Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lake Worth Citizen Survey

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In case you have not yet taken the City Survey--

The city says: Welcome to the City of Lake Worth City of Lake Worth Citizen Survey 2013 - Let Us Know Your Thoughts The City Commission is interested in your opinions and suggestions. Your participation will provide valuable input that will help Lake Worth improve and meet your expectations.

 Click Here and then click Welcome to the City of Lake Worth to take the survey online.


Weetha Peebull said...

Are they afraid to actually "TALK" to US? How can you know what the people want if you do not ASK Them? I am really put off by this. Government is suppose to be "Öf, by and for the people"! To set up the questions and ASSUME you know what I want by "these" questions and NO BLANK SPACE for OTHER Comments shows how out of touch they are w/the people.

Lynn Anderson said...

It sounded like it was written by the mayor. Sorry, but that's the impression I got. The most important issue in this city, as Mr.Timm would say, is CODE ENFORCEMENT. Everything else is secondary.

Anonymous said...

This will be utilized by the mayor for political purposes. Overall, it was quite meaningless.