Friday, December 11, 2015

Man stabbed in Lake Worth

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A man was stabbed in the back on Lake Worth Road near Detroit Street.  In another incident just a block away near the I-95 overpass, another gas station was involved in a crime when it was robbed one week ago.

We have a lot of vagrants hanging out in this area. Are there any solutions to this escalating crime right across the lake from where I live?

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. My neighbor found two men sleeping on his lounges in the back yard... The one guy is the nasty, foul talking dirtbag that can be found every day at Starbucks dressed in all black with his bike with a big black box mounted to the rear... I would swear he is dealing drug as o have witnessed him meet people outside then go into the Starbucks only to exit in a minute or two, with no purhases in hand, and then they part ways... All very suspicious activity if you ask me

Anonymous said...

PBSO warned us that once that the affordable rentals went in we would see more crime. the homeless might be coming out of John Prince Park and prowling around at night. Where are the cops?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's not illegal to be homeless... And if you will recall we've had a parade of these wandering type and their advocates promoting them and challenge ANY action to prevent them from setting up camp wherever they please. PBSO did sweep them out of John Prince park ( probably because all the tourist come down and stay at the campground and they don't want them to see that element near their expensive RV's) and so they head on into Lake Worth to our beautiful Bryant Park, lay anout our downtown streets and accumulate in the cultural plaza where they sit all day long and smoke their damn cigarettes, leave their trash from the do gooder church groups who hand out food. They are slobs and pigs and a detriment to our enjoyment of what we taxpayers pay for.

I just don't know what can be done about it. What's scary is that Hartmann guy want to get rid of PBSO and advocates for non-harassment of these wondering souls .

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't know a thing about what Hartman do you? R4eading Wes's blog? Let's wait to listen to him during debates.

Anonymous said...

Why should we have to wait for the debates. Who is this guy? What does he stand for/against? Who's puppet is he????

Lynn Anderson said...

Can't answer your snarky comment about the "puppet" thing although I will say that most candidates before they enter a race have some sort of support system.

One thing that we do know--he is NOT a puppet for Hudson Holdings...doesn't work for them either. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Hartman yet, but I do know that he is running under his real name, unlike Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso.
And back to the article:
"Deputies say it happened just before 3 a.m."That statement explains the whole incident.

Sam said...

Ryan Hartman doesn't have a 'real' job, he writes about hating all cops, in his alias Facebook page aka 'Joseph Parmelee', is a volunteer (actually much more than that!) with Everglades EarthFirst!, he organizes demonstrations, is an advocate for chaos to distupt and overthrow 'the man', and as resently as November 6th, 2015 told jurors in a Palm Beach Courtroom before his conviction, that, YES, he considers himself to be and anachist.

Just goggle his name lake worth and you will see what he is all about. I can't make this shit up. Sadly.

He's definitely not the 21 yr old hockey superstar from Hilton Head, SC making $832,000 a year playing for the Chicago Blackhawks... Sadly...

Anonymous said...

You know Lynn, you are getting to be. But annoying and I'm coming to the conclusion that pehlrhaos you are irrelevant. When you don't post, fairly articulate dialogue if I must say so myself, as a form of censure, which you are totally entitled to as host of this blog, you sound like an old 45 record played way too many times; doomed to skip with every revolution, hung up on the same tired refrain.
I seriously doubt you will post this, but you must know in your heart that backing this Ryan Hartman is a shameful blemish on your portrayal as a legitimant and believable conservative. The guy is bad news for LW. He is inviting more anarchist, people who self describe as 'treaspassers' to come to LW. Add the rehab failure population to the mix and voila you have what you see in the Cultural Plaza. And that is what Ryan wants to bring more of to LW and a neighborhood like Lske Osborne. Please don't discount what I've said here, here is a satan in our midst.

Lynn Anderson said...

One of the things that ANNOYS me about some in this city is that they jump to conclusions and are always stirring the pot. Just because your comment was not posted (and I have the right to post or not to post AFTER I feel that what the person says is truthful and in this case I am not 100% certain), but I was out and didn't have time to digest all of what you said.

I can tell you right now--this blog will not be used for personal and ugly attacks on candidates in the future.

I don't need you to come over here and post anonymously to personally attack someone running for office. I don't need to Google to do research on this subject as you suggested. Everyone is entitled to a fair shot, something you don't want to see happen here.

There are circumstances to every action and I would have to be involved to understand those circumstances. I will say that I agree with him on attempting to save Brigger. If people can have peaceful demonstrations to bring awareness to their cause, great.

In the meantime, I am sure that Mr. Hartman will explain himself and very clearly. I am looking forward to meeting all of the candidates including Ryan Hartman.

In the future, I would suggest that you go to the bully blogger's blog to post hit would be received much better over there because it sure will NOT happen here on these 4 candidates who are running. Thanks.

Ryan Hartman said...

I understand that as a new face on the scene, there will be plenty of misconceptions about me. Some of these misconceptions will be innocent mistakes and some--like Sam's--will be bold face lies and misinformation being purposely spread for political reasons.

First, I do have a "real" job (in fact, I have real jobS)--I'm a contributing editor and business manager of a publishing company along with the bookkeeper for a non-profit. I rarely write anything for publication, but when I do it's not about "hating all cops." I have posted articles (not written by me) on Facebook about police killing unarmed people, but that doesn't mean that I hate all cops. I don't like people who abuse their power; if a cop abuses his power, I don't like him; if a supervisor at Publix abuses her power, I don't like her. It's very easy to make generalizations like Sam did, but when we do that we toe a very fine line between harmless rumor and bold face lies intended to hurt someone.

I don't know who "the man" is that I'm allegedly trying to overthrow, but yes, I have organized demonstrations. Nonviolent demonstrations to attempt to save forests and stop animal torture. I also write letters to editors, I meet with politicians, I go to city and county commission meetings, I help file lawsuits, and I knock on doors to try and spread information.

Later this week I'll be getting a phone for the campaign, I welcome anyone to call me and talk about my "anarchism." For now, feel free to email me at Maybe I'm naive but I envision a Lake Worth where we can talk to each other and ask questions before spreading hate and lies.

Ryan Hartman