Saturday, October 17, 2015

CNN Debate was large doses of Socialism

Under Barack Obama, our country has changed.  We all know that it's no longer just small doses of socialism that have been crammed down the throats of all those who want to live the American dream by working hard, building businesses and taking pride in American exceptionalism. America is rapidly being plundered, looted and destroyed by one horrible Obama decision after another.

You don't want to miss this article--Democrats to America: We hate you.

Here's a snippit:

Of course, the left’s telling the rest of us that they rank us somewhere between “cancer” and “Ebola” isn’t exactly a new development. Obama, easily the most divisive president in at least a century, runs his entire regime based on the guiding principles of division and hate. “You didn’t build that, someone built that for you.” So quit acting like you earned your way, you “bitter clinger.”

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