Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fox News Obama/Romney Latest Polls

Watch the latest video at


Anonymous said...

Rasmussen/Fux News also has Romney up by 5% in Ohio when the rest of the world has Obama up.
Who do you really believe?

Anonymous said...

All I can say re the FOX poll...
Consider the source.
Romney is going down,
he can't buy the office
like Scott did.
He's dumber than Scott
and that's dumb zero.

Lynn Anderson said...

Is Obama not trying to BUY his office back? God you people are really lame. Obama might very well win but he will not win the popular vote, IMO. It will be a tragedy for this country if he wins, unless, of course, you are totally into Socialism and wanting us to be a second rate power in the world with a huge debt from which we will NEVER RECOVER.

I am not in to electing some rock star who speaks well.