Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walker Wins -- Union Loses

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“Tonight voters said ‘no’ to the tired, liberal ideas of yesterday and ‘yes’ to fiscal responsibility and a new direction.”

~ Mitt Romney

Unions only have power in that they negotiated one sided contracts in the past that are weighing down on cities throughout the country. Those bad union contracts are now forcing cities to struggle along in this recessive economy trying to pay the outrageous benefits that were contracted in the past.

The Unions tried to recall Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, pouring millions of union money into the recall campaign because of his collective bargaining reforms. Democrats went after him with a vengeance even getting donations from out of the state. The people spoke at the polls yesterday saying, "no more bull."

Under Walker, the State of Wisconsin has a $154 million budget surplus when it faced a $3.6 billion deficit before he took office; 30,000 new jobs; and a 6.7 percent unemployment rate, the lowest in almost four years.


Some Luv for LW said...

Glad to see there is still hope for the good ole U.S.of A.

Anonymous said...

So you'll be moving to Wisconsin when?

Anonymous said...

Thank God the people put the Senate back in control of the Democrats who will put a check on Walker's tea party agenda.

Anonymous said...

I'll move to Wisconsin when the unions move out.