Friday, November 6, 2015

Obama locked in his own ideology

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It could be you

As reported by The Hill, “President Obama said Monday that U.S. special operations forces in Syria will not be fighting “on the front lines” against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants.

During an interview with NBC News, the president pushed back against the idea that the new deployment violates his pledge not to put “boots on the ground” in Syria to fight ISIS. “We are not putting U.S. troops on the front lines fighting firefights with ISIL,” Obama said, using a different acronym for the group. “I’ve been consistent throughout that we are not going to be fighting, like we did in Iraq, with battalions and occupations,” he added. “That doesn’t solve the problem.”

While 6 million people were being gassed and 60 million people were killed (3% of the world's population) in World War II, we had the same mentality back then.  It took another president to understand. Germany could have conquered the world. It wasn't until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor did we finally awaken, slaughter the enemy and make the world free.  Yes, it was a big sacrifice of men, women and treasury but today we enjoy living in the greatest country on Earth...still.

It is all happening all over again.  Now it is Muslims with different tactics but who are winning the war against freedom. As Obama is defunding our military, will it take another  act of war such as what occurred at our World Trade Center to get him to do the right thing?  What?

Article on what Obama would have done if he were president during World War II.  Guys, with ISIS, you could be speaking Arabic. Women would be veiled. Gays would be dead. Satanists would rule.


Anonymous said...

A couple posts ago you asked for an example of your extremist right wing jihadist views.

This is one.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL...think up a few more.

atelise said...

Lynn, they won't believe it until they are the target. "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Lynn Anderson said...

thank you @9:13. And 1:20 above, that is an excellent question. They don't believe that evil could be right around the corner--they don't believe they have anything to fear--Atelise above said it best. And diverting from the liberal progressive agenda? Not a chance.

Anonymous said...

"As Obama is defunding our military, will it take another act of war such as what occurred at our World Trade Center to get him to do the right thing?"

Please tell us, Lynn, overwrought and over-aged wearer of inappropriately tight tee shirts, what the "right thing" is? Is it genocide? Is it internment camps? Should we go back in history to examine what other "right solutions" have been enacted by paranoid, nationalistic governments that you espouse?

Thank God you and your ilk represent a small, quietly disappearing minority that belong to a different era and time in this world's history.

Lynn Anderson said...

Awh gee, you insult my appearance. LOL-- I feel like Carly. It's too bad you don't look so hot

Republicans are doing just great.
Republicans control both the governor’s mansion and legislature in 24 states, 70 of the nation’s 99 state legislative chambers, both chambers in 30 states, plus Nebraska’s single chamber, and 31 governor’s mansions.

More and more people are switching parties and approval ratings for Democrats are sliding big time.

Nearly 90 percent of the Republicans in the House of Representatives are on the far right of the conservative spectrum, described by Thomas Mann of the Brookings Institution as “a radical insurgency — ideologically extreme, contemptuous of the inherited policy regime [and] scornful of compromise.”

Lynn Anderson said...

Have you ever heard of needing a supermajority vote? I'll bet you have. Have you ever heard of executive privilege? And there's no question that Obama is smart. He's just not a good leader.
My solution--elect a Republican as president and get this country back on track--smaller government, lower taxes, take a lesser role in peoples lives, not spend more than you make, stop coddling communists, stop borrowing from China, etc.
Look, I've told you before, go to a web site that reflects your values; you will be a much happier person.
Hopefully, Republicans will have a big win and deny Clinton what she believes is her "just do" even if the world is heading towards socialism. I didn't watch the Dem forum last night, did you?

Anonymous said...

Dear anon at 10:31, please do some traveling outside of the United States. Go to the middle east for awhile. Better yet,tell them you're a gay man and demand your rights. Tell them how great Obama is. Let us know what happens. Oh yeah,you'll be dead.

Anonymous said...

Dear anon at 8:59, go to the middle east. Get raped and robbed. Count on Obama's state dept to help an American traveler. Sorry, I'laughing too hard to type anymore.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that Federal public sector jobs have decreased substantially under Obama? You do realize that Obama has cut the deficit by more than half? You do realize that Obama isn't the guy mandating that women undergo intrusive exams before they undergo a totally legal medical procedure?

Why should I go to a website that only reinforces what I believe? I want to know more and I want to better understand what and how the other side thinks. People who isolate themselves in a information bubble turn into extremists believing things and doing things that are not based in reality.

For instance, believing that Muslims are going to rush into your living room and carry you out the door...that's what happens when you surround yourself with rightwing extremist information sources.

And if you don't believe me, just read your post.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ok--so get the last freaking big deal to me. let's see what happens next year.