I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks
or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their crony deals.
I do not like this spying, man.
I do not like, ‘Oh, yes, we can.’
I do not like this spending spree,
we’re smart, we know nothing’s free.
I do not like reporters’ smug replies
when I complain about their lies.
I do not like this kind of hope
and we won’t take it, nope, nope, nope.”
~ Sarah Palin
said while delivering the keynote address at CPAC.
This poem by Sarah sounds very selfish and ego-centric of her. Our government now is more about ALL people and taking care of and including all of us in all decision making and policy out there. Thank God palin never got in office at the national level, she would be wrong for our country, too hateful and narcissistic. She needs to take some lessons from Charlie Crist.
Charlie Crist is out for Charlie Crist. He can't even figure out if he is a Republican or a Democrat. Sarah knows exactly what SHE is.
Sounds like Charlie and you Lynn have a lot in common, but opposites, you were a democrat and now a republican and he was a republican and now a democrat, there is nothing wrong with this, we just need a caring inclusive government that takes care of the people and teaches responsibility and hard work.
I'm a registered Democrat still...just don't like Obama or the party becoming Socialistic.
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