Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Evil in Palm Beach County

This has to be the most disgusting and revolting thing that has been going on in our county for years.  Read about the illegal slaughter -- the slitting of animal throats and skinning them alive.

The book needs to be thrown at them...life would be too good for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you (not singling you out Lynn, just anyone who reads this) what happens in "legal" slaughterhouses? Do you know what happens to the male chicks born on egg factory farms?
How about the lifecycle of a pig raised for pork?

These questions are too difficult for most people,so they go after horse slaughter or obvious things like this.

Not everyone will (or even can,become a vegan-some pele don't have the discipline or are genetically unable,just as some are diabetics ,etc) but jeez you can get together and acknowledge where your food comes from instead of reserving your outrage only for things like this!