Palm Beach Post
March 8, 2014
Baseball idea great for Lake Worth
Swing, batter, swing! I was excited to see the article
about the opportunity for Lake Worth to possibly host a major-league baseball
team. The economic impact would be great
for our tax base.
Let’s not miss this opportunity of a lifetime. During the 1980’s, a major baseball team was
considering coming to Palm Beach State College. In the 1990's, the Kravis Center
was to be on the edge of John Prince Park and Sixth Avenue South. Lake Worth struck out. Now we are up to bat
again. Will this be the third strike, or
will we hit a home run?
As a former mayor and chamber executive, I fully support
a professional baseball team in John Prince Park. John Prince was the first county
commissioner from Lake Worth, and he would be proud today.
This proposal would not only increase our tax base but
would improve our image as well.
Play ball!
Tom Ramiccio
Lake Worth
Ramiccio wore out his welcome and yet, he still continues to think his opinion counts for something. His heavy handed tactics were offensive and harmful to LW. Just go away! Even his best friend whom he brought into the Chamber to be his "do girl" turned against him.....eventually helping to do him in. Your input is not welcome. You are bad news every time you come back around. Please move somewhere else and bother them. Over sized HOUSE FOR SALE on N. L St. is the only thing we want to hear from YOU!
Hey TR, How would it increase our tax base when it is not in our city?? PLUS, you are saying you are willing to take public park land and turn it into a private enterprise. That is why you are a persona non grata in LW today! You're out!!!
Message to the "bleacher bums" ,actually just "greedy bums", that were willing to throw all of the families west of I-95 under the bus. Thanks for stabbing your neighbors in the back. Don't you all feel stupid right now ? A dishonored lobbyist and his pet Commissioner Maxwell didn't even know that this crap could never be built in JPP? What a bunch of idiots. You should be using those cheep ball caps to hide behind right now. Being on the same side as Tom Ramiccio on ANY ISSUE never turns out well. '"And it's one, two ,three strikes YOU'RE OUT !!! at the old ball game ".Katie Mcgiveron
Such negativity from the peanut gallery!
I can only assume that you honestly cannot figure out how having a MLB team here might (read, WILL) help the city....
Please think beyond just your initial negative reactions and think about where all involved with an MLB team might stay, live and eat -
Think perhaps, of the many fans who would come to watch them practice -
Even if you personally despise someone (commenter on Ramiccio) that does not mean that their every thought is despicable.
It's this now dwindling (thank god) knee jerk negativity that IMO, has held this city back for so long -
Please people, try to think outside of of the narrow negative box you're so used to employing.....
And no, I am not a "paver"!
Just a resident who wants to see LW thrive as a small town beach resort community - no high rises...no franchises - but an MLB team practice facility, come on!
Do your research. It won't bring people into our city. They will come in from the turnpike or I-95 and go right back on those highways to go home. Let's get real.
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