1528 Cochran Drive
This property owner has been fined since 2008
Magistrate ordered demolition 6-25-15
and the structure still stands today--
So much for our code process.
This property owner has been fined since 2008
Magistrate ordered demolition 6-25-15
and the structure still stands today--
So much for our code process.
And just like a resident said to me, how come it seems that they don't go after the "worst first" as they said that they would? Getting coded for grass too high or a garbage can out a day early--what about the really serious infractions that are being ignored?
How does the Code Process work in Lake Worth?
- Step one: A violation is reported
- Step two: A courtesy notice is given to the alleged violator along with a date to correct the violations
- Step three: The code officer returns to the property on or after the correction date
- Step four: If not corrected, a certified notice to resident is sent setting the date for a magistrate hearing
Do we know for sure that Code Enforcement is really for its stated purpose? Since this eyesore has been staring at our neighborhood for some 2 years now practically advertising "Make Me a Crack House"? Or is it being used just as another means of getting more revenue from taxpayers? Do we know if they have quotas? For each neighborhood? And I still don't quite understand why they have to park on weekends in our neighborhood. Do they get overtime for this? I also understand that their cost for demolition is $15,000. Actually a good breeze might take care of this one. One of my neighbors does demolition for $3000; was there any bidding process on demolition? Very curious--
They go after easy stuff because its easy. I think they also have quotas so they fill their quotas with easy stuff. I tried for years to get a problem house addressed, we reported it on a weekly basis, it was not bank owned, it was burned out and a murder took place at the property. My husband regularly spent his time and our money boarding it up, it took years for them to open a case and another year or so before it was finally demolished.
I was hopeful when commission said the code needed to be rewritten but the problems with priorities and lack of response and lack of follow up continue (i.e. why when you have fined someone into compliance, especially banks, is there no follow up from code). The same issue occurs the next month and neighbors have to start over from scratch. There should be something like code probation for bank owned properties and once they've cleaned up they are on probation and there are regular check backs by code.
Commissioner Maxwell doesn't give a $hit about his own neighborhood.This horror is less than 200 feet from Maxwell's back door.
Please PLEASE someone, anyone run against him in March. You must know if he stays in power our beach is history. Let's get some new faces up there who will really represent us and not just their special interest partners like HH and every developer available. I really don't want us to end up looking like Miami: all concrete, all sun and breezes crowded out, developers happy as pigs in sh_t.
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