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It's always a shame when citizens continually have to fight city hall but that's the way it is here in Lake Worth. Anyone believing that a Spring training field at John Prince Park will give our city or surrounding cities an economic boost is misinformed or living a pipe dream. Anyone believing that there is any
justification in tearing up 84 plus acres of deed restricted park property (and where would the cars park?) are "batty."

Any commissioner authorizing the expenditure of city tax dollars to pay for two attorneys to attend a county meeting to promote this, is irresponsible. But this commission only listens to what's rolling around in their heads.
Democracy is compromised when governments no longer serve the common good of the people and sacrifice entire neighborhoods to get their way. Instead, elected officials and the cronies they hire serve organized special interests that have the means to exert disproportionate leverage over government decisions. Lobbyists (a special interest group if there ever was one) have a lot of clout and the City of Lake Worth is listening to one, former U.S. Congressman, Mark Foley...yes, that bad boy is still around.
to bulldozing our park for corporate and political greed.
On the Avenue
City Manager, Michael Bornstein walked by and didn't stop to say "hi."
Mark Foley was a staunch conservative Republican.
If it has the backing of someone with strong conservative credentials it must be a good thing for the city.
Is that a joke? This has nothing to do with Foley being a Republican or a "conservative" which is really debatable. If you are conservative, you wouldn't even think about destroying a county park for corporate greed or for lining your own pockets. I could go on about character and such but why bother.
I don't understand why anyone would be against this. There are homes all around the Roger Dean stadium and area around the stadium is very nice. The area around John Prince Park where this stadium may be built is not upscale and needs help. I am all for this project and I know many residents that agree.
You want to come over here and insult our homes now? What a peach of a guy.
Read my comment at 3:04...sick of *&^%.
Lynn, you must be having a bad day. Your comments at 5:40 were off the wall. The area around J.P.P. is not upscale and does need help. You really need to chill. Thank God your army of like thinkers is so small.
The ONLY area around JPP is where I live and the ROLOH neighborhood. (Oh, forgot one--the affordable housing being built on LW Rd) What in hell are you talking about? If you want to get down to brass tacks, the entire city of LW needs some help (other than Vernon heights and Lake Clark terr) but it won't be from a baseball stadium at JHP.
Thank GOD there aren't too many of you who find no problem destroying a park.
I have a great suggestion, let's build the damn thing in Arizona. Second best idea, let's build it next to Scott Maxwell's house.
Foley is now a gun for hire lobbyist, with no honor or affiliation as far as I can tell. If the proposal were to build something on the golf course I bet it would be DOA. John Prince Park must be off limits to any more piecemeal development. It is open green space, publicly used, and that is more precious than diamonds in the part of this state we live in.
Sam Goodstein
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