Friday, August 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration - A Negative impact on America

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Steven Camarota, director of research for CIS says, "Bottom line is, immigration touches on many things that directly impact the lives of Americans and yet there's no national discussion of it. There has been 70 immigrants just this year who've tried to join ISIS or engage in terrorist activity here at home, and the president wants to bring in 35,000 refugees from Syria over the next year. Does that make sense? What is in the national security interest of the U.S.? Again, that's a very valid question, but why are we not even having a discussion? We can talk about sanctuary cities but that's just one small aspect of the problem."

We need a Conservative Republican in the Whitehouse and someone tough on illegal immigration.


M Street Mitch said...

You are anti-immigrant. We get that.

And you think that the only responsible folks in America are (mostly white) conservatives. We get that, too.

Everyone...EVERYONE in town knows exactly what you are. And when we look at you, behind our smiles, that's what we see.

Mabel said...

I know you probably didn't mean to, but the quote you wrote this blog about is about immigration in general and not illegal immigration. I think there's a big difference and hope that this country gets its act together about the latter.

But we're a nation of immigrants. How can anyone be totally against immigration?

Lynn Anderson said...

This blog is against ILLEGAL Immigration. However, I, along with Rick Santorum believe we should cut the numbers of legal immigrants from a little over one million a year to around 750,000. The vast amounts of immigrants have hit the wages of American workers and is in direct correlation to why the middle class is shrinking. We can't afford to have so many entering our country. I can't even imagine what Green cards are doing to us and the 40 estimated million of ILLEGALS now here for whom we are supporting as a nation. Obama has never been truthful about how many illegals we have here.
We may be a nation of immigrants but we can't afford to let everyone in. Take the highly skilled and professionals who actually can contribute to our success. Accept those who have family here who will be responsible for their monetary needs, not the U.S. This should not be a charitable opportunity here.

Anonymous said...

We have sufficient numbers of people, bringing more just means more trouble for us and for, the better class of newcomers, a strain on our infrastructure, hospitals, courts and quality of life.

Stanley said...

I don't know where you get your stats...wait, I do know where you get your stats.

The fact is that there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2014. This is according to Pew Research. Still, too many, but far from the "40 estimated million" that you claim in your comment.

Other facts about illegal immigration from Pew Research here:

Lynn Anderson said...

Stanley--I am not in the mood to debate someone who has little info and just Google's Pew.

Let's put it this way, maybe I do more reading on the subject than do you.
Former president of the National Border Patrol Council, T.J. Bonner told Fox News that for every person caught trying to enter this country illegally over the U.S./Mexican border, at least two more successfully make it here.

So, using Bonner’s rather conservative estimate, 41.8 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. since the 1986 amnesty. The 40 million number has been used on many occasions. It is something that Obama and the rest of the socialists and losers don't want to tell us.

Cheyrl said...

Just fyi, the friend of the former head of the DHS said last year that Bonner's numbers were crap. I've heard that reported by several blogs since then and put more stock in that than one guy on Fox. Another associate of mine who watches a lot of MSNBC and CNN reporting says the same thing. I also heard from a cousin that he saw a report saying that the Border Patrol is actually returning 3X's more illegal immigrants to their respective than is being reported. 3X's!!! Amazing.

I agree about Pew. I like listening to the people who have all the facts.

Lynn Anderson said...

I wouldn't expect any different sort of comment from a progressive. Thanks. Pew is one source out of how many?????? i thought they did polling. Open Border people kill me. I would bet if they did a poll on that, you guys would get about a negative 1 percent.