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The entire night felt like this graphic
My theory has always been, expect the worst and things never are that bad. My theory was shot to hell last night. Resolution 24-2012 was the first of the worst and it was a "worst" for various reasons.
Two commissioners had the audacity to allow the city manager to waive utility fees for the CRA for those people who have been granted new low cost housing in the NSP2 program and given mortgages at zero interest. Thanks to the U.S. government, a government that continues to be more socialistic on a daily basis, the CRA is spending this money like a wild fire. It's bad enough that they are on a mission to attract more poor folks to our city and now they want the taxpayers to pick up the utility connection fees for a homeowner that is in the CRA district. The city doesn't even get the real estate taxes. Such a deal. But to add insult to injury, the City of Lake Worth put it on the agenda for a quick vote with NO discussion and has given the power to the City Manager to waive utility fees for these folks via the CRA.
These start-up fees would give the CRA the following breaks: • Water and sewer tapping charges $1,295.00 each • Water reserve capacity charges. $3,416.00 each • Sewer reserve capacity charges $2,650.00 each • Water meter set-up fees $230.00 each • Any water meter down-sizing costs • Unmetered fire line inspection charges
These charges, fees and costs have been set by the City Commission by Resolution Nos. 30-2011 and 32-2011 and by Ordinance No. 2009-12, respectively.
We are NOT a social services agency. We are not in the government give-away business. Commissioner Mulvehill attempted to pull this consent agenda item to New Business for discussion and to allow the public to speak to it but the visionaries were having no part of that. Why did this commission of Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso allow this to happen especially when the Mayor is always concerned about transparency? Do they care about the people they represent? It was a 2/2 vote (McVoy had not yet arrived at the meeting) so it failed. There should have been discussion when fees are being waived for anyone receiving money on the taxpayer dime. This has set a bad policy.
And even though Scott Maxwell voted "no" on Resolution 24-2012, he voted with the Duo to make the Visionary Trio complete. The Consent Agenda was passed on a 3 to 2 vote. Nothing like solidarity.
Low cost housing, poor people,mostrly uneducated and free utility fees, this is another (social experiment) disaster waiting to happen. As I look at my crystal ball I see a foggy future for all these low cost tennants... their homes will not be kept up and evantully LW will just add sh*tty looking property to our decaing inventory of unkept properties. I've have seen this happen in other parts of the U.S.A, we aren't the execption.
Hey Lynn just a commnet, your outfit last night was really a head turner... HOT!
So Commissioners McVoy and Mulvehill are posturing for reelection. So what? It is not the first time that has happened and it won't be the last.
We were in the same position 4 years ago with higher height restrictions when Jennings-Golden --Mulvehill became the Commission majority and they changed everything in the Comp Plan Revision Process and the structure of the P&Z Board to reflect their views. Now this new Commission Majority is doing the same thing. No wonder this has taken 7.5 years and is not over.
The only difference this time is that we have lower building heights and this majority knows how to get things done. can we just finish this and move on. It is not as if we don't have other problems.
Dale, are you a developer or a real estate person or just a growth whore in general? Perhaps you have been talking to the boogy man too often.
And the topic is?
The backup material had hundreds of thousands of dollars listed as the amount given up by the city in fees from the CRA. Why? Don't we have a big budget deficit?
OK, I will try again.
If we have a budget deficit looming, why are we giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees.
Even if it all goes to the utilities, couldnt we reduce the utility bills?
The Growth Whore wannabe name was just a joke. You have got to lighten up here folks.
The sky is falling and all that we have left are hovels for the little chickens......
It is totally inappropriate to call each other names. We are all neighbors, we all have passions and opinions and we are all part of this city; in fact WE ALL ARE THIS CITY. Remembering the words of Rodney King 'Can we all get along?"
Look to the top for leadership in that area. This visionary is doing the name calling.
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