Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dr. Carson standing up for God

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Anonymous said...

Actually, Carson essentially calls the atheist a moron for not having the same beliefs as Carson does.

So a guy has a different view of religion and, therefore, is mocked by a U.S. presidential candidate.

I suppose it's better than some of the things Trump is doing...but not by much.

Stay classy, GOP.

Lynn Anderson said...

Stay "soulless" Democrats and atheists and keep on twisting the narrative to suit your agenda.
People are going to stand up to you folks and not roll over to atheism. You guys can't stand that. You might have won this one at city hall on invocations but you have 81% of the American people who believe in God. I think you have a huge message to overcome.

Anonymous said...

Carson never called the atheist anything. He only agreed with him. I love Carson's retort. Could not be more perfect. That is the difference of someone with a brain and a Godly man, versus someone with no faith and no belief other than he is born one big mistake with no purpose.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon at 10:22,

You're absolutely right. Carson never called the atheist anything. Carson just said that based on what the atheist believed (or didn't believe), Carson is convinced that the man is related to a monkey and not to God. No insult there at all.

There's a lot of people documented in history who "stood up" to those people who held different beliefs. Some of what they left behind and/or destroyed remains today as a reminder of what humanity is capable of when they don't "roll over" to those who think differently than they do.

Republicans continue to scorn and vilify those who don't fit their definition of what an American should be. While it isn't as distinctive as the blue eye/blond hair definition that some political parties have espoused in the past, it still divides America in a horrible fashion.

The best that we can hope for is that these people are marginalized in society so that the harm that they do to the American way of life is minimal. It's the way a free America has always dealt with the radicalized minority that want to change this country in ways that only they think represent our values.