Saturday, September 7, 2013

Quote of the Day - Cleric Abu Dhar 'Azzam

As Obama has now thrown the decision (whether to bomb Syria and give Assad a little slap on the wrist for crossing the red line) over to the Congress, remember one thing--these people, whether the Syrian government or the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda rebels, live under an ideology that HATES what we stand for...they hate America...they hate us.

“If we neglect the jihadi, ideological and spiritual upbringing of the new youngsters and the new generation, history will not forgive us, and the disgrace of this treason will not be erased from our foreheads. “The ummah is in dire need of children [who will be] slaughterers and fighters of the infidels and the devils – children who will be ascetics by night and knights by day, children who will fight the infidels and the leaders of polytheism.”

~  Abu Dhar ‘Azzam, cleric for Al Qaeda

He said this while commending the Tsarnaev brothers. Read about it.

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