I don't know about the rest of you conservatives, but I am really tired of the progressive media coming after Marco Rubio. But even more than that, I am sick of Trump and Bush doing the same thing. Both are punks. The Sun Sentinel has done it and just the other day the Palm Beach Post's editorial jumped on the liberal bandwagon and was highly indignant that Rubio had missed Senate votes saying that he should resign. As of Oct. 30, Rubio had missed almost 34 percent of Senate votes this year.

“In 2004,
John Kerry
ran for president missing close to 60 to 70 percent of his votes. The Sun Sentinel endorsed him. In 2008, Barack Obama
missed 60 or 70 percent of his votes, and the same newspaper endorsed
Marco Rubio
answering the criticism of missing votes in the Senate.
The truth of the matter is that all those running for president who are Senators have missed votes. 10 to 13 months from the general election the stats are as follows:
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