Friday, October 16, 2015

Atheist Chaz Stevens keeps "dicking" around

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It just gets more stupid--Cities around Florida are axing invocations all because of this one man who is really "dicking" them all and having fun doing it. Why are cities falling for this and allowing him to become more powerful, more pompous?

We know now that he is threatening the City of Lake Worth with a civil rights suit. The only thing the city is guilty of is ignoring his request to appear before the commission for two minutes to chant, rant or whatever. If anything, the city has just been impolite. Anyone can threaten anything in today's politically correct world and cities crouch down in fear wanting it all to disappear. I'm starting to have more respect for Stevens.

"Satan wins another round!"
Atheist blogger Chaz Stevens posted that jubilant Facebook message Tuesday night, just seconds after Dania Beach city commissioners decided to ditch prayer for a moment of silence before meetings, says the Sun Sentinel.
Isn't the whole thing a dick-waving contest to prove who's the True Christian™?


Anonymous said...

Chaz is definitely having fun with this. I don't think you want to laugh at God.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're right and he's just joshing but are you sure he's got all his marbles? With one-third of all the people on Earth being Chsistian, I can only conclude there is a medical problem going on with him. He's insulted 2 or 3 billion people? Too weird.

Lynn Anderson said...

He's having fun and maybe he really believes that he came from the innards of Supernova? :)

Anonymous said...

A Supernova that God made!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad our city leaders don't have the cojones to stand up to him. I say just let him have his 2 minutes and be sure to invite enough members of the public to make it the most miserable 2 minutes of his life. He can't sue john doe city resident for treating him like the piece of trash he is, so how about we invite him in, bring your Pastor Olive and we can all chant prayers so loudly that nobody can hear the bs coming out of his mouth. There's more than one way to skin a Satanist and backing down surely isn't the best option.

Anonymous said...

Go Chaz Go. He speaks for a lot of people who don't want to be compelled to bow down to your religion in order to get a roofing permit. Why is your Christian faith so weak that you have to push your religion on the rest of us during a city meeting.

Go pray in church and stop forcing your beliefs on the rest of us.

Lynn Anderson said...

No one is "pushing" anything on you. All faiths are welcome. Just leave the room if it so offends you or enter after the invocation has been said. Two minutes won't kill you. You are PUSHING your atheistic attitude on the rest of us but I will stay and listen.

Christian faith is hardly weak...there are nearly 3 billion of us globally. It is you that seems to have fear.

Gold Emblem said...


Can we at least agree on the facts?

The City indicated to me they were stopping the invocation, and then continued.

You can choose to refer to that as being ignored ... my legal team refers to it as discrimination.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's why their are prosecutors and defense lawyers and why there are so many lawsuits, even frivolous ones.
You may be interested to know that invocations and policy will be on the November 10th meeting.