Saturday, November 28, 2015

Debbie, just keep on "doin" it

The DNC is in financial trouble. Debbie-Wasserman Schultz is not talking. The DNC is spending more than it is taking in from contributions. But is this a surprise? Democrats always SPEND more than they have but this time, they can't print up more money.

Submitted by RepublicanConscience on November 28, 2015 - 6:23am at Sunshine State News:
I think that her [Debbie Wasserman-Schultz] condition is systemic throughout the Democrat Party. The top-down leadership is killing them financially when every candidate must stand by the Terrorist-in-Chief that is the head of the Democrat Party.

Racism was practically non-existent until Obama hit the fan. Now we have race riots everywhere and they are not caused by white people. Obama is the Pied Piper leading the DemocRATS.

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