Friday, October 16, 2015

Lake Worth Football tonight

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This is the last home game of the season. Bring your bells and help us cheer. Come on out for the 7pm game and support the Lake Worth Trojans. They play the Boca Raton Bobcats tonight who have everything to lose as they are playing for a district championship and have a 7/0 record.  We've had three losses in a row now and it's time for a win. We beat them 28/7 last year. Let's hope Lake Worth got all those penalties worked out...penalties have been killing them.


Anonymous said...

Let us know if any commissioner shows especially those running for re-election

Lynn Anderson said...

You show up too, anonymous at 11:04...we'll be on the 50 yard line.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the game, I had to work.

What I didn't miss was the Mom Squad cleanup at Bryant Park last Sunday morning. You'll probably remember at the last Commission meeting where the kids announced their huge success in selling their art at Evening on the Avenue the Friday before and raised $875 all going to buy books for their schools and the library.

Sorry you missed a good time at our beautiful park at 10am where about 25-30 concerned adult citizens with kids in tow. And even though all the commissioners were invited, only Commissioner Andy Amoroso participated, in fact he was early and brought a lot of supplies for our cleanup. Sadly, the District commissioner, Ryan Maiers was no where to be seen... Which is typical for community events.

Thanks Commissioner Andy, we adults applaud your efforts and demonstrating by doing good so our kids can learn by your example to becoming good citizens.

Thanks to all the moms, dads and kids for picking up the litter others carelessly toss aside, especially the nasty cigarette butt left at the band shell area the recovery group uses - I really would prefer for there not to be smoking allowed at the park, and for that matter, the entire downtown corridor. I have a fundamental right to breathe fresh, smoke free air.

Lynn Anderson said...

The only day commissioner Maier has off is Sunday. Since NONE of the rest of the commission showed up, why single him out? He is moving his salon. You missed me? I was in church. Glad you did a bang up job on all of our behalves.

Thanks for your political plug for Amoroso. He's an upstanding guy.

You got a lot of negatives in with your comment...recovery people and blaming them for a cigarette butt...your air and all of that. Personally, I can't stand cigarettes but...we all applaud you for the effort in Bryant Park.