Small traces of Legionella bacterium — an element that causes
Legionnaires’ Disease — have been found in the water supply of a
concentrated area in the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center, hospital
Public Affairs Officer Mary Ann Goodman confirmed Wednesday.
Read about it...
Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
The incomparable Ted Deutch
Everyone LOVES Rep. Ted Deutch.
Here's why as Congressman Deutch gives us some highlights and his priorities in 2014.
Here's why as Congressman Deutch gives us some highlights and his priorities in 2014.
White Muscovy
"Domesticated in Europe, White Muscovy ducks were originally discovered
in Brazil and are known for their intelligence and love of flight. Used
primarily for meat production, the White Muscovy duck makes up 90% of
commercially produced duck meat." Source: Freedom Ranger Hatchery
This guy flew the coop and now is enjoying his life at John Prince Park.
This guy flew the coop and now is enjoying his life at John Prince Park.
Federal Spending by the Numbers
Comment Up
1993 - 2001 Bill Clinton
2001 - 2009 George W. Bush
2009 - Obama
To see all the stats and who is growing government and 51 examples of government waste, Click here.
1993 - 2001 Bill Clinton
2001 - 2009 George W. Bush
2009 - Obama
To see all the stats and who is growing government and 51 examples of government waste, Click here.
Bill Clinton,
George W. Bush,
Big Mouth and Big Gun over Big Mac
Comment Up
People are very angry...angry over the slightest thing...just look at them in a way that they interpret as less than friendly or take a different view and you have their wrath coming down hard on you. Road rage is on the rise. People walk side by side down a sidewalk and want you to get out of their way. Dogs rule. No one can make a mistake anymore. And the liberal press rolls over and condemns the right of free spech (atheists and satanists) instead of standing up for democracy. Bad guys keep winning and courts are complicit.
This time the anger was over a hamburger. Read about the Big Mac and the big brute and the big gun.
People are very angry...angry over the slightest thing...just look at them in a way that they interpret as less than friendly or take a different view and you have their wrath coming down hard on you. Road rage is on the rise. People walk side by side down a sidewalk and want you to get out of their way. Dogs rule. No one can make a mistake anymore. And the liberal press rolls over and condemns the right of free spech (atheists and satanists) instead of standing up for democracy. Bad guys keep winning and courts are complicit.
This time the anger was over a hamburger. Read about the Big Mac and the big brute and the big gun.
Politically Correct,
Politically Incorrect
Obama's 2014
Comment Up
Some (there are so many more that it would take a book) of the incredible happenings in 2014 on a national and international level involving Obama--
Here's looking forward to 2015.
Some (there are so many more that it would take a book) of the incredible happenings in 2014 on a national and international level involving Obama--
- The government is printing more money making ours worth less.
- There have been more false stories of a “recovery.”
- We have more people on the welfare rolls
- We have more people not working. And those people not working got uncounted from the unemployment rolls so that we could get a false unemployment number for the administration to tout as further sign of a recovery. the official unemployment number is a scam and a sham.
- We have phony stock market numbers propped up by phony money.
- We have the biggest national debt in history-- The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $2.42 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
- It was business as usual for the psychopaths in Congress
- And we got John Boehner playing footsies with Obama
- Congress voted themselves a raise of a $1,000 a month for a luxury car
- We are also playing footsie with ISIS and Obama has no clue as to whom is the real enemy in spite of be-headings of innocent people
- Obama is throwing our friend, Israel, under the bus
- Obama, when referring to ISIS, uses the name ISIL. The L is for Levant which stands for a multi-nation region in the Mid-East. Right smack in the middle of ISIL territory is little Israel. Using ISIL instead of ISIS is semantics, but it is important as it is giving a message to the terrorists that he might not recognize Israel as a democratic sovereign nation.
- He gave an executive action on November 20 allowing amnesty for around 5 million illegal aliens, some of whom are repeat criminal offenders, telling the Congress to go pound dirt. He is being sued.
- Now Obama has opened up relations with an oppressive Marxist regime. Some doves, including Rand Paul who just hates wars and believes we should not get involved but go around with the peace sign on our right hand, actually believe that it is this country or I should say the 47% of Obama supporters that has caused their citizens poverty and repression.
Here's looking forward to 2015.
Man shot in Lake Worth
Comment Up
"Shooting occurred shortly before 6:30 p.m. on Railroad Avenue, just west of Dixie Highway and south of Sixth Avenue South."
Read about it...
"Shooting occurred shortly before 6:30 p.m. on Railroad Avenue, just west of Dixie Highway and south of Sixth Avenue South."
Read about it...
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Couple robbed in Lake Worth
Unknown armed male robs husband and wife as they leave Sunshine Inn, Lake Worth.
Just after 9:00 am, today, December 30, 2014, an armed black male approached a husband and wife as they were leaving the Sunshine Inn located in the 500 Block of S. Dixie Highway, Lake Worth.
The couple described the suspect as early to mid-30’s, 6’2” – 6’4”, muscular build with long dreads. He fled in an older model red Ford Explorer.
If you can identify this suspect you are urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS.
PBSO looking for vandals in Lake Worth
Comment Up
They erected illegal signs in protest--"Black Lives Matter."
Read about it... and their disregard of public property. ACLU takes the side of the vandals. Sounds about right.
They erected illegal signs in protest--"Black Lives Matter."
Read about it... and their disregard of public property. ACLU takes the side of the vandals. Sounds about right.
Black Lives Matter,
Downtown Lake Worth,
Craig Frost running for Commissioner District 4 Lake Worth
Comment Up
The candidates all seem to be lying low right now. Hopefully, we will hear from them after the first of the year.
The candidates all seem to be lying low right now. Hopefully, we will hear from them after the first of the year.
City of Lake Worth,
Craig Frost,
Commission Compensation for elected Lake Worth officials
Comment Up
There was a day when I advocated for higher salaries for our Mayor and Commissioners. That's when they had meetings where we actually learned something--facts were brought forth and decisions were made in the sunshine. Citizens spoke on every item. We had commissions that actually listened. But since this commission has been in power, we learn less and less about what's going on within the city. Their main objective is to end meetings as early as possible and bully the public to remain silent and try and grab the cash whenever possible and ignore elections. Arrrr!
Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo makes $15,400; commissioners: $14,400. they get a city cellphone or $1,200 allowance. This has been consistent for over a decade on an operating budget of around $30 million. They also have a travel and conference budget that is used to get more informed in the decisions that they make for you, or so they tell us.
Council members typically receive modest compensation for their work, usually because they serve on a part-time basis, so says the League of Cities. Here in Lake Worth, we have not had a regular meeting since December 2. Prior to that, the last regular meeting was November 4. I would characterize that as part-time.
Until this commission returns phone calls and answers e-mails and disallows a deputy sheriff standing behind a citizen while he is speaking his 2 minutes at the lectern and gives respect to the people they serve, I think their compensation is more than adequate for all these cloudy days.
A cloudy day over Lake Osborne
There was a day when I advocated for higher salaries for our Mayor and Commissioners. That's when they had meetings where we actually learned something--facts were brought forth and decisions were made in the sunshine. Citizens spoke on every item. We had commissions that actually listened. But since this commission has been in power, we learn less and less about what's going on within the city. Their main objective is to end meetings as early as possible and bully the public to remain silent and try and grab the cash whenever possible and ignore elections. Arrrr!
Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo makes $15,400; commissioners: $14,400. they get a city cellphone or $1,200 allowance. This has been consistent for over a decade on an operating budget of around $30 million. They also have a travel and conference budget that is used to get more informed in the decisions that they make for you, or so they tell us.
Council members typically receive modest compensation for their work, usually because they serve on a part-time basis, so says the League of Cities. Here in Lake Worth, we have not had a regular meeting since December 2. Prior to that, the last regular meeting was November 4. I would characterize that as part-time.
Until this commission returns phone calls and answers e-mails and disallows a deputy sheriff standing behind a citizen while he is speaking his 2 minutes at the lectern and gives respect to the people they serve, I think their compensation is more than adequate for all these cloudy days.
City of Lake Worth,
Lake Osborne,
The Best Conservative Blogs
Comment Up
"2014 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards, the most prestigious new media awards in the conservative blogosphere.
These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists — some in very unique ways."
Click here for the best of the best Conservative blogs.
"2014 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards, the most prestigious new media awards in the conservative blogosphere.
These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists — some in very unique ways."
Click here for the best of the best Conservative blogs.
Obama's Executive Overreach
When it comes to Obamacare, it seems Barack
Obama is able to change the law at his own whim. But now his whimsy could be
smacked down by the U.S. Supreme Court. The American Center for Law and Justice asks the court to reject IRS regulations that illegally authorize tax subsidies for purchasers of health insurance on federal exchanges.
Read the latest...on WND.
Read the latest...on WND.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Today at Lake Worth Beach
One dead; one critical--helicopter crash north of Lantana Airport
Read about the crash.
Channel 5 is up there shooting the scene now.
Channel 5 is up there shooting the scene now.
Aircraft looked similar to this--
Quote of the Day - Rudy Giuliani

~ Rudy Giuliani, former New York City Mayor
Speaking about his indictment of Obama for his contributing to a rhetorical atmosphere about hating American police and palling around with Al Sharpton at his side using him as an adviser on race relations in America.
And watch this short video clip and listen to what Allen West has to say about it all.
Al Sharpton,
Allen West,
Quote of the Day,
Rudy Giuliani
Pension Crisis
"The crisis isn’t going away. Nationwide, public-employee pensions are
running between $1 trillion and $5 trillion in the red, depending on the
rate of return expected on stocks and bonds. This could be the next
housing bubble to burst. Some states such as Utah have smartly moved
quickly to head off this crisis by closing down open-ended pensions and
putting public-sector union members in 401(k) plans that won’t bankrupt
the state or municipalities. The unions are fighting this reform
And what we have faced in Lake Worth is all swept under the rug. This commission dares not mention the word "union" as it might open up the truth in that can of worms.
$56.7 on the utility upgrade…money still unaccounted for in the original bond
$3.5 million still owed on the Gateways...
$87 million or so in unfunded pension liability
NOTHING is ever mentioned about the cost of public safety. Former city manager Susan Stanton was so aghast at the sheer numbers that she got into negotiations with Ric Bradshaw and shaved $2 million off of his costs to Lake Worth. The thanks she got? A lot of misinformed residents who were fed all sorts of politically charged explosive stories even going so far as to blame it all on hormones. This is the sort of disgusting politics we have in this city.
The commission never talks about the pensions that have bled this city dry which are uncontrollable costs amounting to 69.31% of the entire budget.
And what we have faced in Lake Worth is all swept under the rug. This commission dares not mention the word "union" as it might open up the truth in that can of worms.
$56.7 on the utility upgrade…money still unaccounted for in the original bond
$3.5 million still owed on the Gateways...
$87 million or so in unfunded pension liability
NOTHING is ever mentioned about the cost of public safety. Former city manager Susan Stanton was so aghast at the sheer numbers that she got into negotiations with Ric Bradshaw and shaved $2 million off of his costs to Lake Worth. The thanks she got? A lot of misinformed residents who were fed all sorts of politically charged explosive stories even going so far as to blame it all on hormones. This is the sort of disgusting politics we have in this city.
The commission never talks about the pensions that have bled this city dry which are uncontrollable costs amounting to 69.31% of the entire budget.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Home Invasion on South K Street
UPDATE: man arrested for home invasion
MEDIA ADVISORY Unknown male entered an occupied residence and assaulted husband and wife. The unknown black male, is 5’10” to 6’0” tall, 25 – 33 years of age, stocky build with shoulder length dreadlocks. He was wearing a dark colored shirt and dark pants. This occupied burglary occurred on December 21, 2014, 2:39 am, in the 300 block of South K Street, Lake Worth.
MEDIA ADVISORY Unknown male entered an occupied residence and assaulted husband and wife. The unknown black male, is 5’10” to 6’0” tall, 25 – 33 years of age, stocky build with shoulder length dreadlocks. He was wearing a dark colored shirt and dark pants. This occupied burglary occurred on December 21, 2014, 2:39 am, in the 300 block of South K Street, Lake Worth.
Recent Crime Stats
Comment Up
BURGLARY - RESIDENCE--14159480--1000 BLOCK N M ST-->Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 11:15pm
THEFT/LARCENY--14159443--600 BLOCK N C ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 8:26pm
ASSAULT--14159421--900 BLOCK S N ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 12:29pm
BURGLARY - VEHICLE--14159339--1400 BLOCK LAKEVIEW DR--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 2:35pm
VANDALISM--14159333--500 BLOCK N DIXIE HWY--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 12:37pm
SHOOTING 14159812-- 2300 BLOCK 10TH AVE N-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/28/2014 1:50:00 AM
ROBBERY - PERSON-- 14159802-- 700 BLOCK S M ST-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/28/2014 12:21:00 AM
ROBBERY - PERSON-- 14159741-- 1400 BLOCK 6TH AVE N-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 7:53:00 PM
THEFT/LARCENY-- 14159699-- 300 BLOCK S M ST-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 4:58:00 PM
VANDALISM --14159651-- 600 BLOCK LAKE AVE-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 2:22:00 PM
BURGLARY - RESIDENCE-- 14159624-- 1300 BLOCK S C TER-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 1:18:00 PM
BURGLARY - RESIDENCE--14159480--1000 BLOCK N M ST-->Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 11:15pm
THEFT/LARCENY--14159443--600 BLOCK N C ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 8:26pm
ASSAULT--14159421--900 BLOCK S N ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 12:29pm
BURGLARY - VEHICLE--14159339--1400 BLOCK LAKEVIEW DR--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 2:35pm
VANDALISM--14159333--500 BLOCK N DIXIE HWY--Palm Beach County Sheriff--12-26-14 12:37pm
SHOOTING 14159812-- 2300 BLOCK 10TH AVE N-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/28/2014 1:50:00 AM
ROBBERY - PERSON-- 14159802-- 700 BLOCK S M ST-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/28/2014 12:21:00 AM
ROBBERY - PERSON-- 14159741-- 1400 BLOCK 6TH AVE N-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 7:53:00 PM
THEFT/LARCENY-- 14159699-- 300 BLOCK S M ST-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 4:58:00 PM
VANDALISM --14159651-- 600 BLOCK LAKE AVE-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 2:22:00 PM
BURGLARY - RESIDENCE-- 14159624-- 1300 BLOCK S C TER-- Palm Beach County Sheriff-- 12/27/2014 1:18:00 PM
Bellowing and Bellyaching about Prayer
Although there are some here in Lake Worth who are bellowing and bellyaching and overly concerned about the atheist and insisting that now we should capitulate and just have a silent prayer before our city commission meetings...
Prayer before the United States Congress:
Loving God, we give You thanks for giving us another day.
In the waning days of this 113th Congress, we ask Your blessing, oh Lord, upon the Members of this people's House, and most especially upon the leadership. It is on their shoulders the most important negotiations of this Congress have been placed.
They have been entrusted by their fellow Americans with the awesome privilege and responsibility of sustaining the great experiment of democratic self–government. Give them wisdom, grace, insight, and courage to forge legislation that allows us all to move forward toward an encouraging future.
May all that is done this day be for Your greater honor and glory.
Prayer before the United States Congress:
Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, S.J.
Loving God, we give You thanks for giving us another day.In the waning days of this 113th Congress, we ask Your blessing, oh Lord, upon the Members of this people's House, and most especially upon the leadership. It is on their shoulders the most important negotiations of this Congress have been placed.
They have been entrusted by their fellow Americans with the awesome privilege and responsibility of sustaining the great experiment of democratic self–government. Give them wisdom, grace, insight, and courage to forge legislation that allows us all to move forward toward an encouraging future.
May all that is done this day be for Your greater honor and glory.
Obama - What's he going to do next?
Obama's building up quite a
collection of unilateral decisions that are transforming America --
domestically and internationally -- just as he promised. Opening up diplomatic
relations with communist Cuba after a half-century is the latest big one. And that's precisely why
alarms are sounding over what may be Obama's next unthinkable step ...
Read the latest now on
Read the latest now on
AirAsia plane disappears
Air Asia, flying from Indonesia with 162 passengers, is missing. Indonesia is located in South-East Asia. It
borders with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. It is a
muslim-majority country.
Click here
Click here
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Clouds over Jupiter Inlet by Cpt. Kimo
Reprinted with permission
Another Cpt. Kimo spectacular--Dec 24, 2014 - Clouds over the Jupiter Inlet Jetty at Dubois Park in Palm Beach County Florida.
New killer virus for St. Augustine grass
It's a constant struggle to keep a lawn looking good. Every day you are fighting pests along with weeds that are determined to take it over and ruin it all.
Is your St. Augustine grass starting to look like this? If so, you might have the Mosaic Sugarcane Virus. At the moment, there is no treatment for this virus and the University of Florida is working on a cure. This virus appeared in the 1960's on sugarcane and scientists say this is the first time they have seen it transfer to grass. Read more about it
We have been fighting a flowering weed out here on Lake Osborne whose seeds are carried by the wind from John Prince Park that is directly across the road. It grows out like an octopus' tentacles and smothers and kills the grass. The County hasn't sprayed in years and consequently we are struggling to stay on top of it. So far, no mosaic sugarcane virus.
Amnesties and Lawsuits
See the entire report at Numbers USA. It's bad enough that 12 to 20 million people simply cross our borders and stay here illegally costing the American citizen jobs and government resources. This article will explain each amnesty in detail and even mentions one terrorist who was granted amnesty.
For the past 85 years, illegal entry into the United States is a federal crime. For being a criminal crossing our border, you can get up to six months in prison for the first offense and 20 years for the second offense. The employers don't get off the hook either as the maximum penalty under federal statute is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. But what do we do? We don't enforce our laws and Obama now wants 5 million more to be given amnesty. He doesn't enforce e-verify and files suit against Arizona. Seventeen states have now filed a federal lawsuit against Obama's actions on immigration.
The Seven Amnesties Passed by Congress |
1. Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA), 1986: A blanket amnesty for some 2.7 million illegal aliens |
2. Section 245(i) Amnesty, 1994: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens |
3. Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty, 1997: An extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994 |
4. Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty, 1997: An amnesty for close to one million illegal aliens from Central America |
5. Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA), 1998: An amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti |
6. Late Amnesty, 2000: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated 400,000 illegal aliens |
7. LIFE Act Amnesty, 2000: A reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty, an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens |
For the past 85 years, illegal entry into the United States is a federal crime. For being a criminal crossing our border, you can get up to six months in prison for the first offense and 20 years for the second offense. The employers don't get off the hook either as the maximum penalty under federal statute is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. But what do we do? We don't enforce our laws and Obama now wants 5 million more to be given amnesty. He doesn't enforce e-verify and files suit against Arizona. Seventeen states have now filed a federal lawsuit against Obama's actions on immigration.
Quote of the Day - ISIS

Barack Obama called ISIS "the JV team."
Well terrorism's junior varsity has just hacked an American news site, the Albuquerque Journal, to let its readers know Allah has given them new orders.
Click here for details and more of what WND has to say.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Jeff Clemens sponsors new bill
Comment Up
According to Bay News 9, Employers in the state of Florida are currently allowed to request personal login information for social media accounts from employees and potential employees, but a new bill could change that.
SB 126, a bill proposed by state Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth) for the 2015 session, would keep employers from requesting access to employees' — or prospective employees' — social media accounts.
I'm not sure whether I am in favor of this or not. If an employee uses the Internet to access their social networks on company time, then the company might have that right. Companies should ban any use of social media on company time unless it is part of their job. What do you think?
Last Action: 12/12/2014 Senate - Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Judiciary; Rules
Location: In committee/council (CM)
According to Bay News 9, Employers in the state of Florida are currently allowed to request personal login information for social media accounts from employees and potential employees, but a new bill could change that.
SB 126, a bill proposed by state Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth) for the 2015 session, would keep employers from requesting access to employees' — or prospective employees' — social media accounts.
I'm not sure whether I am in favor of this or not. If an employee uses the Internet to access their social networks on company time, then the company might have that right. Companies should ban any use of social media on company time unless it is part of their job. What do you think?
SB 126: Social Media Privacy
Social Media Privacy; Prohibiting an employer from
requesting or requiring access to a social media account of an employee
or prospective employee under certain circumstances; prohibiting an
employer from taking retaliatory personnel action for an employee’s
refusal to allow access to his or her social media account; authorizing
civil action for a violation; specifying that an employer is not
prohibited from seeking access to social media accounts used primarily
for the employer’s business purposes, etc.
Effective Date: 10/1/2015 Last Action: 12/12/2014 Senate - Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Judiciary; Rules
Location: In committee/council (CM)
Florida State of,
Jeff Clemens,
Senate Bills_FL
Post Christmas Thought--If you don't like the message, tune it out
Photo: Shutterstock
Every year we have to put up with contentious battles over the separation of church and state when it should be all about joy and giving.
Atheists like Preston Smith come out of the woodwork and rock our little world by opposing nativities and other religious displays on public land or religious invocations at City Hall. Where do Americans really stand on the contentious Constitutional issue?
"A new Pew Research Center poll found that 44 percent of Americans believe that Christian symbols like nativity scenes should be permitted on government property — even if religious symbols representing other faiths aren’t present to balance them out."
Click here and read what the Blaze has to say--learn what the majority of people think from Rasmussen polling. We continue to cater to the minority and put up with their whining and blasphemy and all the BS that they spew regarding our beliefs and how ridiculous or unfair they are to their lifestyle or sensibilities. If they want to be a standing joke at our city hall, so be it. No one's listening. And just like watching MSNBC, if you don't like what you are hearing, click to your comfort zone and leave the rest of us alone.
Stand up America
Obama and all socially "correct" liberal progressives who are killing this country--LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE!
"Whatever you do in America influences everybody in the world. You have that grace. One thing that Islam is doing to defeat you is causing you to be cowards, fearful to stand up and speak against the invasion of Islamization which is going on in your country. Stand up now, before it is too late.”
"Whatever you do in America influences everybody in the world. You have that grace. One thing that Islam is doing to defeat you is causing you to be cowards, fearful to stand up and speak against the invasion of Islamization which is going on in your country. Stand up now, before it is too late.”
Know Thy Enemy,
Politically Correct,
Occupy, the malcontents
Occupy Lake Worth
October 2011
October 2011
This is what Occupy has recently said on its web site and on Facebook:
“Fifth Avenue is the world’s most expensive shopping street – a playground for the global 1%. **This 1% is precisely who the police serve and protect. They flood black, Latino and other oppressed communities like an occupying army so as to intimidate us into accepting things the way they are.”
On its Facebook page, Occupy Wall Street gave this statement about the protest: “The people will not be intimidated. We will not accept poverty wages, racist courts and a corrupt political system.”
These losers are rallying around this bunk. This country gives every citizen the same opportunity for success. Those who need help can get it. But Occupy with its communist Marxist sympathizers who desire a classless society with everyone's wealth the same, believe this country owes them and they want to take it and you down. They believe in huge government and that it should own everything--that people should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally.
Viva free enterprise. It's what has made this country great.
Occupy Wall Street,
The highest and lowest of Governor salaries
Eight governors did not accept their salaries or accepted reduced salaries in 2014:
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley,a Republican, bypassed his salary in 2013 and 2014, noting that he would not accept a salary until his state achieved full employment. Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott only accepted 12 cents of his salary, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, also a Republican, collected $1 of his salary, and Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Haslam returned his 2014 salary to the state.
Click here... to see the salaries in the rest of the country.
And a little trivia from the Council of States Government Knowledge Center, the average salary for a governor in the 48 states was $7,823 in 1937. When adjusted for inflation, the average salary for a governor in 1937 becomes $129,313—just 4 percent shy of the average salary in 2014.
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley,a Republican, bypassed his salary in 2013 and 2014, noting that he would not accept a salary until his state achieved full employment. Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott only accepted 12 cents of his salary, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, also a Republican, collected $1 of his salary, and Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Haslam returned his 2014 salary to the state.
Click here... to see the salaries in the rest of the country.
And a little trivia from the Council of States Government Knowledge Center, the average salary for a governor in the 48 states was $7,823 in 1937. When adjusted for inflation, the average salary for a governor in 1937 becomes $129,313—just 4 percent shy of the average salary in 2014.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Bumi gets Christmas present at Palm Beach Zoo
Our fabulous Palm Beach Zoo has a new Malayan tiger--Bumi.
The Spirt of Christmas
May the Spirit of Christmas be with you each and every day.
Christmas Card 2014
The simplest and most common Christian cross is the Latin cross--
It shines on the water above
and in our hearts.
The simplest and most common Christian cross is the Latin cross--
It shines on the water above
and in our hearts.
Radicals behind protests in New York
Comment Up
"Missing from most news coverage is that the anti-police protests rocking New York are being openly coordinated and led by professional radical leftist agitators, primarily Occupy Wall Street and a communist aligned anti-war, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian extremist organization." Bill De Blasio just doesn't get it and neither do progressive leftist groups.
"Missing from most news coverage is that the anti-police protests rocking New York are being openly coordinated and led by professional radical leftist agitators, primarily Occupy Wall Street and a communist aligned anti-war, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian extremist organization." Bill De Blasio just doesn't get it and neither do progressive leftist groups.
Read more... from best-selling author Aaron Klein at WND.
Can we take back our country?
Occupy Wall Street,
A Christmas Message
This year, it just dawned on me that I have been more consumed with Christmas than in any other year especially over the past several days. I believe I can attribute this more intense interest to Preston Smith the atheist and his side-kick Chaz Stevens the Satanist. People have a way of inspiring you whether you know it or not--inspire to a deeper level of meaning exerted directly on your mind or soul. And for me, Smith's atheist speech brought out those feelings even more. I also believe that you had to be a witness to his non-belief to know how wrong he is and in that revelation, it helped solidify my own beliefs that I had not really dwelled upon but simply took for granted. But no matter what the inspiration, this is a video that IS the spirit of Christmas.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Wishing you a Merry Christmas
Christmas is no trivial matter although there are some who are trying to make it so. Its significance is known to all the people, all over the world. And as people across the globe celebrate Christmas which signifies the birth of Christianity and the largest religion in the world especially in our country, Lynn's Little bit of Trivia wishes you a beautiful and spiritual Christmas Holiday. Thanks for all your support throughout the year. Without you, it wouldn't be as much fun.
"The Interview" will play in Lake Worth
Let's give Kim Jong Un a holiday message--drop dead.
According to The Palm Beach Post, the Lake Worth Drive-In and the Swap Shop in Sunrise will show “The Interview” at 7 p.m. on Christmas, said Preston Henn, who owns both theaters and Fun-Lan Drive-In in Tampa, where he said the movie will also play.
According to The Palm Beach Post, the Lake Worth Drive-In and the Swap Shop in Sunrise will show “The Interview” at 7 p.m. on Christmas, said Preston Henn, who owns both theaters and Fun-Lan Drive-In in Tampa, where he said the movie will also play.
PB County Circuit Judges appointed
A little trivia:
Governor Rick Scott just appointed three Palm Beach County conservative circuit court judges:
Hoard Coates, Edward Artau and County Prosecutor, Kirk Volker.
Does anyone remember Dan Volker from about 7 years ago or so? He lives in Lake Worth and heavily involved in scuba and protecting our environment. He was vocal when Palm Beach was doing all that dredging after PB was turned down by the Lake Worth city commission to run its sand filled trucks through our beach.
Dan is the brother of Kirk Volker who is married to a Lake Worth High alumnus.
Governor Rick Scott just appointed three Palm Beach County conservative circuit court judges:
Hoard Coates, Edward Artau and County Prosecutor, Kirk Volker.
Does anyone remember Dan Volker from about 7 years ago or so? He lives in Lake Worth and heavily involved in scuba and protecting our environment. He was vocal when Palm Beach was doing all that dredging after PB was turned down by the Lake Worth city commission to run its sand filled trucks through our beach.
Dan is the brother of Kirk Volker who is married to a Lake Worth High alumnus.
A few favorite Christmas cards 2014
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These are a few of my favorite Christmas Cards for 2014--I couldn't scan all of them but I particularly appreciate Vice Mayor Maxwell's card. Scott does not politicize relationships. A lot can be learned from that. He has finesse and can always rise above politics which is a sign of a leader. Merry Christmas to all.
These are a few of my favorite Christmas Cards for 2014--I couldn't scan all of them but I particularly appreciate Vice Mayor Maxwell's card. Scott does not politicize relationships. A lot can be learned from that. He has finesse and can always rise above politics which is a sign of a leader. Merry Christmas to all.
Quote of the Day - Sister Hatune Dogan
At this time of year, I think about my religion more than ever---the birth of Jesus and his teachings--and then my thoughts wander to all of those in the world who are killing Christians and committing horrible atrocities. Thus, Sister Dogan's truth is an important message.
“Twenty-five times in the Quran it says to kill Christians because we are involved in polytheism [which is untrue]. Also it says to not make friends with Christians. A mosque is not just for prayer, it is to prepare to kill the unbeliever and control the world.”
~ Sister Hatune Dogan
Europe is on its way to becoming the next battleground for Islam, especially Belgium and France, where Muslims make up 6 to 10 percent of the population. Sister Hatune’s adopted country of Germany is at least 4 percent Muslim and has more than 4,000 mosques. In the Quran there are 97 verses against the unbeliever.
Mosques have soared by 75% over the last decade in the U.S.According to this source we have 6.67 million Muslims living here.
Read more... at WND. This is an interesting article and a good read. Know Thy Enemy.

~ Sister Hatune Dogan
Europe is on its way to becoming the next battleground for Islam, especially Belgium and France, where Muslims make up 6 to 10 percent of the population. Sister Hatune’s adopted country of Germany is at least 4 percent Muslim and has more than 4,000 mosques. In the Quran there are 97 verses against the unbeliever.
Mosques have soared by 75% over the last decade in the U.S.According to this source we have 6.67 million Muslims living here.
Read more... at WND. This is an interesting article and a good read. Know Thy Enemy.
Know Thy Enemy,
Quote of the Day,
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Two women robbed in Lake Worth
Unknown armed black male attacks and robs two females in the parking lot of Lupita’s Restaurant in the City of Lake Worth.
The unknown male suspect is believed to be in his mid-20’s, 5’08” to 5’10”, average build with short hair. He was seen exiting a silver minivan.
This incident occurred on December 21, 2014, shortly after 2:00 am, in the 400 block of N. Dixie Highway, Lake Worth.
If anyone can identify this suspect or vehicle they are urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS
City of Lake Worth,
Crime Stoppers,
Some loser set our Methodist Church on fire
They sure keep coming out of the woodwork, don't they?
Lakeside United Methodist Church is where I vote.
City of Lake Worth,
Fire Rescue
Chapel by the Sea - Illegal decision made by West Palm Beach Commission
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Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to politicians doing whatever the heck they want to do to achieve their desired end. Earlier in the year, the West Palm Beach City Commission voted 5-0 to allow a developer to build 295,000-square-foot, 70-to-74 unit luxury high-rise on Flagler Drive.
A political action committee, Citizens for Thoughtful Growth, was formed to protect the quality of life for West Palm Beach citizens and businesses by advocating controlled growth and preservation of an appropriate Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. They sued the City contending that the West Palm Beach commission bypasssed the Planning and Zoning Board in order to give the developer a waiver on the 3.21 acre property. Waivers are given out like M&M's by politicians.
An Appellate Court just ruled in favor of the citizens by saying, "It was illegal for the City Commission to bypass the Planning & Zoning Board."
It sure is getting old to constantly fight corrupt decisions made by politicians who should be looking at the greater good and working within the rules--just an example of why we need to throw the bums out.

This chapel has been demolished for a highrise--
land that has been used by the church for 111 years.
It was all about MONEY
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to politicians doing whatever the heck they want to do to achieve their desired end. Earlier in the year, the West Palm Beach City Commission voted 5-0 to allow a developer to build 295,000-square-foot, 70-to-74 unit luxury high-rise on Flagler Drive.
A political action committee, Citizens for Thoughtful Growth, was formed to protect the quality of life for West Palm Beach citizens and businesses by advocating controlled growth and preservation of an appropriate Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. They sued the City contending that the West Palm Beach commission bypasssed the Planning and Zoning Board in order to give the developer a waiver on the 3.21 acre property. Waivers are given out like M&M's by politicians.
An Appellate Court just ruled in favor of the citizens by saying, "It was illegal for the City Commission to bypass the Planning & Zoning Board."
It sure is getting old to constantly fight corrupt decisions made by politicians who should be looking at the greater good and working within the rules--just an example of why we need to throw the bums out.
Lake Worth Streets Division hard at work
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Last night, a sink hole was noticed on the condo property across from me and the City of Lake Worth was called. The department sent out someone last night to put yellow tape around the hole.
These employees, one of whom has been with us for six years, start their shift at 6am. They let me know that they did have their coffee before climbing into this hole.
Although they did not know what caused this or how deep it went, they assured us that they would soon know and solve the problem.
Last night, a sink hole was noticed on the condo property across from me and the City of Lake Worth was called. The department sent out someone last night to put yellow tape around the hole.
These employees, one of whom has been with us for six years, start their shift at 6am. They let me know that they did have their coffee before climbing into this hole.
Although they did not know what caused this or how deep it went, they assured us that they would soon know and solve the problem.
City of Lake Worth,
Streets and Alleys
Sheriff David Clarke speaks out
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“Al Sharpton has led a pathway that has led to police hatred all across
America. He doesn’t believe a word of what he said, today – neither does
anyone else. He does propagate violence. He propagates hate, he’s self
serving, and it’s about time that America starts to turn away from Al
Sharpton and some of these other cop haters we’ve heard so much from for
the past couple of months.”
~ Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee

~ Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee
Monday, December 22, 2014
Jeff Clemens Bill SJR 208
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This is a sensible Jeff Clemens bill:
SJR 208: Convicted Felons/Voting Rights and Right to Hold Public Office
This is a sensible Jeff Clemens bill:
SJR 208: Convicted Felons/Voting Rights and Right to Hold Public Office
Convicted Felons/Voting Rights and Right to Hold Public Office;
Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to automatically
restore the voting rights and right to hold public office of certain
convicted felons, etc.
Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to automatically restore the right to vote and hold office of a person convicted of a felony, other than one involving a sexual offense or a homicide, upon completion of sentence.
Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to automatically restore the right to vote and hold office of a person convicted of a felony, other than one involving a sexual offense or a homicide, upon completion of sentence.
Florida State of,
Jeff Clemens,
Senate Bills_FL
An Immigrant's Petition
This appeal on by an Arizona family is shocking if you consider the fact that Obama is allowing 5 million illegals to stay here and be given amnesty. This family immigrated here the legal way and now are being threatened with deportation--
Let us keep our American dream
Caroline Catois United States
An 8 year backlog in issuing green cards could result in my family losing everything. We moved to the U.S. legally over eight years ago and have a thriving business, but until we receive our green cards, we will be forced to leave the US. when our visa expires. We will not be allowed to return until our green cards are issued, leaving behind our business, our children’s education, and what we now consider home. Please stand with us in asking for a special provision allowing us to stay until our green cards are issued.
My husband and I wanted to open our own restaurant and raise our family in the United States. In 2006 we went for it, successfully obtaining a 2-year investment visa and moving to Scottsdale, Arizona. Our endeavor was quickly rewarded with a restaurant filled with loyal customers. We bought a house, a car, paid all the necessary taxes, enrolled our four children in school, and engaged in the local community. Our American dream was now a reality and in 2010 we applied for our green cards.
In 2014 we finally got the wonderful news we had been approved for our green cards. The good news quickly turned into a horrifying scenario. We learned it could take up to eight years to be issued. We were devastated. Under the green card program, our current visas will expire and will not be able to be renewed. We will be forced to leave the country and unable to return for possibly 8 years. Doing so would mean disaster -- our business would have to be closed, our children wouldn’t be able to return to their schools, and our bills would stack up.
We have done everything right and it feels like we are being punished. The State Department has the power to issue a special provision for my family. My family needs your support before we are forced to leave and lose everything. We need your help to get our story out and the attention of the State Department. Please sign and share our petition today. Thank you.
Sign Caroline’s Petition on
Let us keep our American dream
Caroline Catois United States
An 8 year backlog in issuing green cards could result in my family losing everything. We moved to the U.S. legally over eight years ago and have a thriving business, but until we receive our green cards, we will be forced to leave the US. when our visa expires. We will not be allowed to return until our green cards are issued, leaving behind our business, our children’s education, and what we now consider home. Please stand with us in asking for a special provision allowing us to stay until our green cards are issued.
My husband and I wanted to open our own restaurant and raise our family in the United States. In 2006 we went for it, successfully obtaining a 2-year investment visa and moving to Scottsdale, Arizona. Our endeavor was quickly rewarded with a restaurant filled with loyal customers. We bought a house, a car, paid all the necessary taxes, enrolled our four children in school, and engaged in the local community. Our American dream was now a reality and in 2010 we applied for our green cards.
In 2014 we finally got the wonderful news we had been approved for our green cards. The good news quickly turned into a horrifying scenario. We learned it could take up to eight years to be issued. We were devastated. Under the green card program, our current visas will expire and will not be able to be renewed. We will be forced to leave the country and unable to return for possibly 8 years. Doing so would mean disaster -- our business would have to be closed, our children wouldn’t be able to return to their schools, and our bills would stack up.
We have done everything right and it feels like we are being punished. The State Department has the power to issue a special provision for my family. My family needs your support before we are forced to leave and lose everything. We need your help to get our story out and the attention of the State Department. Please sign and share our petition today. Thank you.
Sign Caroline’s Petition on
False attribution wins Evangelist $1 million suit
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Since dishonesty is inherent in politics, the only recourse we have is to vote the bums out when their lying, obfuscation, and double-dealing become too egregious. We saw a lot of that over the last year or two in Lake Worth where the citizenry was kept in the dark on some important issues or when the commission actually ignored the will of the people on the heights amendment or kept the facts from us on the general obligation bond.
As we head into this campaign cycle in Lake Worth, politics can get extremely nasty and testy. So, be careful out there. Of course, no one in Lake Worth would be able to afford a million dollar settlement for spurious phony comments.
Click here... to read the article and how David Barton, who earned his degree from Oral Roberts University and is an evangelical Christian minister, conservative activist, and author, won a legal suit even against an atheist.
Since dishonesty is inherent in politics, the only recourse we have is to vote the bums out when their lying, obfuscation, and double-dealing become too egregious. We saw a lot of that over the last year or two in Lake Worth where the citizenry was kept in the dark on some important issues or when the commission actually ignored the will of the people on the heights amendment or kept the facts from us on the general obligation bond.
As we head into this campaign cycle in Lake Worth, politics can get extremely nasty and testy. So, be careful out there. Of course, no one in Lake Worth would be able to afford a million dollar settlement for spurious phony comments.
Click here... to read the article and how David Barton, who earned his degree from Oral Roberts University and is an evangelical Christian minister, conservative activist, and author, won a legal suit even against an atheist.
Common Core may be Jeb Bush's Achilles Heel
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With Jeb Bush's support of Common Core in Education be his downfall for a presidential bid?
Click here
With Jeb Bush's support of Common Core in Education be his downfall for a presidential bid?
Dr. Karen Effrem of Florida Stop Common Core Coalition says, “We’re not too excited about him running for president
because of his major support for Common Core, which he’s not backing off
of and his family’s legacy of increasing the federal footprint ... and
federal control over education,” she told Sunshine State News.
Click here
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Glenn Beck's Person of the Year
As Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Occupy Wall Street and other communistic people and groups who want to tell us that "we the people built it" and not the job creators--corporations and companies through blood, sweat and tears taking the risks, Glenn Beck has nominated his Person of the Year.
Read about it...and how this private corporation that employs 23,000 people in 572 stores stood up for their civil rights by suing Obama and the federal government and won.
On June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Hobby Lobby and other "closely held" stock corporations can choose to be exempt from the law based on religious preferences, based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act but not on the First Amendment.
Read about it...and how this private corporation that employs 23,000 people in 572 stores stood up for their civil rights by suing Obama and the federal government and won.
On June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Hobby Lobby and other "closely held" stock corporations can choose to be exempt from the law based on religious preferences, based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act but not on the First Amendment.
Glenn Beck,
Supreme Court
Good and Evil
More on the war on Christmas.
Church of All Nations Pastor Mark D. Boykin says enough is enough when it comes to certain non-traditional public prayers...That's the spirit of Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer, the Columbine murders, said Boykin in reference to the recent atheist Preston Smith giving the invocation at Lake Worth City Hall and Chaz Stevens requesting to give a satanic prayer.
Click here
Church of All Nations Pastor Mark D. Boykin says enough is enough when it comes to certain non-traditional public prayers...That's the spirit of Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer, the Columbine murders, said Boykin in reference to the recent atheist Preston Smith giving the invocation at Lake Worth City Hall and Chaz Stevens requesting to give a satanic prayer.
Click here
Chaz Stevens,
Preston Smith,
Seasonal Message from President of ROLO
As a neighborhood or
neighborhood(s) we all need to take time to reflect and visit what was great
and what was a challenge in our "neck of the woods." As we do that,
first we would like to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, and
Merry Christmas. For those who do not celebrate any holidays, we just all wish
you good tidings of joy!
Since the holiday season has begun, we have seen the up swing of burglaries and we really hope that our law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to bring all of them to justice, but we also want to take the time to praise and thank all Law Enforcement Agencies for their efforts. God Bless them and may they be safe everyday.
This is the season of giving and with that we wish all your families a successful giving spirit, not to just each other but back to your communities. Please realize the potential that each of your communities have to grow and prosper! By working across nationalities, religions and cultures, a community can grow and become strong in how it functions, how property values can increase and how diversity makes us all stronger.
Always reach out to a neighbor, regardless of whether you agree or disagree and just know in your heart when you need help they will be there for you and when they need help you can be there for them.
We prove this everyday in the Residences of Lake Osborne and we are all so proud to call each other neighbors. May the need of your family be met each day and Happy Holidays to all!
Robert Waples
President of ROLO (Residents of Lake Osborne)
Since the holiday season has begun, we have seen the up swing of burglaries and we really hope that our law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to bring all of them to justice, but we also want to take the time to praise and thank all Law Enforcement Agencies for their efforts. God Bless them and may they be safe everyday.
This is the season of giving and with that we wish all your families a successful giving spirit, not to just each other but back to your communities. Please realize the potential that each of your communities have to grow and prosper! By working across nationalities, religions and cultures, a community can grow and become strong in how it functions, how property values can increase and how diversity makes us all stronger.
Always reach out to a neighbor, regardless of whether you agree or disagree and just know in your heart when you need help they will be there for you and when they need help you can be there for them.
We prove this everyday in the Residences of Lake Osborne and we are all so proud to call each other neighbors. May the need of your family be met each day and Happy Holidays to all!
Robert Waples
President of ROLO (Residents of Lake Osborne)
Neighborhood Assns,
Robert Waples
Saturday, December 20, 2014
My Vintage Ceramic Christmas Tree
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I seldom visit flea markets but when I do, sometimes I spot something really fun and interesting. This little ceramic tree is one of those times. It brought back memories of a time past, very happy times when my family was still alive and Christmas was a super special family day.
Many of you are just not old enough but those who are might remember the 1960-1970's when these little ceramic trees were very popular. Our artist population in Lake Worth should appreciate this. The little trees came about by people who wanted to create their own gifts and decided to learn how to paint and do their own ceramics.
"This lead to holiday decorations and several different ceramic mold companies in the Midwest started producing their own version of the now classic Ceramic Christmas Tree. The earliest versions of trees had tiny electric bulbs that lit individually. As technology developed in plastics and lighting, the older versions of tiny individual bulbs were replaced by trees that lit from within using only one light bulb to light an entire tree that is decorated with small, colorful plastic bulbs." That is how my tree is lighted--with one single bulb.
"Vintage trees from this era are painted in a variety of colors, styles and textures. Some are glazed, some finished in acryllic paint, some with snow and many without, but one thing is clear --- people still love those remarkable handmade ceramic Christmas Trees! Since these trees are made from fired clay, little care is required, making them perfect for holiday decorations and gifts that easily last many, many years." Read more at Ceramic Christmas Trees.
I bought mine for $3 and it could be worth over $135. The value is limitless as far as memories and just the simplistic beauty of it.
I seldom visit flea markets but when I do, sometimes I spot something really fun and interesting. This little ceramic tree is one of those times. It brought back memories of a time past, very happy times when my family was still alive and Christmas was a super special family day.
Many of you are just not old enough but those who are might remember the 1960-1970's when these little ceramic trees were very popular. Our artist population in Lake Worth should appreciate this. The little trees came about by people who wanted to create their own gifts and decided to learn how to paint and do their own ceramics.
"This lead to holiday decorations and several different ceramic mold companies in the Midwest started producing their own version of the now classic Ceramic Christmas Tree. The earliest versions of trees had tiny electric bulbs that lit individually. As technology developed in plastics and lighting, the older versions of tiny individual bulbs were replaced by trees that lit from within using only one light bulb to light an entire tree that is decorated with small, colorful plastic bulbs." That is how my tree is lighted--with one single bulb.
"Vintage trees from this era are painted in a variety of colors, styles and textures. Some are glazed, some finished in acryllic paint, some with snow and many without, but one thing is clear --- people still love those remarkable handmade ceramic Christmas Trees! Since these trees are made from fired clay, little care is required, making them perfect for holiday decorations and gifts that easily last many, many years." Read more at Ceramic Christmas Trees.
I bought mine for $3 and it could be worth over $135. The value is limitless as far as memories and just the simplistic beauty of it.
Palm Beach County Schools
It seems as if every kid in Palm Beach County is smart! Of course, they have no idea who the Vice President of the United States is.
School grades and Demographics Palm Beach County--
Click here
Quote of the Day - Chaz the Satanist gets in the Act

~ Chaz Stevens, satanist
Read more... at Broward/Palm Beach New Times.
This blog should be entitled the most insulting quote of the day. But it's free speech and they're all coming out of the woodwork thanks to our Supreme Court. Why would anyone worship evil unless they are stark raving mad. Did the Supreme Court say we had to have "mad" men give invocations? Can't we require a note from their doctor before they are allowed to speak in front of the assembly? :) I believe that Chaz Stevens is not adhering to satanic commandment numbers 1, 2 & 3 below.
The eleven satanic commandments by Anton Szandor LaVey who founded the Church of Satan in 1966.
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm little children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
Chaz Stevens,
Quote of the Day,
Supreme Court
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