Thursday, August 13, 2015

The "Free Stuff" crowd will have rally for Bernie Sanders in Lake Worth

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What better place to have a fundraiser for a socialist than Lake Worth?  Home to anarchists, liberal left-wing Democrats and even communists, all who want to grow government and believe that everybody should have "free access to the goods and services that directly meet their needs and there need be no system of payment for the work that each individual contributes to producing them. All work would be on a voluntary basis." - Source: World Socialism

Propaganda Nightclub, a business that is truly capitalistic and whose goal is to make a bloody fortune off of this event, is hosting a fundraiser this Sunday for Bernie Sanders, number one elected socialist in the country.  They will probably block off our city street as well which goes along with "free access." He is beating Hillary in many polls and losers love his message. They all hate capitalists and what made this country strong and number one; they hate the one-percenters and those who actually keep this country afloat by creating jobs and opportunity for all.

Read the article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup, we have all these poor people in Lake Worth and these people want to create more of them. It will be fun to see Blackman and Ellman palsing around together at this event.