternoon, before their public meeting, they were behind a locked door doing who knows what.

I understand that this is politics, that in order to win an election often times energy has to be spent throwing dirt on your opponent.  I encourage anyone who has questions about my activism to talk to me.  I trust that voters are independent thinkers who will research each candidate before they make their opinion.  And when you do, you will find segments of Maxwell's radio show “Connect the Dots” where he espoused his anti-immigrant rhetoric.

These commissioners have had a 3-2 majority for the past year. While 3 is surely a bigger number than two, it is by no means a mandate. I can't imagine being part of a majority and silencing the voice of the minority. This is not the way government—or anything—should be run. I was at the two city commission meetings where the anti-homeless ordinance was passed and the one where the resolution finally went through. The vote was 3-2 and the voices from the crowd were equal. Did that make these incumbents go back to the drawing board and try to come up with something that we could all feel ok with? Nope; they ignored half the population and 40% of their peers, and as usual did what they wanted to. This was a horrible, non-solution to a serious issue this city faces, and the vast majority of folks here know that.

The homeless ordinance is just another in the long list of examples of the arrogance of the incumbents. When I talk to people in neighborhoods they tell me that they want their roads fixed, that they want the beach to stay public, that they voted for a height limit, and that they want the Sheriff's department held accountable for the rise in crime. Some support the Park of Commerce, but are frustrated to hear that at the behest of Scott Maxwell—the City is allocating millions of dollars to benefit commercial property owners while our roads are riddled with potholes..

I want to be city commissioner because I want to do what the people want. It doesn't matter what I want; it matters what the people who hire me want. It's about compromising, working with people that you may not see eye to eye with, and making decisions for the betterment of the people in the City of Lake Worth. Every person who lives in Lake Worth should have an equal say in what happens to Lake Worth. As much as we need tourism and new residents, there are over 35,000 people who live here now, many of whom have lived here for quite a while, who feel like they are being ignored by this commission as they rush to make Lake Worth like every other city in South Florida."

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Ryan Hartman for City Commission


Enrique said...

God bless you Ryan for exposing this arrogant trio.
They all have been in office long enough to become very adept at lying through their teeth as they ignore the will of those they supposedly represent.

Let's get Maxwell a seat on the dais at Dave's.

Vote Ryan Hartman on March 15th.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear how this blogger doesn't play well with socialists. Then you can try to explain how you're not carrying water for the local socialists again.

Lynn Anderson said...

This blogger doesn't have to answer to you--however,
who is running that is a socialist?

Anonymous said...

All your local political comrades are socialists. Hence they support other socialists. They all including you support hartman. Apparently he's not running as a socialist but you are clearly supporting him so maybe you can explain what he's running as or what his true background is. Because if you're supporting him you would know all that. Well that may not be the job for you after all. You still insist that jennings isn't an anarchist when she describes herself as an anarchist so you'r clearly blinded by hatred of the trio.

Lynn Anderson said...

Hartman is a member of the Green Party.
There are many people looking for a change--some are Democrats and others are Republicans. One of my closest friends is a Republican supporting Hartman.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see his background come pouring out into the sunshine. Like his arrest in Denver at an occupy movement protest blocks from the Capitol. Yes, it is all in the public record... If only you had the guts to actually print it.

Lynn Anderson said...

Of one thing I am positive, the Maxwell side will be investigating every little thing that ever happened back to his infancy.

These incumbents need to win on their record, not personal attacks.

Weetha Peebull said...

Public record like that in LW?
In recent meetings the mayor has admitted
they break the sign law and even the rules
of procedure for meetings. She said something
like we violate 'that' rule like a million times!

Should ALL the law breakers offenses be in print
or only the ones you disagree with anon @ 12:24?

Anonymous said...

People have the right to protest. Check with Black Lives Matter or Occupy Democrats or some other stupid group.

Anonymous said...

Wish we could see Scott Maxwell's background come pouring out into the Sunshine!
Burger King-home of the Whopper.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather vote for a guy honest enough to be arrested for what he believes in than one who thinks secret meetings are OK. Amoroso just got busted in an out of the Sunshine meeting with his other two Commission buddies.

Anonymous said...

Who would our founding fathers identify with- Hartman protesting in public or Amoroso meeting in secret ?
Under Amoroso, Maxwell and Triolo our town has gone to crap.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:10 Please provide proof of these alledged secret meetings amoroso supposedly 'just got busted' for am 'out of sunshine meeting with his two other commissioner buddies'

Lynn Anderson said...

If you are talking about the ITN, then this has been answered on numerous occasions. Please, you are now into harassment.

Are you talking about them getting busted the other day at city hall with all three of them meeting in the same room together before the workshop?

It's too bad that you have little to no knowledge of what goes on in this city.