Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wayne Allyn Root on Bernie Sanders

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Is he a socialist? Sure. But so are the others. Did you hear what they promised on that stage in Las Vegas? They all want to spend us into bankruptcy. They all want to spend, spend and spend some more. They all want to give everything away to everyone for free. They all want to redistribute wealth. But at least Bernie is an authentic socialist.

He is a true believer. He’s not preaching free stuff to everyone to buy votes. Bernie really believes in this stuff. He drinks the socialist Kool-Aid. Bernie sells his socialism with conviction. I’d have to check the pulses of the others to find out if they were alive.

Read the article... at Personal Liberty.


Anonymous said...

Police and fire departments.

Surprising how "socialist" the United States is. And how much those of us who rail against it, support it in the next breath...or next post.

Anonymous said...

The issue for me is are the rich corporations paying their fair share of taxes and the answer is no. I want to live in a country where healthcare is a right for everyone like it is in every major country in the world except ours. I want kids to go to good free schools so they can grow up and have opportunities. I want you Lynn to realize that something is wrong with a country that is letting people go without food while the super rich get even more wealthy. Your response will be the typical Fox News response that corporations and the rich pay too much. I say that's what they want you to believe. Try to raise a family on what a teacher makes in Palm Beach county.

Lynn Anderson said...

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the free world.
No one in our country has to go without food. There are 45.7 million people on food stamps paid by taxpayers and all those wealthy people you seem to hate.
Kids have free schools right now paid by tax dollars. Why should they get college free too? They can go and learn a trade. The can volunteer for the service and then have the government pay for their college. There are ways instead of just sticking your hand out. Plumbers, electricians, a/c techs etc. make great money. Work for the damn government...those benefits are fabulous...better than what I had.
There is no such thing as a fr4ee ride and socialism does not work.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was really telling at the duh-bate that no questions at all about the national debt, you know all the money we owe in order to pay people's food stamps, give to governments who hate us, and pay for those great government salaries and benefits. Hill was going to back to Benghazi, but conveniently never did.

I like Bernie. Like you said, he really believes this stuff. His heroes are Belgium, Sweden and some other Arctic country where the raindeer outnumber residents. They probably haven't signed "free" trade agreements yet that sell their industry to cheap labor in third world countries.

The one thing that should have been discussed and debated was the Glass Stiegel issue that was brought up by one of the no-names. THAT is an important issue. But because all the rest up there get huge funding from the BANKS, their eyes glazed over at the mere mention of it.

Go ahead and rail against the Koch brothers who employ tens of thousands of workers at salaries way above living wages. Demonize people who are enthusiastic about getting up and making money. But after a certain point (not $250,000) tax their excesses. When you do that, they normally would rather give the excesses to their employees instead of the government.

Anonymous said...

Close the tax loop holes where hedge fund managers only pay 15% income tax on their millions of income per year... Just like Mitt Romney. That is obscene, when people like him pay less than the middle class or those earning under $100,000.

And oh, by the way, the national deficit is the lower eat it's been in 8 years... And wouldn't be so dang high if Bush II didn't lie to us about weapons of mass destruction and take us to a long, bloody and super expensive war. Think of all that money we just flushed down the drain, no maybe a better analogy is poured into the porrous sands of the Middle East all while making billions for friends like Dick Cheney and the war mongers.

Lynn Anderson said...

Typical liberal progressive BS.
The deficit, which has been getting smaller -- not the debt, which is getting bigger and under Obama is SEVEN (7) TRILLION DOLLARS) BIGGER under Obama. And if you recall, we were climbing out of a recession when he took office. Bush did not cause the recession but I am sure you would blame him for everything.
I agree on the Hedge Funds and the tax loopholes in general. Lower the corporate tax and bring jobs back to America.