Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Florida's Black Bear

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Florida will now have blood on its hands. It's atrocious what it has done when it comes to permits to hunt the Black Bear. The Florida Black Bear is now open season for trophy hunters, killers, even those coming from out-of-state.  Florida residents pay $100 and non-residents pay $300 for the joy of killing one bear. We will get the Cecil killers of the world, you know the ones with blood dripping from their lips who have no humanity.

The bears were protected for decades but now Florida says that 320 of them can be killed, one each for a permit holder. Why do people get a thrill out of killing an animal? There is something very wrong with that when you have no value for a living, breathing animal and you can just easily point an assault weapon and end its life.

The irony of this is that the proceeds from these bear permits will go towards bear conservation.

The State's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has no clue on how big the Florida bear population is. They probably now know how many hunters may want to end one's life.


Anonymous said...

If the numb nuts at Fish and Wildlife would stop issuing permits for illegals to collect Saw Palmetto berries(an important food source for the bears) for pharmaceutical companies ,the bears might have food to eat and won't have to forage where they shouldn't be.Fish and Wildlife have created a vicious cycle where the bears lose out.

Anonymous said...

The bears, like the alligators, have over-populated and need to be thinned out. You don't see them as a problem here so it bothers you when measures have to be taken to protect humans. The rules are that only large bears can be taken, over 100 pounds. They can grow to over 600 pounds and you need to be scared of them when they reacjh that size.

The lion is a different story. You can eat bear meat.

Anonymous said...

How many bears are there in the state? Is there an overpopulation? Is there not enough habitat for all the bears that we have? Let's send the illegal aliens back to their home countries and recapture more habitat for them. Otherwise, their numbers probably need to be controlled. Giving hunters permits to shoot them is a good way to do this. Otherwise, government hunters have to go out and shoot them at government expense. Would that make everyone feel better?

Anonymous said...

Poor bears... We crowded them out if their habitat and now we hunt them... All because they are now encroaching and looking for food.

I've got a solution, I want to raise chickens! That would help feed the bears and the illegal evasives boa constrictors hanging out in the glades eating the birds. FWC needs to bring back the snake hunt and relocate the Bears.

Anonymous said...

The only things that need to be relocated are some obnoxious human posters above.

Anonymous said...

To answer the above question, Florida is home to some 3,000 bears. The hunt is meant to cull about 10% of them. Still a healthy sustainable population.