Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Developer wants to revive his plans for hotel in Boynton Beach

Back in November/December 2007, a developer wanted to build a 102 unit, 5 story hotel across from Leisureville in Boynton Beach even though the height limit was 4 stories. Read about it.

Boynton's Planning & Zoning board recommended against giving the developer a variance to build one extra story but politics got in the way with the Commission approving it. Residents protested at the December 18, 2007 meeting  and came before the Commission giving their objections. The commission could have cared less. He put the idea on hold waiting for the economy to turn. Now he is back and wants to go forward with his hotel project.

This is a prime example as to why a Charter change is absolutely necessary on height limitations. If you don't have that protection, politics will always get in the way of good planning or the wishes of the public.

Read the latest.

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